Vermont Vegetable and Berry Growers Newsletters
Listed by date and main topics covered.
Copyright applies, please request permission before
distribution or duplication.
- Feb. 5--Grower webinars, reports from the field, VVBGA and NEFVC presentation slides, scale testing in April, and more
- Jan. 2--MASC program, VVBGA 2025 annual meeting and membership, management guides, optimize high tunnels, webinars.
- Dec. 11--Renew membership or joing VVBGA, 2025 VVBGA annual meeting, upcoming webinars and meetings
- Nov. 5--Reports from the field, conservations districts, NRCS subcommittees, organic mentoring, upcoming meetings
- Oct. 2--Reports from the field, updates on plant diseases, pollinator support, and soil health, upcoming events
- Sept. 4--Reports from the field, updates from plant diagnostic clinic, pollinator support updates, ag engineering updates
- Aug. 2--NRCS deadline, leaf analysis, reports from the field, pollinator report, ag engineering update, farm first services
- July 3--Reports from the field, updates from plant diagnostic clinic, pollinator support and ag engineering, upcoming events
- June 3 --Reports from the field, on-farm workshop, plant diagostic updates, soil health tips, pollinatior report, ag water update
- May 1--Reports from the field, pollinator support report, create your PYO farm listing, plant diagnostic clinic updates
- April 1--Reports from the field, pollinator support meetings, high tunnel newsletter, upcoming events, recent reports
- Mar. 4--Reports from the field, tech tips, pollinator update, high tunnel soil testing, health savigs accounts, upcoming events
- Feb. 1--Annual meeting slides posted, new VVBGA PYO marketing site, winter webinars and conferences
- Jan. 10--VVBGA 2024 annual meeting and membership, management guides, grower webinars, high tunnel soil testing, etc.
- Dec.4--VVBGA 2024 annual meeting, crop insurance webinars, produce safety resources
- Nov.1--Reports from the field, ag engineering updates, high tunnel conference
- Oct. 3--Reports from the field, pollinator support report, upcoming events
- Sept. 5--Reports from the field, test garlic seed, $10K grants for weather losses, upcoming events
- Aug. 1--Reports from the field, soil health in saturated fields, pollinator report, ag engineering updates, upcoming events
- July 3--Reports from the field, pollinator support updates, ag engineering updates, upcoming on-farm events
- June 1-- Reposrts from the field, irrigation water reporting, summer cover crops, pollinator updates, ag engineering updates
- May 1--Reports from the field, pollinator updates, ag engineering updates
- April 4--Reports from the field, pollinator program updates, ag engineering updates
- March 1--Reports from the field, agricultural engineering updates, upcoming events
- Feb. 2--Reports from the field, time to test high tunnel soils,ag census deadline, winter meeting slides on-line, upcoming events
- Jan. 2--Twenty-three practices to consider for 2023
- Nov. 1--Reports from the field, EQUIP sign up deadline, New England Vegetable and Fruit Conference
- Oct. 3--Reports from the field, cover crop decision tool, pollinator report, SCRUB resources, upcoming events
- Sept. 1--Reports from the field, cyclament mite in strawberry, nematode testing, pollinator update, farm transfer support
- Aug. 1--Reports from the field, small fruit leaf analysis, ag engineering resources, summer pollinator report
- July 1-- Reports from the field. irrigation rporting, PSNT, laf analysis, pollinator update, aphids in tunnels, beet Cercospora sprays
- June 2--Reports from the field, crop pollinator update, new ag enginering resources, pest report, sign up for the ag census
- May 3--Reports from the field, new pollinator resources, leek moth update, join the VNLA Iva Leibig
- April 1--Reports from the field, spring webinars posted, ag enginnering resources, inect pest research update
- March 1--Reports from the field, remembering Gary Bombard, GH heater check list, ag engineering resources, upcoming events
- Feb. 1- VVBGA annual meeting recording, reports from the field, ag engineering resources, spring webinars
- Jan. 6--Join the VVBGA, Annual Meeting agenda, 22 ways to optimize tunnel production in 2022
- Dec. 10--Join the VVBGA, upcoming events, information resoruces to check out
- Nov.1--Reports from the field, use your VVBGA soil health site, surveys, NRCS ranking dates, coming events
- Oct. 4--Reports from the field, free supplies available from the VAAFM, new resources from 日韩无码 ag engineering
- Sept. 1--Reports from the field, plant diagnostic update, ag enginnering resources, soil health updates, small bites, GBN testing
- Aug. 2--Reports from the field, ag engineering update, weekly scouting reports, tecnical assistance on wash-pack topics
- July 2--Reports from the field. lightning safety, updates from 日韩无码 Extension ag enginnering, soil health and plant diagnostic clinic
- June 1--Reports from the field, weekly pest scouting reports, MOFGA pest updates, UMass vegetable notes
- May 4--Reports from the field, update from the plant diagnostic clinic, grower webinar recordings, join the VVBGA
- April 1--Reports from the field, GH scouting resources, production guides on-line, postharvest resources
- March 1--Newsletter survey, two dozen practices to consider this year, webinars
- Feb. 1--Reports from the field, VVBGA meeting talks posted, ag engineering resources, E. NY conference
- Jan.5 --New 日韩无码 Extension and VVBGA web sites, annual meeting agenda, NOFA-VT winter conference
- Dec. 2--New vegandberry web site, VVBGA webinars, CFAP2 funding d eadline, reports from the field
- Nov. 2--VVBGA webinars, reports from the field, ag enginnering tips, assistance program sign-up deadlines, grower surveys
- Oct. 2--VVBGA webinars, reports from the field, field pea survey, NE greenhouse webinars
- Sept. 3--Reports from the field, soil health update, diagnostic clinic update, ag engineering tech tips
