
Progress Reports and RPPRs

Submission of annual or other interim progress reports to a sponsor is a normal requirement of a sponsored project. Progress reports allow the Principal Investigator to document the projects scientific progress, identify significant changes, report on personnel, and describe plans for the subsequent budget period or year.

Submit On-Time

In many cases, submission of a progress report allows the sponsor to release the next budget periods funding. Progress reports must be submitted on time to avoid delays in funding.

Review Award Document

Always refer to your award document or in many cases the sponsor鈥檚 website to determine the frequency, due dates, information requested, forms and delivery platform to use.

NIH RPPR - Research Performance Progress Report

To standardize reporting, federal agencies have adopted a federal-wide research performance progress report (RPPR) format for the submission of required annual or other interim performance reporting on research projects.  Below we highlight NIH, NSF and NIFA.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

For complete information, visit the .

There are three types of RPPRs, all of which use the .

  • Annual
  • Final
  • Interim - Use when submitting a renewal (Type 2) application. If the Type 2 is not funded, the Interim RPPR will serve as the Final RPPR for the project. If the Type 2 is funded, the Interim RPPR will serve as the annual RPPR for the final year of the previous competitive segment.


If you need assistance identifying when your progress report is due, please contact your Research Administrator. 

  • SNAP RPPRs are due approximately 45 days before the next budget period start date.
  • Principal Investigators submit SNAP RPPRs directly to NIH thru Commons.
  • Non-SNAP RPPRs are due approximately 60 days before the next budget period start date.
  • Principal Investigators create the non-SNAP RPPR in Commons and SPA submits thru Commons.
  • Multi-year funded (MYF) RPPRs are due annually on or before the anniversary of the budget/project period start date of the award.

RPPR Questions Most Commonly Reviewed by the NIH Grant鈥檚 Office

  • RPPR 6.4 Section D: Reporting Individuals who worked on the Project

D.1 What individuals have worked on the project?

  • Include (1) the PD/PI regardless of effort devoted to the project and (2) each person who has worked at least one person month per year on the project during the reporting period, regardless of the source of compensation.
  • Round to the nearest whole person month that the individual worked on the project. For example, if the individual worked 2.25 person months, indicate 2 person months. If the PD/PI worked 0.5 to 1 person month, round up to 1 person month. If the postdoc worked 0.1 to 0.4 person month, round down to 0 and do not report.
  • RPPR Section G.10: Estimated unobligated balance.
    • Please contact your designated SPA Financial Analyst. They will assist you and/or your department administrator in determining if your anticipated unobligated balance (including prior year carryover) will be greater than 25% of the current year鈥檚 total approved budget. If the unobligated balance is greater than 25%, a detailed explanation is required per the NIH RPPR instructions.
National Science Foundation (NSF)

For complete information, at Research.gov.

There are 4 types of NSF project reports:

  • Annual report
  • Interim report
  • Final report
  • Project outcomes report

Only Principal Investigators and Co-Principal Investigators can create, edit and submit project reports.

  • You will see any required reports on your Project Report Dashboard.
  • Click on the Project Outcomes, Final or Annual Project Report link to see a list of awards.
  • From there, you can create, edit, and submit reports for each award.
USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)

For complete information,

There are 3 types of NIFA project reports:

  • Initiation report - required prior to NIFA releasing funds
  • Progress report
  • Final technical report

Project Directors for competitive, non-competitive, and capacity projects are all responsible for timely submission of program data to NIFA through the .