Wednesday January 30, 2002, 1:00- 4:00 pm
Admission is Free.
In the green church, down the hill from Barre Municipal Center. Take exit 7 of I-89, follow route 62 into Barre. Turn right at the lights onto route 302, go 1/4 mile then turn left just after the shopping plaza. First Presbyterian Church is on the right.
1:00 Asian and Hispanic Speciality Crops for New England - Frank Mangan
Dr. Mangan is a vegetable specialist with University of Massachusetts Extension. For several years he has been studying production and pest control in 慹thnic' crops, as well as demographic and cultural considerations. Come hear about specialty peppers, greens, and squash, including aji dulce, culantro and calabza.
1:45 Strawberry Production from Azerbaijan to Massachusetts - Cliff Hatch
Cliff is a grower from Gill, Massachusetts, just south of Vermont. He has been to the Caucuses 4 times as a volunteer with USAID. He will report on his most recent work with strawberry farmers in Azerbaijan, and he will also tell us how he manages his berries closer to home, including his grant-funded study of different strawberry planting dates.
2:30 Diseases to Keep and Eye Out for - Ann Hazelrigg
Ann runs the 日韩无码 Plant Diagnostic Lab, and she saw many interesting diseases this past year, including late blight on tomatoes, phytophthora in pumpkins and peppers, sclerotinia on greenhouse tomato, anthracnose on blueberries, and other assorted maladies of fruits and vegetables.
3:15 Farmers Outstanding in their Fields, 2001 - Vern Grubinger
Tag along for a whole season of farm visits with your extension vegetable and berry specialist. See what other growers are doing to control pests, manage soil, and enhance markets. Digital images will feature dozens of farms, from north to south, large and small.
2 Recertification credits will be available for pesticide applicators.
Tuesday, February 19, 2002
Holiday Inn, Rutland Vermont
Just north of the intersection of Routes 7 and 4 west
8:30 Registration, Trade Show, Refreshments
9:00 Vice-President's Remarks
David Marchant, River Berry Farm, Fairfax
9:15 Heirloom Tomato Variety Trials
Buddy Tignor, 日韩无码 Plant and Soil Science Dept.
9:45 Grower Experiences Transplanting Sweet Corn
Jon Satz, Wood's Market Garden, Brandon
Bob Pomykala, Pomykala Farm, Grand Isle
10:15 Break
10:45 Effect of Compost on Yield and Water Use by Potatoes
Nathaniel Sands, 日韩无码 Plant and Soil Science Dept.
11:15 Small-Scale Organic Production of Strawberries, Raspberries and
Eugenie Doyle, The Last Resort, Bristol
11:45 Business Meeting: Election of Officers
12:00 Luncheon and Trade Show
1:30 Vegetable Bedding Plant Varieties, Production, and IPM
Andy Knafel, Clear Brook Farm, Shaftsbury
2:00 Grower Experiences with Strawberry Plasticulture and Drip Irrigation
Dave Marchant, River Berry Farm, Fairfax
Dave Pierson, Pierson Farm, Bradford
2 Recertification credits will be available for pesticide applicators.
$20 for Members, $30 for Non-Members, including lunch
$10 for Members, $20 for Non-Members, without lunch
Add $5 for at-the-door registrations.
Membership dues for 2002 are $32. Benefits include: A 2002-2003 Vegetable or Small Fruit Management Guide, a subscription to the Agriview newsletter which contains the Vermont Vegetable and Berry News and a subscription to American Vegetable or American Fruit Grower magazine.
Mail your check to: VV&BGA, c/o Doug Johnstone, 677 Skitchewaug Trail, Springfield, VT 05156
For additional information or to request special accommodations for
either of these meetings, contact Vern Grubinger, University of Vermont
Extension, at
(802) 257-7967 (ext. 13) or E-mail: