Radiation Safety

The Radiation Safety Office (RSO) oversees the use of ionizing radiation sources and class 3B and 4 lasers and lasers systems on campus and ensures compliance with state and federal regulations, to protect ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë employees, students, the public, and the environment. The RSO also provides safety related services for ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë. There are more than 350 faculty, staff, and students using radioactive materials and ionizing radiation producing devices for research and educational purposes in more than 100 labs in 14 buildings.

On October 1, 2019, Vermont became a Nuclear Regulatory Commission Agreement State.  Vermont is the 39th state to sign such agreement with the NRC.  This means the State of Vermont will assume jurisdiction over ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë's radioactive materials license.  The Vermont Department of Health, Radioactive Materials Program, will be in charge of administering this program.

Radiation Emergency Response


Any radiation emergency, either actual or suspected, must be reported to the Radiation Safety Office (RSO) as soon as possible.

If the radiation emergency occurs during normal working hours, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 - 12:00, 1:00 - 4:30, call the RSO at 656-2570.

After normal working hours or on weekends or holidays, call 911 and ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë Police Services will be notified. The ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë police dispatcher will then notify the RSO personnel according to a priority list.

Non-emergencies after normal working hours or on weekends or holidays, please call ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë Police Service at 656-3473.

Please refer the for further information on radiation spill response procedures and other general radiation safety information.

Laboratory Emergency Response

Procedure for Approval of Investigators


The possession and use of radioactive materials at ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë must be approved by the ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) to ensure compliance with the University's license with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and with applicable guidelines of the State of Vermont.

*Since the RSC normally meets quarterly and does not wish to delay the research and educational uses of radionuclides, the Director of the RSO is authorized by the RSC to take provisional action on applications by Investigators prior to review by the RSC at a regularly scheduled quarterly meeting.

Application Process

When a ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë faculty member first seeks approval to use radionuclides or radiation sources for teaching and/or research purposes, he/she must fill out an form and must successfully complete a 44-question multiple choice certification exam, after which the Director of the RSO interviews the applicant to determine if his/her experience and lab setup is appropriate.

If the applicant has less than 6 months of radionuclide handling experience, the Director assists the applicant with making arrangements to use radionuclides under the authorization of an approved Investigator.

After all requirements have been satisfied, the Director instructs the RSO staff to "commission" the laboratory (waste disposal containers, signs, labels, detectors, etc.)

Prepare for the Certification Exam

The Radiation Safety Office provides basic radiation safety education to all radiation handlers on campus.

  • Radiation safety lectures.
  • Private meetings to discuss general and/or personal safety procedures, contamination survey methods, radioactive waste disposal, pregnancy policy, etc.
  • Group meetings with laboratory staff to discuss safety concerns.
  • Radiation safety videotapes available for loan.
  • Monographs to assist radiation handlers with various topics.
  • If you are interested in any of the above items, please email the Radiation Safety Office (RSO) at radsafe@uvm.edu, .

If you have further questions or things are still unclear you may speak to the RSO personnel prior to taking the exam.

Reapplication Review Process

If an Investigator has received prior approval for radionuclide use at ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë, he/she need only submit the form, indicating which radionuclide, purpose of use, and proposed possession limit.

The Director reviews the applicant's waste disposal frequency, contamination survey records, radiation detectors, shielding, inspection history, etc. If any deficiencies are found, they must be corrected before provisional approval can be given.

Action by Director

If everything is in order, the Director sends a letter of provisional approval* to the applicant which permits him/her to procure, purchase, and use radionuclides, pending final review by the RSC.

The Director sends each member of the RSC a summary of the application with an accompanying "ballot" to vote on the application.

Action by RSC

The RSC members promptly return the ballots with their vote.

If any RSC member votes "not approved", the Director contacts the remainder of the RSC members. If the majority of the RSC members agree, the Director contacts the Investigator to suspend use of the radionuclides and seek ways to amend the application.

If the majority of the mail ballots vote "approved", the tally of the ballots is presented, and a vote of ratification is taken, at the ensuing regular quarterly meeting of the RSC.

The Chair of the RSC sends an official letter to the applicant indicating the action taken by the Committee.

