
Connect Students to Writing Support

Encourage Students to Visit the Writing Center


Every student can benefit from talking with a peer tutor about their writing, but not all will initiate a visit on their own. You can encourage students to make an appointment by: 

  • Including a statement about the writing center in your syllabus, such as: For support and feedback at any point in the writing process, you can consult with a tutor at the Undergraduate Writing Center. Visit www.uvm.edu/undergradwriting for more information about making appointments and getting the most out of a session. You can share with me the session report your tutor sends to you.
  • Referring individual students who need additional support. 
  • Assisting a student who needs ongoing support in making a request for a writing partner

Considering requiring your entire class to visit the writing center? Wondering about other ways the writing center can support your students? Please contact the Director of the Undergraduate Writing Center in advance to discuss arrangements and capacity.

In-Class Presentations and Workshops


Writing tutors can visit classes to connect your students to undergraduate writing center support with presentations that last 10-15 minutes. Presentations can be extended to 20-25 minutes to include a discussion of writing processes and composing styles. Longer writing workshops (30-60 minutes) on Effective Peer Review, Revision Strategies, and Citation Strategies can be arranged in consultation with the Director of the Undergraduate Writing Center.

To request a presentation or workshop, complete the , or contact the Director of the Undergraduate Writing Center with your preferred dates, the course code and title, course enrollment, meeting time, and classroom location. While we may be able to fulfill requests made a week in advance, requests made two weeks in advance are encouraged. Generally, we will be prepared to start class visits by the third week of the semester. Students often are most open to the idea of seeking out peer support after they have submitted writing and received faculty feedback.

Connect a WID Mentor with a Writing Intensive Course


The Undergraduate Writing Center partners with the Writing in the Disciplines Program to provide additional writing support connected to particular courses. The WID Undergraduate Writing Mentor Program attaches experienced undergraduate writing tutors to classes that engage students in disciplinary-based writing.