- Aug. 3--Webinar series, reports from the field, ag engineering updates, USDA CFAP for specialty crops
- July 2--Reports from the field, SWD alert, plant diagnostic lab report, summer cover crops, leek moth updates
- June 2-- Reports from the field, latest PYO and farmers' market guidance, leek moth updates
- May 5--Reports from the field, salts in high tunnels, ag engineerg tech tips, tunnel ventilation
- April 14--"Essential business" guidance, update on labs, mummyberry, uncovering strawberries, CAPS deadline, homemade facemasks
- March 3--Reports from the field, tunnel spinach updates, ag engineering updates, upcoming events
- Feb. 3--Reports from the field, greenhouse heater maintenance, upcoming events, crop insurance deadline
- Jan.15--VVBGA reminders, high tunnel study, soils workshops,spinach crown mite, ag engineering updates, events, reports from the field
- Dec. 16--VVBGA Annual Meeting information
- Nov. 27--Reports from the field, Ag Engineering - greens spinners, biological soil amendments, events
- Oct. 28--Reports from the field, register for NEVFC, NOFA-VT Journey Farmer program, upcoming events
- Sept. 30--NEVFC, Reports from the field, updates from the PDC, ag engineering tips- washlines, upcoming events
- Sept. 9--Reports from the field, summer raspberries flowering, tomato white core, tunnel ventilation, potato storage, events
- Aug. 6--Reports from the field, pest updates, post harvest case study, leek moth update, events
- July 15--Reports from the field, pest updates, compost project, upcoming events
- June 24--Reports from the field, pest updates, SWD alert, leek moth update, ag engineering tips, upcoming workshops
- May 29--Farm workshop June 10, reports from the field, update from plant diagnostic clinic, backflow prevention
- April 30--Reports from the field, leek moth update, UMass newsletter, packshed case study, on-farm workshops
- April 1--Reports from the field, disease updates, uncovering strawberries, tunnel tomato cost of production study
- March 12--Testing tunnel soils, tunnel habitat plants, NM slides available, Brassica pest webinars, PAT training
- Feb. 25--Reports from the field, retiring from farming, upcoming events
- Jan. 30--Renew membership, reports from the field, ag engineering tips, farm succession and next generation, events, surveys
- Jan. 7--Reports from the field, transferring the farm resources, upcoming events
- Dec. 5--VVBGA Annual Meeting, and Mulching and Tarping Conference
- Nov. 19--Upcoming events, reports from the field, technical tips, NOFA-VT Journey Farmer program
- Oct. 30--Reports from the field, soil testing in fall, pre-cooling resources, update from the plant diagnostic clinic, events
- Oct. 2--Reports from the field, upcoming workshops
- Sept. 4--Reports from the field, plant diagnostic clinic update, fall soil health reminders, produce safety trainings
- Aug. 13--Upcoming events, reports from the field, tech tip,plant diagnostic clinic, remembering Eric Rozendaal
- July 24--Upcoming events, tech tip-greens spiinner, leek moth update,farm viability deadline, reports from the field
- July 3--SWD alert, reports from the field, note on homemade sprays, meetings
- June 11--Reports from the field, pest updates, upcoming meetings
- May 22--High tunnel workshop, reports from the field, PM in tunnel tomatoes, B.t. for CPB, PDC update
- April 23--Reports from the field, plan for mummyberry, when to uncover strawberries, high tunnel soil testing, surveys
- April 3--Reports from the field, plant diagnostic clinic update, goldeneberry project, surveys
- Mar. 12--Reports from the field, check greens for mildew diseases, pesticide applicator training, Swede mideg survey
- Feb. 19--Reports from the field, NRCS and Crop Insurance deadlines, Tech Tip new wash line
- Jan. 30--VVBGA deadlines, VVGBA presentations posted, upcoming events, reports from the field
- Jan. 9--Renew your VVBGA membership, various grower surveys, reports from the field
- Dec. 11--VVBGA Annual Meeting, Tri-state IPM workshops, reports from the field
- Nov. 28--NEVFC, on-farm water survey, GH heating maintenance, census of ag, soil health webinars
- Nov. 7--Events, reports from the field, regulations interviews, NOFA cost of production info
- Oct. 18--Events, reports from the field, from the plant diagnostic clinic, technical tip: storage
- Sept. 27--Events, reports from the field, squash vine borer in fruit, test garic seed, crop insurance
- Sept. 5--Events, reports from the field, nutrient management updates
- Aug. 15--Events, reports from teh field, planning fall cover crops
- Aug. 1--Events, reports from th field, plant diagnostic clinic update, SWD update
- July 11--Events, reports from the field, sidedressing N, Swede midge, powdery mildew, summer cover crops
- June 20--Upcoming events, reports from the field, leek moth update, tarps for weed control
- June 6--Reports from the field, leek moth update, managing E.coli in wash water, nutrient management update
- May 16--Reports from the field, downy mildew on cole crops, UMass vegetable notes
- April 28--Reports from the field, steering GH tomatoes, cooler checklist, PDC update, new organic fertilizers
- April 10--Reports from the field, biopesticide update, spinach downy mildew, direct market survey and TA
- Mar. 27--Reports from the field, nutrient mgmt. update, GH thermostats, tunnel soil testing
- Mar. 7--Reports from the field, sign up for CAPS, plant diagnostic clinic update, high tunnel ventilation
- Feb. 21--Reports from the field, organic strawberry grower school, ag biz clinics, labor and pollinator surveys
- Jan. 31--Join the VVBGA, reports from the field, revised WPS, labor workshops, other events
- Jan. 10--Reports from the field, upcoming events, NAP insurance, young farmers survey
- Dec. 12--VVBGA membership renewal, Annual Meeting and Cover Crop Conference details
- Nov. 15--Reports from the field, cover crop surve, downy mildew in spinach, upcoming events
- Oct. 25--Upcoming events, update on NMP, updta on CAPS, winter greenhouse clean up, strawberry mulching, tech tips
- Oct. 4--Reports from the field, nutrient management updates, survy on selling food outside VT
- Sept.13--Reports from the field, upcoming events
- Aug. 23--Reports from the field, plant diagnostic clinic update, small fruit management updates
- Aug. 9--Reports from the field, plant diagnostic clinic update,
- July 18--Reports from the field, free garlic Fusariun testing, Northwest crops and soils field day
- June 29--Reports from the field, plant diagnostic clinic update, SWD links, upcoming events
- June 7--Reports from the field, RAPs and FSMA updates, high tunnel survey, upcoming events
- May 18--Reports from the field, technical resources, upcoming events
- Apr. 25--Reports from the field, scout for mummyberry, greenhouse aphids, irrigation workshop
- Apr. 5--Reports from the field, food loss survey, EQIP deadline, finding farmland workshop
- Mar. 15--Reports from the field, CAPS program, upcoming events and surveys
- Feb. 23--Reports from the fiield, update from the plant diagnostic clinic, traceability workshop, biostimulant survey
- Feb. 3 --Pests to look out for in 2016, changes to worker protection stanrdards, surveys, facebook groups
- Jan. 12 --Reports from the field, plant diagnostic clinic update, upcoming events
- Dec. 4 --Upcoming events
- Nov. 10 -- Reports from the field, NEVF conference, FDA FSMA session, RAP draft rules
- Oct. 14-- Reports from the field, curing pumpkins and squash, changes to WPS
- Sept. 22--Reports from the field, Plant Diagnostic Clinic update
- Sept. 1--Reports from the field, Plant Daignostoc Clinic update, upcoming events
- Aug. 18--Reports from the field, Plant Diagnostic Clinic update
- July 31--Leaf analysis, leek moth, wash water update, late summer covers, Trichogramma in peppers
- July 16--Reports from the field, SWD update, Plant Diagnostic Clinic update
- June 30--Reports from the field, upcoming grower workshops
- May 25--Reports from the field, summer workshops, soil fertility survey
- May 5--Reports from the field, mandatory pesticide safety trainings
- Apr. 15--Reports from the field, 日韩无码 soil test revisions
- Mar. 30 -- Reports from the field, pruning blueberries and brambles, upcoming events
- Mar. 3 — Reports from the field, free NAP insurance coverage upcoming events
- Feb. 17 — Reports from the field
- Jan. 26 — Reports from the field, VVBGA talks posted, 8-week veg course, NAP insurance
- Jan. 7 — Reports from the field, Practical Food Safety Woskhops, technical tips
- Dec. 16 - VVBGA Annual Meeting, VVBGA Post-Harvest Handling conference
- Nov 24 — Reports from the field, Practical Produce Safety workshops, VVBGA meeting dates
- Nov 5 — Reports from the field, FDA listening session on FSMA, technical tips, VVBGA meeting dates
- Sept 29 — Reports from the field, crops storage workshops, FSMA revisions summary
- Sept 15 —Winter squash harvest tips, test garlic seed, onion harvest tips, manure survey, farm safety program
- Sept 2 — Reports from the field, plant diagnostic clinic update
- Aug 18 — Reports from the field, SWD info, plant diagnostic clinic update
- Aug. 4— Reports from the field, Get ready for late blight, salt test for SWD infestation
- July 18 — Reports from the field, SWD info, plant diagnostic clinic update
- July 1 — Reports from the field, SWD info, plant diagnostic clinic update, upcoming workshops
- June 16 — Reports from the field, plant diagnostic clinic update
- June 3 — Reports from the field, plant diagnistic clinic update, basil downy mildew samples wanted
- May 20 — Reports from the field, beginning farmer support, upcoming meetings
- May 6 — Vegetable and berry farms in Census, mummyberry management, seedcorn maggot, wash water study
- Apr. 15 — Reports from the field, when to remove strawberry mulch, crop insurance survey
- — Reports from the field, farm energy info, crop insurance survey, upcoming events
- — Reports from the field, greenhouse furnace maintenance, upcoming events
- — Reports from the field, nutrient content and availability of organic fertilizers, leafy greens wash water video
- — Reports from the field, stay tuned for food safety workshops, petition to keep the soil in organic
- — Evaluate the newsletter, VVBGA annual meeting, join the VVBGA
- — Reports from the field
- — Reports from the field
- — FSMA webinar, NEVFC, mulching strawberries, wait to prune blues, sanitizing stakes, floricane removal
- — Reports from the field, webinar on FSMA, floodplain survey
- — Reports from the field, update from the plant diagnostic clinic
- — Reports from the field, update from the plant diagnostic clinic, upcoming events
- Aug. 13 — FSMA session Aug 20th, reports from the field, updates from the Plant Diagnostic Clinic
- July 23 — Reports from the field, Updates from the Plant Diagnostic Clinic
- July 11 — Pest and flood update, reports from the field
- June 18 — Reports from the field
- June 3 — Reports from the field
- May 21 — Reports from the field, plant diagnostic clinic update, plan ahead to use Trichogramma on ECB
- May 6 — Reports from the field
- April 15 — Reports from the field, mummyberry update, plant diagnostic clinic update
- April 3 — Reports from the field, strawberry mulch removal, blueberry pruning links
- Mar. 18 — Reports from the field
- Feb. 27 — Reports from the field, NRCS high tunnel funding
- Feb. 12 — New food safety rule for produce growers, renew your VVBGA membership
- Jan. 15 — VVBGA annual meeting, reports from the field
- Dec. 18 — Reports from the field, NOFA journeyfarmer program, high tunnel conf. presentations, upcoming meetings
- Nov. 13 — Reports from the field, growers sought for farm transfer video, high tunnel conference
- Oct. 23 — Reports from the field, plant diagnostic clinic update
- Oct. 9 — Reports from the field, upcoming events
