BLUE Williston
How can residents participate? Williston residents can sign up for a free BLUE Williston evaluation to learn about actions to help reduce stormwater runoff. During the visit, BLUE staff will assess site’s current conditions and provide personalized suggestions to improve stormwater management. These recommendations might include rain gardens, rain barrels, permeable driveways, infiltration trenches, gutter re-directs, dry wells, and more. Following the visit, participants will receive a report suggesting specific stormwater practices.
Sign up for a free evaluation using .
Rebates? Funding for rebates is limited and the Williston Stormwater Program reserves the right to select which projects will receive rebate funds. Standards from the BLUE Basis of Design or BLUE Small-Scale Green Stormwater Infrastructure Practices must be adhered to and documented throughout the design process to receive rebates from the Town of Williston. Before implementing projects, please seek approval of your designs from BLUE staff. Rebate eligibility depends on the availability of funding, project design, and the timing of the installation.
For guidance in plant selection for poorly draining soils prevalent in Williston, view our Water-Loving Clay Tolerant Plant List.
Questions? Email them to blue [at]