We care about providing a safe and supportive environment for students and we understand that we may also need to have some difficult conversations.
Your conduct meeting becomes your opportunity to share any information with us prior to the resolution of those allegations. This page provides you with the information you might need to best prepare for your scheduled meeting.
We understand that this may feel like a lot of information and may feel overwhelming. Please know that we are here to support you as you move through this process. If you have any questions about the incident or the conduct process, please contact your meeting facilitator or the Center for Student Conduct. We are happy to answer questions, explain the process, and provide additional resources.
You’ve Received a Notice of Alleged Violation(s)...
If you have received notification of a scheduled conduct meeting, it means the Center for Student Conduct has received an incident report that alleges you may have violated university policy.
Conduct meetings are an opportunity for our staff to talk with you about the report, explore what happened from your perspective, discuss your own thoughts about the incident, and collaborate on a path forward that might assist you in making healthy decisions that minimize future harm to yourself and your community.
Main objectives:
- Collect as much information as possible (from all perspectives) about the incident
- Make a decision about responsibility for alleged violations utilizing all testimony available
- Engage you in an educational, restorative conversation about the incident.
Action Steps to Prepare for Your Conduct Meeting
Read Your Notice of Alleged Violations Carefully
This notice letter outlines the alleged violations as well as the date and time of your conduct meeting. Your meeting has been scheduled based on your academic course schedule. To request an accommodation for your meeting, contact the Center for Student Conduct. If you need to request a change to your meeting date/time due to religious observance, please contact your meeting facilitator directly.
Ahead of your meeting, it may help you to have an understanding of , as well.
Request a Copy of Your Incident Report
You likely have received a copy of all related documents associated with your incident, but if not, we recommend you so that you are prepared to respond to the report and alleged violations during your meeting. To make that request, you'll need to agree to keep information confidential.
Review the Student Code of Conduct
Review the Code of Student Conduct for more information about University policies and your rights during the meeting.
Additional policy information is available for specific charges depending on the nature of the alleged violations:
- Alcohol, Cannabis, Tobacco, and Other Drug Use – Students Policy
- Code of Academic Integrity
- Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy
- Hazing Policy
- Student Organization Misconduct Investigation and Resolution Procedure
Prepare to Discuss the Incident
Arrive to your meeting prepared to describe, as honestly and as clearly as possible, the details of your involvement in the incident in which you have been named. Some students find it useful to prepare written notes or statements in advance of their meeting to assist them in sharing important information, timelines, etc. This is not required, but may be helpful. Your conduct history becomes an educational record protected by federal privacy guidelines. There are conditions to the extent of that privacy: FERPA Rights Disclosure.
You may always ahead of your meeting so the facilitator has an opportunity to consider your thoughts in advance.
Consider Bringing Support With You
Consider whether you wish to bring an advisor, witnesses, or additional documents to your meeting. Information about advisors and witnesses can be found in the sidebar of this page as well as in the Code of Student Conduct.
Support Through the Process
Because the conduct process can be stressful and anxiety producing, students moving through this process are encouraged to seek support and guidance. Some ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë sources of support include:
In the ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë student conduct process, an advisor is a member of the University community (who is not a family member) chosen by a Complainant or Respondent to provide personal support through the student conduct process. An advisor must have no other role, such as a witness, and may not speak on behalf of, or otherwise represent their advisees. Advisors may not be lawyers, although the Center for Student Conduct may permit a lawyer as an advisor when related criminal charges are filed and pending.
Counseling is available from ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë’s Counseling and Psychiatry Services (CAPS). CAPS offers a short-term approach to counseling, averaging 4 - 5 sessions, with an emphasis on helping students cope more effectively with their personal and academic lives. CAPS counseling services include urgent need appointments and routine, on-going appointments, as well as consultation appointments to connect students to campus and community resources.
Witness Statements
You may also bring a witness who has first-hand relevant knowledge of the incident. Character witnesses are not allowed. Witnesses may attend the conduct meeting or submit a written statement via their ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë email, but it is your responsibility to bring your witness or witness statement to the meeting.
A witness and an advisor may not be the same person. If you choose to bring either, you must submit the name(s) no later than 24 hours before the conduct meeting.
We do not consider anonymous witness statements. A person submitting a witness statement should include their full name and contact information as well as the following statement (signed and dated): The information that I have provided in this statement is true and accurate. I have made this statement freely without expectation of a benefit or reward, without threat of punishment, and without coercion. I understand that providing false information in this statement may subject me to penalty of perjury.
If Other Students Are Involved...
If an incident involves more than one student, the meetings for all students will likely be combined into one conduct meeting. A student may request a separate meeting; however, in most cases it is in the University’s interest to hear and consider all testimony together. Requests for an individual meeting must be made within 24 hours of the date of your Notice of Alleged Violations letter and will only be granted for good cause.
Medical Amnesty Program (MAP)
If you feel your incident is covered by the Medical Amnesty Program, please contact your meeting facilitator to discuss those thoughts or mention those concerns at the onset of the meeting.