Radiation Surveys

Contamination Surveys

Surveys for radiation contamination must be made by the radiation handler after each experimental run OR at the end of the day in which radiation was handled in order to determine the extent of radiation contamination and to determine that all waste and stock material have been properly stored.

The RSO recommends that each contamination survey be documented, and the records sent to the RSO. The minimum requirement is that at least one weekly written report must be sent to the RSO for each radiation handling laboratory during periods of active use and a monthly report must be sent for each cold room, counting room, or storage room.

Conduct a weekly , during periods of active use, in all laboratories used to handle unsealed radioactive materials, and send (or FAX (656-8876) the reports weekly to the RSO.

No Use Radiation Survey Form: If you do not use any radioactive materials in any particular week, send a weekly "inactive" (= no manipulation of radioactive materials) report. If the period of inactivity extends more than 3 consecutive weeks, conduct an area survey and/or wipe test for the 4th week. If you would like to use a web-based form to send a weekly inactive report, use this link.

Radiation Contamination Surveys

How Many Surveys Are Required?

52 weekly contamination survey reports are expected each year for each radiation handling laboratory.

12 monthly surveys are expected each year for rooms used only to count radioactivity, and those which are used to store radioactivity such as cold rooms and freezers.

If contamination is found, clean it up and resurvey. Send a report to the RSO. Call the RSO if you need any assistance with clean up.

You can only use survey meters with valid calibration dates. Use this link for more information regarding calibrations.

Before using any portable radiation survey meters to check for contamination, you must:

  1. use a radioactive check source to ensure that the detector is responsive,
  2. check the battery level
  3. check the background radiation count.

If more than one laboratory group utilizes the same space, we recommend that each group conduct their own wipe tests and send the reports to the RSO.

Radiation Survey Meter Calibration

All portable radiation survey meters must be calibrated once a year. The RSO will help keep your survey meter in calibration by providing you with a calibrated loaner survey meter and shipping your meter out to Calibration Technology, a division of Radiation Safety & Control Services in Stratham, NH (our calibration provider). The cost of the calibration and shipping via UPS will be charged to your budget. The usual cost is $35 plus shipping charges. Calibration Technology will also, at no additional charge, determine the efficiency of your survey meter for P-32 and S-35 (or two isotopes of your choosing).

Call us at if your survey meter needs to be calibrated. Check the calibration sticker on the side of your survey meter. If it has been more than one year since its last calibration it needs to be re-calibrated.

Radiation Exposure Dosimeters

Explanation of Annual Exposure Report Terminology

Each year the Radiation Safety Office is required to send to each person that received a whole body or ring badge an annual report of their exposure.  Landauer is the company that provides the whole body and ring badge to ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë radiation users.  The report prepared by Landauer, Occupational Exposure Record for a Monitoring Period, is sometimes difficult to understand.  Below is a table listing the definitions of the various terms you will see on your annual exposure report and the corresponding NRC and ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë ALARA annual limits.

Definitions of corresponding NRC and ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë ALARA annual limits
Dose Type from Annual Report
(Landauer number)
Definition of Dose TypeNRC Annual LimitÈÕº«ÎÞÂë ALARA Annual Limit
Deep Dose Equivalent, DDE
External whole-body exposure at tissue deep of 1 cm. (Whole body badge)5 rem0.5 rem
Eye Dose Equivalent to Lens of Eye, LDE:
External exposure to the lens of the eye at a depth of 0.3 cm. (Whole body badge)15 rem1.5 rem
Shallow Dose Equivalent, Whole Body, SDE, WB
External exposure to the whole body at a tissue depth of .007 cm averaged over 1 cm2. (Whole body badge)50 rem5 rem
Shallow Dose Equivalent, Max Extremity, SDE, ME
External exposure to an extremity averaged over 1 cm2 (Ring badge)50 rem5 rem
Committed Effective Dose Equivalent, CEDE
Sum of the products of the weighing factors applicable to each of the body organs or tissue that are irradiated and the committed dose equivalent to these organs or tissue. (Internal uptake- bioassay)5 rem0.5 rem
Committed Dose Equivalent, CDE
Dose equivalent to organ or tissue that will be received from an intake of radioactive material by an individual during a 50-year period following the intake. (Internal uptake - Bioassay)50 rem5 rem
Total Effective Dose Equivalent, TEDE
DDE + CEDE5 rem0.5 rem
Total Organ Dose Equivalent, Max Organ, TODE
Personal Radiation Monitors

The RSO has setup an electronic request form for only ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë personnel to use if they would like to get the information about their monthly radiation exposure.

