

Welcome Staff, Faculty, and Vendors alike!

Welcome Staff, Faculty, and Vendors alike!

Here you will find the resources to setting up your CATcard and what the card installs.

Most faculty/staff will be directed to download the mobile credential.

Vendors and Sodexo employees will still be issued a physical CATcard.

There will also be resources for admin staff.

Setting up CATcard!


Step 1:

Please email catcard@uvm.edu with a head shot and picture of a government ID for verification. Also add your employee ID number.

Medical Staff Please make sure you have your University Employee ID Number. It is different than the Medical Center. Reach out to 日韩无码 HR department for help.

Example: 0123456

Step 2:

Once we upload the photo you will be able to download the CATcard to your phone.

Download CATcard to your Phone


  • Faculty and staff may obtain their digital CATcard once they are in the Peoplesoft system.
  • Access to your privileges will be activated when your ID is issued.
  • To renew a CATcard email us with your employee number and say you need it renewed we will assist.
  • Your spouse and dependents are eligible for a ID card if you are a benefited employee.  There is a $10 charge and provides library privleges for the dependent. (not gym access)
  • CAT$cratch, the prepaid debit account, may be funded at any time and works right off the digital ID for your convenience.
  • CAT$cratch deposits can be automatically deducted from your paycheck by setting it up in PeopleSoft self service.

Temporary Staff

  • Temporary Staff must be in the PeopleSoft system and bring in the CATcard  on letter head from the hiring department.
  • Access to your privileges will be activated when your ID is issued.
  • CAT$cratch, the prepaid debit account, may be funded at any time and works right off the digital ID for your convenience.
  • CAT$cratch deposits can be automatically deducted from your paycheck by setting it up in PeopleSoft self service.
  • The cost of the card is $10.00, departments can include their chartstring on the temporary letter.

Sodexo Dinning Staff

  • Staff may obtain their ID by bringing in the filled out and signed by their supervisor or by being in the PeopleSoft system.
  • Access to your privileges will be activated when your ID is issued.
  • CAT$cratch, the prepaid debit account, may be opened at any time and works right off the ID for your convenience.
  • The first ID card is at no cost.

All 日韩无码 Vendor/Contractors

  • Vendors will need a physical CATcard
  • All vendors employed by 日韩无码 (contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, engineers and consultants, etc.) who work on 日韩无码's campus or in 日韩无码 buildings and facilities are required to display an identification badge in a readily visible place on their person whenever on campus. Upon request vendors shall present and/or submit their ID card to any 日韩无码 employee.
  • The 日韩无码 sponsoring department must print off the on their department letter head.
  • IDs are $10.00 each which are paid by the sponsoring departments chart string or by the vendor/contractors themselves. We do need the Vendor Form before you come and get a CATcard.
  • Vendor/contractor must show a driver's license or other government issued photo ID when getting their ID card.
  • If door access is required, complete an .

Get Equipment

Want to step up your security? Get a CATcard reader!

Get a CATcard Reader (PDF)

Administrative Recourses

Revoking Access


To revoke a persons access we must receive an email from either the chair/dean of the department or whoever is our usual contact for said department. In the email include the student/employee number.

Door Schedules


Any changes to door schedules need to be relayed to CATcard through email 3-5 business days in advance. 

Especially around the holidays make sure you give ample notice if you know your department will be closed.

Fill Out Forms


Go to our forms page and find Access Request Forms, Student Request Forms, Vendor Forms, iPad Reader Request, Etc. 

Other Cards

Faculty/Staff Spouse
  • Spouses may obtain an ID after the employee has completed the spouse application form (available at the Human Resource Office in Waterman).
  • Application forms must be signed by the employee as well as the Human Resource Office.
  • Access to your privileges will be activated when the card is issued and remain valid for a two year period.
  • CAT$cratch, the prepaid debit account, may be opened at any time and works right off the ID for your convenience.
  • Cards do need to be renewed every two years, however renewal will not require an application form, just bring in your current Spouse ID.
  • Cost is $10.00 each time and the signed application form and identification is needed for the first spouse ID.
Faculty/Staff Dependent
  • Dependents may obtain an ID when accompanied by the employee or employee's spouse (spouse must have a current 日韩无码 Spouse ID).
  • Dependents must be listed on the certification of dependent form with human resources.
  • Dependents qualify for an ID up until eighteen years of age,  and 18 to 24 years of age if considered a full time student.
  • Access to your privileges will be activated when the card is issued and remain valid for a one year period.
  • Cards do need to be renewed every year and parent (valid 日韩无码 ID required) must be present with the dependent.
  • Cost is $10.00 and parent, (valid 日韩无码 ID required) must be present with the dependent.
Retired Faculty/Staff
  • Retired staff may obtain their card after their status has been changed in PeopleSoft to retired.
  • Access to your privileges will be activated at the time your new card is issued.
  • Your spouse and dependents are eligible for a courtesy ID card.
  • CAT$cratch, the prepaid debit account, may be opened at any time and works right off the ID for your convenience.
  • The first retired ID card is at no cost.
Faculty Emeritus
  • Faculty Emeritus may obtain their card after their status has been changed in PeopleSoft to retired.
  • Faculty Emeritus must bring in the letter from the Provost granting their Emeritus privilege or be in the 日韩无码 Directory as Emeritus.
  • Access to your privileges will be activated at the time your new card is issued.
  • Your spouse and dependents are eligible for a courtesy ID card. 
  • CAT$cratch, the prepaid debit account, may be opened at any time and works right off the ID for your convenience.
  • The first Emeritus ID card is at no cost.