- Sept. 25 — Reports from the field, upcoming events
- Sept. 11 — Reports from the field, update from the plant diagnostic clinic
- Aug. 28 — Reports from the field, upcoming meetings
- Aug. 14 — Reports from the field, update from 日韩无码 Plant Diagnostic Clinic
- July 23 — Reports from the field, test your garlic seed, crowdfunding, plant diagnostic clinic update, events
- July 10 — Reports from the field, updates from 日韩无码 plant diagnostic clinic, upcoming events
- June 19 — Reports from the field, late blight update, diagnostic clinic report
- June 5 — Reports from the field, late blight, Phytophthora prevention, striped cucumber beetle, clyclamen mite in strawberry
- May 22 — Reports from the field, produce prices posted, get ready for corn borer
- May 8 — Produce price reporting, SWD monitoring, seed corn maggot, NRCS programs, upcoming meetings
- Apr. 25 — Reports from the field
- Apr. 10 — Reports from the field, upcoming events
- Mar. 27 — Reports from the field, monitor degree days, modify backpack sprayers, upcoming events
- Mar. 13 — Reports from the field, pests of overwintered greens, spotted wing drosophila advice
- Feb. 14 — Reports from the field, high tunnel tomato trial, crop insurance survey, marketing webinar
- Jan. 24 — Nutrients in organic fertilizers, NRCS energy audits, test your GH soil, get GH furnaces ready
- Jan. 9 — 2012-13 Vegetable Guides, Success on Farms program, Spotted Wing Drosophila, 2012 VVBGA annual meeting
- Dec. 12 — Reports from the field, tax implications of disaster relief grants, upcoming events
- Nov. 21 — Reports from the field, workshop on flooding, practical food safety workshops
- Nov. 7 — Questions from the field, remembering Nancy Christopher
- Oct. 11 — Reports from the field, upcoming meetings
- Sept. 20 — Reports from the field, resources that can help flooded farms
- Sept. 6 — Flooding issues, soil tests for
flooded fields, NRCS deadlines, business advice, reports from the
field, donations for flooded farms
- Aug. 23 — Reports from the field, plant diagnostic clinic updates, downy mildew on basil
- Aug. 9 — Direct market price reporting system, reports from the field
- July 19 — Reports from the field. plant diagnostic clinic update
- July 5 — Late blight alert, identifying tomato diseases, corn borers and ear worms, buckwheat vs. sudangrass cover crop
- June 21 — Reports from the field, plant diagnistic clinic report, price reporting update, upcoming workshops
- June 7 — Reports from the field, on-farm workshops, strawberry pest update
- May 24 — Reports from the field, transplanting tips, avoid GH disease, flash freeze unit, organic pasticide list
- May 10 — rollbar rebates, keep an eye out for late blight
- April 19 — Reports from the field, tomato transplantss for sale list, greenhouse tomato disorders, new pests to look out for
- April 5 — Reports from the field, use the right greenhouse soil test, when to uncover strawberries, tunnel berry workshop
- Mar. 22 — Reports from the field, inital applicator training and exam, farm and food business interns
- Mar. 8 — Reports from the field
- Feb. 15 — Reports from the field, join the VVBGA, marketing conference, upcoming webinars
- Jan. 25 — Questions from the field, choosing strawberry varieties
- Jan. 4 — VVBGA annual meeting Jan 31, business planing grants, NOFA journey farmer program, cost of production study
- Nov. 23 — Reports from the field, upcoming events
- Nov. 9 — Reports from the field, NRCS high tunnel standard gets more flexible, garlic nematode update
- Oct. 19 — Reports from the field, marketing course, NAP insurance, coming events
- Oct. 6 — Reports from the field, harvesting flooded produce, upcoming events
- Sept. 22 — Questions from the field, sweet potato storage, garlic neamtodes, farm energy audits, ROPS cost share, events
- Sept. 7 — Reports fromt he field, potato harvest tips, avoid onion storage diseases, retail price reporting, upcoming events
- Aug. 24 — Reports from the field, diagnistic clinic report, pumpkin harvest storage, fall raspberry checklist, sow winter covers soon
- Aug. 10 — Reports from the field, late blight confirmed in VT, retail produce reporting, upcoming events
- July 20 — Reports from the field, late blight in MA and ME, don't delay strawberry renovation
- July 6 — Reports from the field, retail produce reports, upcoming meetings
- June 22 — Reports from the field, get ready for late blight, slugs and snails, retail produce price reporting, upcoming meetings
- June 10 — Reports from the field, twilight meetings, your chance to comment to FDA on food safety rulemaking
- May 25 — Reports from the field, late blight news, on farm workshops
- May 11 — Reports from the field, seedcorn maggot and wireworm, UMass veg notes, Avipel for crows pulling corn
- April 20 — April berry checklist, pesticide rules for all growers, raspberry patch cookbook
- April 6 — Reports from the field, meeting announcements
- Mar. 23 — Reports from the field, when to remove strawberry mulch, test your greenhouse soils, spring planted mustard cover crop
- Mar. 9 — Reports from the field, sign up
to sell local transplants, grow a row, crop mobs, farm energy
conference, weed study, corn transplanting tips
- Feb. 16 — Join the VVBGA, on-line late
blight survey, on-farm energy conference March 15-16, safety
interviews, unusual berries for fall production
- Jan. 19 — Reports from the field, growers sought for day-neutral strawberry order, local distributor seeks local produce
- Jan. 7 — Record attendance at NE Veg and Fruit Conference, variety review of June bearing strawberries, newsletter survey results
- Dec. 14 — Reports from the field, remembering Greg Beliveau, Feb. 1 VT Vegetable and Berry Growers Assn. annual meeting
- Nov. 24 — Winter grower reports from the
field, new book on vegetable farm business management, organic tomato
grower survey on late blight
- Nov. 10 — Pre-register for New England