Who should have a Whole Body/Ring Badge Radiation Dosimeters?

Persons working with radionuclides which emit beta particles with an energy exceeding 0.5 Mev, or gamma rays or x-rays with any energy must wear a whole body and ring badge. Persons using H-3, -14C, or S-35 exclusively are not required to wear a whole body or ring badge because the low-energy beta particles emitted by these radionuclides cannot be detected by the whole-body badge.

Persons using sealed sources and/or x-ray producing devices only need to wear a whole-body badge.

Wear the ring monitor exclusively on the particular hand which is most likely to receive radiation exposure. Do not switch hands once you have indicated to the RSO on which hand you will wear the ring monitor, or unless you notify the RSO of a change.

The ring monitor must be turned to face the radiation source and worn under the disposable gloves.

The NRC has established a special limit for protection of a fetus. That limit is 0.5 rems for the entire gestation period.

Pregnant radiation workers should meet with the Radiation Safety officer to review safety rules and to determine appropriate monitoring. See ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë's Pregnancy Policy for radiation handlers.

Keep your radiation dosimeter in a lab location free from radiation, excessive heat, moisture, and vapors when not in use.

Turn in your radiation dosimeter during the first week of each month so that the badges can be sent to the commercial company for timely readings.

To get your whole body and/or ring badge, go the Radiation Safety Office and fill out the appropriate radiation use application.

Proper Use of Portable Radiation Detectors

When it comes to detecting the presence of radioactive contamination in the workplace, our normal senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch are useless. In order to maintain a contamination-free work environment, the proper use of radiation detectors is critical. Following are some simple techniques to maintain quality control of your instrument and realize its full potential as a survey meter.

  1. Calibrate your instrument on an annual basis. This will ensure that the high voltage settings are at their proper settings, and that the instrument is in good working condition. This is also required by the NRC for instruments used for area and personnel surveys.
  2. Before using the instrument for any contamination or personnel surveys you should check the battery level, and the counters response with a check source. The check source can be a calibrated standard, stock vial or any known activity radioactive source. This is important even if the instrument has been calibrated recently, as the instrument may have been physically damaged since calibration. At the Radiation Safety Office, we perform quality control using calibrated standards on all our instruments on a daily basis.
  3. Make sure you are using the appropriate detector for the radionuclide you are surveying for. For example, to detect beta emitters such as P-32, the G.M. tube is most efficient, while for gamma emitters such as I-125, the external probe containing a NaI crystal is most efficient.
  4. Before beginning the survey, you should take a reading to determine the background. If the background seems excessively high, check the area to determine if there is a radioactive source causing an artificially high background. While surveying, pass the Geiger counter slowly over the survey area. If you go too fast, the counter will not have adequate time to respond. The counter's detector should pass over the area about 1 - 2 inches from the surface. In order to keep the instrument itself from being contaminated, it is a good idea to place saran wrap or parafilm around the end of the detector. Never use the instrument with the plastic cap on the end. This cap is to protect the instrument from physical damage only. If the cap is left on, some of the radiation you are trying to detect will be shielded, and the instrument will lose efficiency.
  5. Remember that any area that exceeds 3 times the background is considered significantly contaminated and must be decontaminated and resurveyed. Also remember that this rule applies only to contaminated surface areas and not to disposable items. In order for possibly radioactive items to be disposed of in the normal trash, they must be equal to or less than background.

If you have any questions about using Geiger counters, calibration information, check sources, or radiation safety in the work environment, please contact the RSO . We will be glad to assist you and answer any questions you may have.

Radiation Dosimeters at ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë -- The Film and Ring Badge

Film and Ring badges are issued to all radiation handlers who work with beta particles emitters with an energy of 0.5 MeV... for example P-32 or gamma emitters or x-rays with any energy.... for example, I-125 and Cr-51.

Film and ring badges measure your exposure to radiation from outside the body. The badges do not protect you from radiation but only measure the amount of radiation you are exposed to.

Persons only using H-3, C-14, S-35 are not required to wear film or ring badges.

