Academic Success Goals

The Academic Success Goals (ASG) are intended to support the university’s strategic areas of impact, and reflect priorities in Teaching and Learning, Knowledge Creation, and Engagement.

They were established during the Spring 2020 semester, and were the result of ideas, suggestions, and feedback from members of the Academic Leadership Council and the faculty and staff in their respective units.

In Fall 2023 our community reviewed the Academic Success Goals to see what needed refinement and to determine whether anything was missing. This process included the Academic Leadership Council, the Provost’s Executive Team, the Provost’s Integrated Leadership Team, the Academic Planning Council, the Faculty Senate Executive Council, the Faculty Senate, Staff Council, the Student Government Association, the Graduate Student Senate, academic and student success leaders across campus, and faculty and staff more broadly through discussions within their units facilitated by deans and vice provosts. These refreshed May 2024 (effective July 1, 2024) Academic Success Goals include some important clarifications, several new focus areas, and have been reordered to reflect a general sequencing/scaffolding that will be helpful when prioritizing efforts and activities.

The Academic Success Goals should guide the work of all members of our community – faculty, staff, and students – who participate in, support, and contribute to our academic mission.