Vegetable and Fruit Conference, mulching strawberries for winter, don't
mulch strawberries too early
- Oct. 20 — Reports from the field, Food Bank Farm lease available in Warren VT, small fruit webinars this fall and winter
- Oct. 6 — Steps to avoid late blight next
year, sanitizing tomato stakes, pruning raspberries and blackberries,
planting garlic, farm correspondents sought
- Sept. 22 — Reports from the field, potato disease update, sign up for EQUIP by Oct. 1, Johhny's field day
- Sept. 7 — Reports from the field, pumpkin harvest tips, High Mowing seeds field day Sept. 13, cover crop workshop Sept. 21
- Aug. 25 — August berry checklist, soil
health meeting Sept. 2, matchmaker meeting Oct. 25, New England
Vegetable and Fruit conference Dec. 15-17, late blight FAQ site
- Aug. 11 — Update on harvesting potato fields with late blight, reports from the field
- July 21 — Reports from the field,
harvesting potatoes with late blight, vegetable disease updates,
donating produce to the Food Bank, Johnny's research farm meeting
- July 8 — Vegetable diseases update, black aphids on greens, upcoming workshops
- June 23 — Late Blight alert, reports from the field
- June 9 — Reports from the field, quick freeze unit available, on-farm meetings in June
- May 18 — Strawberry frost protection,
blueberry frost susceptibility, greenhouse humidity control, seedcorn
maggot & wireworm, UMass veg notes
- May 5 — Reportsfrom the field
- April 21 — Reports from the field, High Ledge Farm fire, GAPS training, rice growing workshops
- April 7 — Reports from the field, plant
diagnostic lab update - high tunnel spinach diseases, do you need
worker protection standards training?
- March 24 — High tunnerl raspberries and
blackberries, prevent shore flies and fungus gnats, ag plastic
recylcing workshop, northern rice growing, 2009 herbicide updates
- March 11 — Grower Q&A special
- Feb. 17 — Winter grower reports from the
field, thanks to Extensions supporters,strawberry variety update,
greenhouse media testing, census shows hort boom
- Jan. 26 — Winter grower reports from the field
- Jan. 20 — NOFA-VT Technical workshops for
Growers Feb 15, ON Farm Renewable Energy conference Feb. 17-78, Proptek
tray bulk order, farmers wanted
- Jan. 7 — Join the VT Vegetable and Berry Growers Association, message from the VVBGA President, 2009 VVBGA Annual Meeting program
- Dec. 9 — Winter Grower reports, Tri-state greenhouse workshops, beginning farmer business course, third grade survey, upcoming events
- Nov. 25 — Managing large crabgrass, winter mulching for strawberries, Quickbooks schools
- Oct. 28 — Meetings galore, NOFA seeks farmers to write letters to school
- Oct. 8 — Reports from the field, Plant Diagnistic Clinic update
- Sept. 23 — Fall weed management tips, good time to lime, planting garlic, optimizing raspberry yields
- Sept. 10 — Cucurbit disease update, reports from the field, highbush blueberry web site, pumpkin storage tips, farm design course
- Aug. 19 — Reports from the field
- Aug. 5 — Late blight alert, plant diagnostoc clinic report, reports from the field
- July 22 — Small fruit leaf analysis, potato leafhopper, thrips in onions and brassicas, white rot in garlic
- July 8 — Reports from the field, plant disease of the week, organic spreader stickers
- June 25 — Diagnostic Clinic news,
scouting sweet corn, Phytophthora lookout, slugs in strawberries,
Asiatic beetles and rse chafers, cucumber beetles
- June 8 — Reports from the field, spinach leaf miner
- May 21 — Reports from the field, Vermont growers welcome Dr. Yolanda Chen
- May 7 — Upcoming meetings, on-farm
nematode study needs cooperators, supplies for sweet corn monitoring,
biological control of spider mites in the greenhouse
- April 22 — Reports from the field, twilight meeting May 20, GDD and precip totals on-line, sweet potato variety trials
- April 9 — Upcoming meetings, frost
protection in strawberries, gleanings program needs produce, still time
to return census form, tribute to Dick Ashley
- Mar. 26 — Organic Greenhouse Tomato meeting, greenhouse aphid identification and biocontrol
- Feb 12 — VV&BGA recruitment effort,
annual meeting reminder, greenhouse energy conservation checklist,
value-added grants available
- Jan. 11 — Message from the
President, VV&BGA annual meeting Feb. 25, Carrot Project
survey, AMA funding to be available, NAP crop insurance
- Nov. 21 — Avoid ethylene damage in the
greenhouse, how plants adapt to cold, why colorful plants are good to
eat, winter to-do items, web site additions, upcoming events
- Nov. 7 — Don't mulch strawberries prematurely, what's new in fall raspberries, coming events
- Oct. 24 — Reports from the field
- Oct. 10 — Register for NEVFC, changes
to 日韩无码 soil testing services, plantings for beneficials and native
pollinators, shell corn furnace meeting, preparing land for planting
- Sept. 26 — Reports from the field, out and about, upcoming meetings
- Sept. 12 — Reports from the field, sign up for NRCS funds by Oct 1., Verticiullium wilt, downy mildey, raspberry fall checklist
- Aug. 8 — Reports from the field, tomato foliage diseases, lookout for corn earworm, link to crop storage information
- July 25 — Report from the plant
diagnostic lab, using Pyganic to control leafhopper, scout for corn
borer, tomato hornworm, twilight meeting July 31
- July 11 — Reports from the field, plant diagnostic lab report, High Mowings Seeds field day
- June 13 — Reports from the field, advice on controlling nutsedge, report from the plant diagnostic lab
- May 23 — Cabbage maggot flies, plastic
mulch and fertilization, blueberry frost susceptibility, June 12
organic pest control meeting, July 11 on-farm composting workshop
- May 9 — Reports from the field, prepare for cutworms, get new ideas from videos
- April 25 — Early season small fruit
reminders, cutting potato seed, Sudangrass and sorghum-Sudangrass as
cover crops, twilight meeting at Cate farm May 9.