The reason for having a film and ring badge is so we can measure what you whole body receives (the film badge) and what your hands receive (the ring badge.)

The NRC has set limit for exposure to radiation. Your whole body is allowed to receive 5 rem/year. Your hands and feet are allowed to receive 50 rems/year.

Here at ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë we want to keep all exposures below 10 % of the NRC limits.

Film and ring badges must be exchanged each month so that they can be sent to a commercial company for evaluation.

You will be sent an exposure report if you received a measurable exposure that month. All film and ring badged workers receive an annual report of their radiation exposure.

Proper Use of Radiation Dosimeters


  • Wear your film badge at all times while in a radiation handling or storage lab.
  • Wear your ring badge whenever you are handling radioactive materials. Twist the ring so it faces the radiation source. It should be worn on your dominate hand.
  • Wear the film badge on the upper part of the body facing forward.
  • Wear your ring badge underneath your disposable gloves and always on the same hand.
  • If you are wearing a lead apron, wear the film badge at the neck level outside the apron.
  • Each month your film and ring badge are exchanged for new ones. Please return the old ones as soon as you receive your new badges.
  • Even if you have not handled any radiation during that month, your film and ring badges must be returned.
  • The new film that you receive each month must be properly inserted into the specialized holder. The hold had filters inside which make it possible to determine the type, energy and quantity of radiation. If the film is not placed in your holder correctly inaccurate or no radiation dose reading will occur.
  • Leave your film and ring badge in a safe place away from high temperature, high humidity and radiation sources in your lab.
  • Report the loss or damage to your film or ring badge immediately to the Radiation Safety Office.

Do Not's

  • Do not allow buckles, buttons, pens, etc. to shield the film badge.
  • Do not take your film and ring badge home with you.
  • Do not wear a film or ring badge issued to another person.
  • Do not get you film or ring badge wet.

Do not cut or puncture the film badge. Ask for assistance if you are not familiar with proper insertion of film into the holder.

Ordering, Shipping and Procuring Radioactive Materials

Ordering Radioactive Material

All orders of radioactive materials (RAM) must first be approved and ordered by the Radiation Safety Office (RSO).

All purchase requisitions for radioactive materials (RAM) must be submitted to the RSO for approval. After RSO will then place the order. All purchase requisitions received by the RSO prior to 3:00 pm will be ordered that day. Orders received after 3:00 pm will be ordered the next business day.

The investigator making the purchase must be authorized to procure that radionuclide.

All Unsealed radiation sources must be shipped to the RSO.

Steps to follow to order RAM:

  1. Fill out a Request to order Radioactive Materials (PDF).
  2. Your request for radioactive materials will not be processed without the use of this order form, your PURCARD information, and a complete description of the item being ordered.
  3. Mail or fax or hand carry this request form to the RSO ( fax: 656-8876)
  4. The RSO will check each order against the Investigator's authorization.
  5. The RSO will order the material with the radiochemical company.
  6. Call the RSO with any questions or problems with the order or shipment.
  7. Blanket orders will handled the same way as they are right now, using a P.O. number.

All radioactive materials must be sent to the Radiation Safety Office.

University of Vermont
Radiation Safety Office
106 Carrigan Drive
004 Rowell Building
Burlington, VT 05405
Attn: (name of person material being sent to)

Shipping Radioactive Material

All radioactive materials that are transferred from ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë must be packaged and shipped by the RSO.

All radioactive materials that are transferred from ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë must be packaged and shipped by the RSO. If you need to have radioactive material sent to another person at another institution the following needs to happen.

  • A copy of the receivers site NRC/Agreement licence on file in the RSO
  • Proper shipping address of the receiver
  • Budget number to charge shipper for Federal Exprss shipping charges
  • Dry Ice (if need to send frozen)
  • Isotope, chemical, and activity being sent

The RSO will provide the outside shipping container and will take care of filling out the shipping paperwork. Packages are sent via Federal Express, standard overnight delivery. Not including weekend.

Procuring Radioactive Materials

All purchase requisitions for radioactive materials (RAM) must be submitted to the RSO for approval. After RSO will then place the order. All purchase requisitions received by the RSO prior to 3:00 pm will be ordered that day. Orders received after 3:00 pm will be ordered the next business day.

The investigator making the purchase must be authorized to procure that radionuclide.

