Workshops and Resources for Real Estate Professionals

Lake Champlain Sea Grant offers accredited workshops to Vermont and New York real estate professionals. Real estate professionals are often the first (and sometimes only) source of information for buyers and sellers about construction and alterations in regulated areas (such as wetlands and river corridors), potential flood risks, septic requirements, shoreland protection, and related topics. Real estate professionals also gain valuable information about state and local resources that they can pass on to their clients.

All courses are worth 2 CE Credits and are offered at no cost to real estate professionals. Visit our events page to view scheduled courses or contact Michelle.Lockhart [at] (Michelle Lockhart) to request a scheduling.

Course Descriptions and Credit Values

Flooded subdivision in Vermont

Learn from a Vermont rivers expert how to access and interpret Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and state river corridor maps for information about flood risk, flood insurance, and regulation compliance.

Sink faucet filling a glass of water

Learn about how private wells or springs work and why it is important to protect our drinking water supply. Explore best practices and responsibilities for real estate professionals when working with buyers and sellers with private water systems.

Septic system in construction

Learn about the various kinds of septic systems installed in Vermont and the regulations pertaining to their installation and maintenance.

House on the bank of a river

Learn about Vermont鈥檚 Shoreland Protection guidelines from a Vermont lakes expert: landowner requirements, development regulations, and permit guidelines.


This guide shows how to use the web-based Vermont Natural Resources Atlas which provides geographic information about environmental features and sites that the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources manages, monitors, permits, or regulates.