- April 11 — Reports from the field, reducing humidity in the greenhouse
- Mar. 14 — Reports from the field, time
strawberry mulch removal with soil temperature, use the saturated media
test for greenhouse soil, pesticide applicator training
- Feb. 7 — Blueberry pruning
brush-up, mechanical cultivation tools in strawberries, supplemental
label for Indar on mummyberry, meeting reminders
- Jan. 9 — Vermont vegetable and berry growers assn. annual meeting, New England greenhouse tomato school, other upcoming meetings
- Nov. 22 — Winter mulch for strawberries, money for new ideas, legal guide to farming in Vermont, in depth vegetable workshop
- Nov. 8 — Notes on raspberry
and strawberry varieties, preparing to plant blueberries, tri-state greenhouse
IPM workshops, tomato grafting workshop
- Oct. 11 — Reports from the
- Sept. 20 — Reports from the
field, keep spinach safe, minimizing microbial contamination of fresh produce,
prison GH project needs advisors, tribute to Ray Pestle
- Aug 22 — Late summer insect
and diseases to look for, don't forget the strawberries, health benefits
of blueberries, bramble field day
- Aug. 9 — Reports from the field,
new guide to natural field enemies, watch for onion thrips in Brassicas,
seed saving field day
- July 24 — Reports from the
field, Cornell berry and UMass vegetable newsletters on-line
- June 21 — Reports from the
field, Strawberry PYO pre-harvest checklist
- June 7 — Reports from the field,
common tomato diseases, managing cucumber beetles
- May 24 — Seedcorn maggot, blueberry
fertilization, trichogramma for corn borer, applying copper and oxidate,
plastic mulch and fertilization
- May 8 — Reports from
the field
- May 1 — Indar approved for
mummyberry, pythium root rot in greenhouses, powedery
mildew resistant squashes, managing raspberry cane diseases
- April 15 — Reports from the
field, comments on consumer tomato preferences, video on greenhouse tomato
grafting, managing bacterial canker etc. in the greenhouse
- Mar. 15 — Pruning red raspberries,
farmers market grants, biodegradable mulch study, management guides, high
tunnel tomato trial, tribute to Bill Cleland
- Feb. 15 — Notes on newer berry
cultivars, as study of mustard-gree seed production in the northeast, winter
injury to strawberry crowns, AGR-Lite sign up deadline
- Jan. 15 — Vermont vegetable
and berry growers annual meeting, heating system tips to save fuel, grower
grants, direct marketing conference
- Dec. 1 — Energy saving tips
for greenhouses, pruning blueberries, upcoming meetings
- Nov. 1 — Potato storage conditions,
web sites for grape growers, SARE farmer educator wanted, grafting techniques
for greenhouse tomatoes
- Oct. 15 — Prevent Phytophthora
next year, soil surveys on-line, organic insect and disease guide, watch
TV and learn from farmers, problem weeds in strawberries
- Oct. 1 — Mark your caendars
for the New England Vegetable and Fruit Conference Dec. .13-15, 2005
- Sept. 15 — Tribute to Bob Wood,
reports and questions from the field
- Aug. 25 — Reports from
the field, GH tomato update, white drupelets in raspberry, plant cover
crops sooner than later
- Aug. 15 — Summer vegetable
pests to watch for, small fruit leaf samples, parasites on tomato hornworm
- Aug. 1 — Reports from the field,
conventional strawberry renovation
- July 15 — Blueberry cane death,
rotate late brassica plantings, pepper pollination and fruiting, weeds
under colored plastic mulch, potatoes not flowers, leafhopper alert
- July 1 — Reports from the field,
greenhouse tomato report, sweet corn insect update, new farmer soil and
pest workshop Aug 9th
- June 15 — General report, small
fruit peat updates, vegetable pest update
- June 1 — Reports from
the field, Quebec GH tomato advice, prevent disease on transplants, plan
now for birds in fruit, convert G tractor to solar
- May 15 — Watch your soil P:K
ratio, use the soil test in high tunnels and greenhouses, manage phytophthora
blight now, early season berry insect pests
- May 1 — Reports from the field,
early season pests, powdery mildew on greenhouse tomato, downy mildew is
coming, sweet corn growers needed
- April 1 — Strawberry row cover
and mulch removal, success with greenhouse bio-controls, avoiding greenhouse
air pollution
- Mar. 15 — Pruning highbush
blueberries, prining red raspberries, join the VV&BGA, alternative
farm energy forum May 4th
- Feb. 15 — Greenhouse
Tomato School, April 6, 2005, Burlington VT
- Jan. 15 — Vermont Vegetable
and Berry Grower Assn. meetings: Farm Show, Barre. Annual Meeting, Rutland.