All Unsealed radiation sources must be shipped to the RSO.

Hazards of Ultraviolet Radiation

UV Radiation

Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is electromagnetic energy with a wavelength just shorter than that of visible light. UV energy stimulates vitamin D production in our bodies and is a treatment for psoriasis, but can also cause skin cancer, sunburns and cataracts.

Evaluating Your UV Exposure

  • Contact to measure the UV energy in your lab.


Safety staff can pick up burned out ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë lamps. They are disposed of like all other fluorescent light bulbs at ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë.

Sources of UV Radiation in Labs

Germicidal lamps emit radiation almost exclusively in the far-UV range of 254 nm. They are commonly used in biological safety cabinets and are not to be relied on as the only method of decontamination.

The UV light box is another UV source in use in laboratories. This instrument is a box with a glass top and a UV lamp inside. Some units have multiple lamps that allow a choice of wavelength.

Most of these instruments are stationary, but a few are hand-held types that carry the same hazards as the stationary models.  Nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) which has been stained with the chemical Ethidium Bromide, lights up when exposed to UV light.

The Journal of Chemical Health & Safety published an assessment of UV exposure from transilluminator light boxes (PDF) that explains hazards, controls and some common mistakes.

A UV-Crosslinker is used to "cross-link" or covalently attach nucleic acid to a surface or membrane following Southern blotting, Northern blotting, dot blotting, and Colony/Plaque lifts. Since the DNA will be used in place, a 254 nm wavelength is used to maximize adherence.

Some Devices Emitting UV Radiation

  • Bactericidal lamps
  • Black light lamps
  • Carbon, xenon and other arcs
  • Dental polymerizing equipment
  • Fluorescence equipment
  • Hydrogen and deuterium lamps
  • Ultraviolet nail curing lamps
  • Mercury lamps
  • Phototherapy lamps
  • Printing ink polymerizing equipment
  • Welding equipment
  • Trans-illuminator light boxes
Identify Hazards

UV radiation has shorter wavelengths (higher frequencies) compared to visible light but have longer wavelengths (lower frequencies) compared to X-rays. UV radiation is divided into three wavelength ranges.

Electromagnetic Spectrum Table

Health Effects

Some health effects of exposure to UV light are familiar to anyone who has had a sunburn; however, the UV energy levels around certain UV equipment greatly exceeds the levels found in nature.  Health effects vary with the duration of exposure as well as the intensity and wavelength of the energy.

The shortwave UV radiation (UV-C) poses the maximum risk. The sun emits UV-C but it is absorbed in the ozone layer of the atmosphere before reaching the earth. Some man-made UV sources also emit UV-C. However, the regulations concerning such sources restrict the UV-C intensity to a minimal level and may have requirements to install special guards or shields and interlocks to prevent exposure to the UV.  Bypassing shields can expose personnel to acutely dangerous levels of UV-C radiation.

The medium wave UV (UV-B) causes skin burns, erythema (reddening of the skin) and darkening of the skin. Prolonged exposures increase the risk of skin cancer.

Longwave UV radiation (UV-A) accounts for up to 95% of the UV radiation that reaches the earth's surface. Although UV-A is less intense than UV-B, it is more prevalent and can penetrate deeper into the skin layers, affecting the connective tissue and blood vessels, which results in premature aging.

Acute Health Effects

Type - UV-A

Wavelength - 315-400 nm
Acute Health Effects -

  • darkening of the skin

Type - UV-B

Wavelength - 280-315 nm
Acute Health Effects -

  • reddening of the skin, blistering of the skin, first or second degree burns, darkening of the skin
  • Photokeratitis (welders flash) is inflammation of the cornea: symptoms include watery eyes and blurry vision, itchiness and pain
  • photo conjunctivitis is inflammation of the membrane on the outside of the eye: symptoms include watery discharge and discomfort

Type - UV-C

Wavelength - 100-280 nm
Acute Health Effects -

  • In humans, UVC is absorbed in the outer dead layers of the epidermis.
  • Photokeratitis (welders flash)
  • UVC injuries may clear within a day or two, but can be extremely painful
Chronic Health Effects

Effect on the skin

Long-term exposure to UVR can cause thickening of the skin, changes in cells which may cause fibrous tissue and blood vessels leading to premature skin aging, photo dermatoses, and actinic keratoses. Long-term exposure may also cause freckling, premature wrinkling, and permanent "sunspots," melanoma and other skin cancers.