Upcoming meetings
- Dec. 15 —
Grower research grants, organic corn pest bulletin, IPM workshop, garlic
tidbits, cost of growing media, test your potting mix
- Nov. 15 —
2004 New England Fruit and Vegetable Conference, Rsisk Management Training
for Organic Producers, Upcoming meetings
- Oct. 15 — Reports from the field, organic materials for tomato disease control, farm
sustainability checklist, upcoming meetings
- Oct. 1 — Spur blight on raspberry, things not to do with perennial weeds, ways to
reduce nitrate leaching, cover crop trail update
- Sept.15 — Reports
from the field, improved 日韩无码 soil tests, bulk buying organic seed, raspberry
fall checklist, Cambodian advisor
- Sept. 1 — Rainy season leads to diseases, pumpkin and sqaush harvest and storage,
NRCS signup, twilight meeting
- August 15 —
Reports from the field, using 'workamper' labor, late season vegetable
- August 1 —
Corn insect pest update, small fruit leaf analysis, check garlic bulbs,
late blight update, small fruit web resource, cover crops
- July 15 — Reports from the field, vegetable pest updates, strawberry pest updates,
meeting information
- July 1 — Slug control options, fungicides and rain, spider mites, squash vine borer,
blueberry maggot fly, Phomopsis disease
- June 15 — Reports from the field, potato leafhopper, Colorado potato beetle, tomato
and pepper diseases, upcomng meetings
- June 1 — Early season insect alerts and information
- May 15 — Reports
from the field, public TV to feature berry products and growers, biofumigation
trials, new production guides
- April 15 — Organic
greenhouse tomato meeting, sweet corn germination in cold soil, Ukraine
vegetable project, cover crop video
- March 15 — Pruning Blueberries, comments on greenhouse orientation, heirloom tomato
flavor, historical pumpkin comments
- Feburary 15 —
Conference report, greenhouse heat pre-season check list, compost in potting
mixes, where to put up a greenhouse
- January 15 —
VT Vegetable and Berry Grower winter meetings, biodiesel for greenhouses,
sweet corn varieties for tranplanting
- November 15 — Upcoming
events, cleaning and storing crop sprayers, winter is critical time for
greenhouse pest management
- October 15 —
Details on the 2003 New England Vegetable and Berry (and Tree Fruit) Conference,
Manchester NH
- September 15 — Reports from
the field, greenhouses in a hurricane, vegetable diseases, Phytophthora
in strawberry & raspberry
- August 15 —
Reports from the field, plant diagnostic clinic report, message from president,
poor raspberry fruit set, twilight meeting
- July 15 — Reports from the field, plant daignostic clinic report, vegetable pest
- June 15 — Reports from the field, vegetable pest update, raspberry cookbook, TPB
brochure, corn insecticide correction
- May 15 — Reports from the field, message from the president, plant diagnostic lab
report, small fruit pest management guide
- April 15 — Message from the association's president, reports from the field, summary
of maine melon variety trial, soil microbes
- March 15 — NE veg, and berry conference moves, summary of cucumber beetle and flea
beetle control studies, blueberry fertilization
- February 15 — Join
the VV&BGA, soluble salts in compost, compost testing, supplemental
light direct market conference, fungus gnats
- January 15 —
Crop Insurance for diversified agriculture, VV&BGA Farm Show and Annual
- December 15 — Marketing 101,
build loyal customers, Serenade and Cabrio fungicides for small fruit,
perimeter trap crops for cole crops
- November 15 Mulching strawberries,
lime sulfer on blueberries, garlic seed foundation on web, educational
courses, events
- October 15 — Field
reports, don't prune blueberries too early, unexpected fall flowering,
Maine zea-lator results, why farmers succeed
- October 1 — Field reports, blueberry pruning, squash bug overwintering, labor management
workshop, direct market conference
- September 15 — Field reports,
grass cover crops, tomato bacterial canker, strawberry leaf spot, organic
compost, vineyard tour
- August 15 — Field reports, various pest updates, field day announcements, ATTRA publications
- August 1 — Field
reports, twilight meeting reminder, time to sample berry foliage, black
vine weevil management in strawberry
- July 15 — Time to sidedress N, when to spray aphids, late and early blight, angular
leaf spot in strawberry, strawberry renovation
- July 1 — Field reports, grow you rown organic strawberry plugs, scout for armyworm,
TSWV outdoors, upcoming meetings
- June 15 —
Field reports, blueberry maggot alert, get ready for corn borer, use row
covers properly for flea beetle
- June 1 — Field reports, effects of cold temperature on vegetables, twilight meeting
August 20, cucumber beetle management
- May 15 — Twilight
meeting reminder, field reports, seed corn maggot, strawberry leaf spot
- May 1 —
Field reports, 2002 Vermont on-farm twilight meetings, blueberry bulletin
on-line, the best vegetable pest book?
- April 15 —
Field reports, compost contamination, red steele resistance, raspberry
pruning and diseases, strobilurins resistance
- April 1 —
Heirloom tomato trial, GMO legume inoculants, transplanting pumpkins, corn
borer biocontrol, Japanese millet and Rhizoc.
- March 1 —
VT/NH potato pchool, NEVBC proceedings, international interns, Phytopthora
resistant peppers, blueberry pruning
- January 15 — VT Vegetable and
Berry Grower Assn Farm Show Meeting and Annual Meeting
- December 15 — Calendar
of events, eco-labels, VT Veg and Berry Growers revise mission
- November 15 — Strawberry
variety trial, raspberry variety update, upcoming potato meeting
- October 15 — Field reports,
summary of a cover crop trial, upcoming events
- September 15 — Field reports, irrigating
fall crops for frost protections, end-of-season weed scouting, upcoming
- September 1 — Field reports,
日韩无码 Hort Farm meeting, pumpkin and winter squash harvest and storage
- August 15 — Field reports, Small fruit tissue testing, vegetable pests to look for
now, cover crop workshop
- August 1 — Field reports, field tomato diseases, new sweet corn video
- July 15 — Armyworm alert, strawberry renovation, herbicides for renovation, undertanding
strawberry renovation
- July 1 — Field reports, tomato ringspot virus in blueberry, scouting sweet corn
for ECB, cucumber beetle
- June 15 — Field reports, cutworms, Zea-Later applicator for corn earworm control
- June 1 — Field reports, managing bacterial wilt and cucumber beetles on cucurbits
- May 15 — Field reports, scouting for cabbage worms, popular small fruit varieties
- May 1 — Indar 75WSP for mummyberry, phytophthora management, farmers market book,
williams cultivator
- April 15 — New web page, 2001 twilight meetings, transplanting corn, paper mulch,
Flint on cucurbits
- April 1 — Bird management on tender fruit
- March 15 — Pepper IPM manual, managing gray mold in greenhouse
- March 1 — Sweet corn herbicide update, marigolds as greenhouse pest indicators
- February 15 — Strawberry variety trials, fungus gnats in greenhouse
- February 1 —
Greenhouse bio-controls and greenhouse IPM
- January 15 —
Sweet corn and pumpkin variety trials
- January 1 — Winter meetings
- December 15 — Winter
- November 15 — Newsletter
evaluation, calendar of events
- October 15 — Field reports, raspberry cane borer, weed scouting
- October 1 — Field reports, beet rot, soil compaction, garlic planting and storage
- September 15 — Field reports, potato harvest, squash bugs, fall raspberry management
- September 1 — Field reports, tomato ripening, mummy berry management
- August 1 — Field reports, sweet corn pest report, cole crop diseases, small fruit
leaf analysis
- July 15 — Field reports, small fruit meeting notes, summer cover crops, blueberry
- July 1 — Field reports, late blight, blueberry cane dieback, cabbage worm biocontrol
- June 15 — Field reports, PSNT on sweet corn and pumpkins, seed corn maggot, Botaniguard
- June 1 — Field reports, cuke beetle control, blueberry maggot monitoring
- May 15 — Field reports, twilight meetings, sweet corn herbicide update, hort factsheet
- May 1 — Field reports, transplant management, clipper scouting, raised beds
- April 15 — Small fruit guide update, greenhouse tomato fruit set, raspberry crown
borer, Surround WP
- April 1 — Proposed organic rule, phytopthora management, views on farming for a living
- March 15 — UMass IPM messages, greenhouse alarm, genetically engineered varieties,
farming for a living
- March 1 — Pheromone traps for sweet corn pests, greenhouse strawberries, views on
farming for a living
- February 15 — Annual bed strawberries, hot water seed treatment, SARE publications
- February 1 — Winter meetings, biocontrol of thrips in the greenhouse
- January 15 — Winter meetings
- December 15 — E. coli and food safety, comments on farming for a living
- December 1 — Winter meetings, soil acidity and liming, shallot production
- November 15 — Workshops, new book: legal guide to direct farm marketing
- November 1 —
Calendar, phytopthora on pumpkins, potato storage, raspberry pruning, mulching
- October 1 — Galinsoga, new book: sustainable vegetable production, calendar
- September 15 — Field reports, biofungicide update, chipmunks, blueberry pruning, new pumpkin
- September 1 —
Field reports, pumpkin viruses, new marketing video
- August 15 — Field reports, scab on squash, pepper fruit set, tomato cracking and russeting
- August 1 — Field reports, tarnished plant bug updates, farmer grants available
- July 15 — Field reports, small fruit tissue samples, cucurbit yellow lethal disease
- July 1 — Field reports, greenhouse tomato meeting notes, Patriot decline, squash
- June 15 — Field reports, organic strawberry meeting notes, Botaniguard caution, pest
scouting alerts
- June 1 — Field reports, weather summary, Topshield, gray mold on strawberries
- May 15 — Field reports, Growing Degree Days, water pan traps, blueberry maggot,
are Ribes legal?
- May 1 — Twilight meeting schedule, blueberry bulletin, compost sources, medical
savings account
- April 1 — Fruit nursery list, germinating seeds, collards as a trap for diamondbacks
- March 15 — Disease tolerant vegetable varieties, gray mold resistance, IPM trap suppliers
- March 1 — Managing transplant height, Nordell video, organic rule update, biopesticide
update, Bladex
- February 15 — Testing compost and potting mix, new berry varieties, personnel policy,
frost damage in raspberry
- December 15 — Newsletter evaluation, farm show program
- November 15 — Calendar, farmer grants, sustainability checklist
- November 1 — Field reports, avoiding diseases next year, avoiding whiteflies in the
- October 15 — Field reports, broccoli head disorders and boron
- October 1 — American vegetable and fruit grower subscriptions, field reports, workshops
- September 15 — Field reports, bitterness in cukes, soil pH testing
- September 1 — Field reports, late blight, black rot on cucurbits, black dot on greenhouse
- August 15 — Japanese beetles, phytopthora on cucurbits, Ronilan, Armicarb 100, new
- August 1 — Field reports, small fruit tissue testing, squash bugs, Mycotrol
- July 15 — Field reports, bacterial wilt, new blueberry virus?, strawberry renovation
- July 1 — Field reports, scouting for leafhopper, avoid scab on potato
- June 15 — Field reports, PSNT for sweet corn, weather web sites, Quadris
- June 1 — Striped cucumber beetle, potassium bicarbonate, reports from field, twilight
- May 15 — Diagnostic clinic, gray mold in strawberry, corn flea beetle, field reports,
- May 1 — Greenhouse tomato insect pest biocontrol, tipping raspberries, leggy seedlings,
field reports
- April 15 — IPM electronic network, plastic mulch tomato trial, boron on small fruit,
echinacea, trichoderma
- April 1 — Blueberry fertilization, grape pests, small fruit guides
- March 15 — Transplant production tips, greenhouse tomato roundtable
- March 1 — Vermont vegetable and berry growers on the map, fruit school, longevity
of vegetable seeds