Certain chemicals and medications act as photosensitizing agents and enhance the effect of UV radiation form sunlight or other sources. Such agents include:

  • thiazide diuretics (drugs which cause excessive urine production)
  • thiazine tranquilizers
  • drugs used in the treatment of high blood pressure
  • certain antibiotics (tetracyclines, sulfonamides)
  • various plants such as carrot, celery, dill, fig, lemon and some types of weeds

Effect on the eyes

The eyes are particularly sensitive to UV radiation. Even a short exposure of a few seconds can result in a painful, but temporary condition known as photokeratitis and conjunctivitis.

  • Photokeratitis is a painful condition caused by the inflammation of the cornea of the eye. The eye waters and vision is blurred.
  • Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the conjunctiva (the membrane that covers the inside of the eyelids and the sclera, the white part of the eyeball); which becomes swollen and produces a watery discharge. It causes discomfort rather than pain and does not usually affect vision.

Symptoms of over-exposure to UV radiation to the eyes are pain, discomfort similar to the feeling of sand in the eye and an aversion to bright light.  Symptoms may not appear for several hours after the exposure.  Some UV damage to the eyes can be irreversible.

The eyes are most sensitive to UV radiation from 210 nm to 320 nm (UV-C and UV-B). Maximum absorption by the cornea occurs around 280 nm. Absorption of UV-A in the lens may be a factor in producing cataract (a clouding of the lens in the eye).

The danger to the eye is enhanced by the fact that light can enter from all angles around the eye and not only in the direction you are looking. The lens can also be damaged, but since the cornea acts as a filter, the chances are reduced. This should not lessen the concern over lens damage however, because cataracts are the direct result of lens damage.

Eye Diagram

Controlling UV Exposure

Steps to Reduce Exposure to UVR

Users must be trained regarding the hazards of UV radiation, signs and symptoms of an exposure, and proper use of UV producing equipment.  Training needs to be documented in the lab safety notebook.

Before using devices that produce UVR, read the equipment's user manual. The manual will tell you important information such as:

  • Whether there are any UV protective shields or interlocks
  • How interlocks function, where available
  • When you are at risk for exposure

Inspect personal protective equipment prior to using a UVR device. Required protective equipment is based on the device in use, but may include:

  • UV protective safety glasses
  • UV protective face shield
  • Skin protection, which may include a lab coat and disposable gloves

Before working with UVR devices, don the appropriate PPE

  • Ensure workers around you are aware of your use of a device with UVR so they don't receive an indirect overexposure
  • Limit exposure to UVR
  • Place re-usable personal protective equipment such as a face shield in a set location so it is accessible to all researchers

UV Protection for Skin

  • Most lab coats are effective at preventing UV exposure to skin
  • Latex or nitrile gloves are effective at protecting hands
  • Be aware of gaps in protection at the wrist or neckline

UV Protective Safety Glasses and Face Shield

How do you know your safety glasses and face shield provide UV protection?

All safety glasses and re-usable face shields should be marked Z87 which indicates basic requirements of the standard or Z87+ which indicates high-impact requirements of the standard. Not all safety glasses and face shields are designed to protect against UVR. New safety glasses or face shields should be marked with a "U" and Scale Number (Scale ranges from 2 to 6 – the higher the number the highest protection from far and near UV). Older safety glasses or face shields may be marked with UV or no marking at all. If there is no marking, do not assume it provides protection against UVR. Those with UVR protection protect against 99.9% of UVR. According to manufacturers, this coating does not wear off over time.

Regular eyeglasses, contact lenses, or typical safety glasses do not offer appropriate protection.

Do not forget to protect the rest of your face, too. Severe skin burns can happen in a very short time, especially under your chin (where most people forget to cover). Full-face shields are really the only appropriate protection when working with UV light boxes for more than a few seconds.


Radiation Safety Office Laboratory Inspections

Each calendar year the Radiation Safety Office is required by the NRC in accordance with our license to conduct at least one inspection for every laboratory which uses or stores radioactive materials. Laboratories which have had violations in the past, or ones which use high levels of activity may be inspected more often.

The Radiation Safety Office staff randomly conduct unannounced inspections to verify that each laboratory complies with regulations stated in the radiation safety handbook.

Items checked include:

  • Evidence of eating and drinking.
  • Presence of significant contamination
  • Safe handling techniques (film badges, lab coats, gloves, and shielding)
  • Proper waste handling and storage.
  • Proper storage of radioactive stock vials.
  • Laboratory security.
  • Certification of all personnel who handle radioactive materials.
  • Contamination surveys done in a timely and accurate manner.
  • Radiation exposure levels are within NRC limits.
  • Radioactive material inventories.
  • Posting of radiation labels on all means of entry into the laboratory.
  • All radioactive materials are properly labeled (vials, test tubes, handling areas etc.)
  • Emergency procedures are posted in an area which is visible and easy to access.
  • Radioactive materials are not present in the normal trash receptacles.
  • Refrigerators, freezers, centrifuges, and other equipment used for radioactive materials are properly labeled.
  • Portable survey meters have valid calibration dates.

Each laboratory inspection is documented and sent to the responsible investigator and also kept on file at the Radiation Safety Office. The staff also conduct inspections by request and are available for consultations regarding laboratory safety which include: safe handling techniques, adequate shielding, exposure levels, and waste disposal.

Ideally, the staff works in conjunction with researchers to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations while promoting a safe working environment for the whole ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë community.

10 CFR 20 - Regulation

Federal rules and regulations concerning the proper use of radioactive materials are contained in part 20 of 10CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) and enforced by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The NRC recently revised this standard for protection against ionizing radiation. This action was necessary to incorporate updated scientific information and to reflect changes in the philosophy of radiation protection.

The revised rules became effective on January 1, 1994, for licensees like ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë.

The following is a partial list of changes:

  1. Dose limits have been changed. The new limits are:
    • Annual limit to individual adult: 5,000 millirems (includes external and internal)
    • Annual limit to lens of the eye: 15,000 millirems
    • Annual limit to skin: 50,000 millirems
    • Annual limit to extremities (hands): 50,000 millirems
    • Dose limit to embryo/fetus: 500 millirems
    • Annual limit for the public: 100 millirems
  2. Licensees are now required to issue film badges and ring monitors to individuals who receive over 10% of the annual limits.
  3. Licensees must have an annual review of their radiation program, which includes As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) provisions.
  4. Surveys for potential hazards are required.
  5. Licensees must continue using the curie, rad, and rem units.
  6. Licensees must attempt to obtain lifetime accumulated dose of a radiation worker from previous employers.
  7. Termination dose reports must be given to workers who request them.
  8. An annual dose report needs to be placed in the file for all radiation workers who receive film badges and ring monitors.

There are many other changes to 10 CFR 20 in addition to the above mentioned. If you are interested in learning more about them, contact the Radiation Safety Office.

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Electromagnetic Spectrum Table

electromagnetic spectrum table


Electromagnetic Spectrum 

Short waves (1) ...... Long waves (7)

[short waves] 100 nm  -  280 nm  -  320 nm  -  400 nm [long waves]  
(nm = nanometers)

  1. Gamma Rays
  2. X-rays
  3. Ultraviolet
    • UV-C  (Ultraviolet-C)
      100-280 nm
      Dangerous Rays
    • UV-B (Ultraviolet-B)
      280-315 nm
      Burning Rays
    • UV-A (Ultraviolet-A)
      315-400 nm
      Tanning Rays
  4. Visible
  5. Infrared
  6. Microwave
  7. Radio
Laser Safety

The Radiation Safety Office (RSO) in the Department of Risk Management & Safety (RM&S) has been given the authority from the Vice President for Research to establish and maintain laser safety at ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë. The regulations and guidelines followed are outlined in the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Center for Devices of Radiological Health, (21 CFR 1040), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard (ANSI z136.1-2014). The RSO’s oversight only applies to Class 3B and 4 lasers. Operators of Class 1, 1M, 2, 2M and 3R lasers should follow manufacturer’s guidance, recommendations and appropriate safe practices.

All class 3B and 4 lasers must be registered with the RSO and all operators must complete laser safety training.  Contact the Laser Safety Officer at the number/emaill below to get your class 3B and 4 registered or if you have further questions.

Contact the Laser Safety Officer:


Email: radsafe@uvm.edu

ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë is available on-line.