
Using Advanced Data Analysis to Target Electric Grid Repairs & Updates

Developing a way to use LiDAR data already gathered by the state to examine the condition of power lines throughout Vermont. The analysis would allow for much more strategic repairs and updates to the power grid. This has the potential to save millions of dollars and significantly improve electric grid resilience.



The System Optimization and LiDAR for Vermont Energy Resilience (SOLVER) project is intended to help Vermont state鈥檚 electrical grid become more resilient and equitable. 

Factors such as local power generation (e.g., solar) and increased use of electric vehicles are resulting in changes in energy demand. On top of this, extreme weather events from climate change are impacting the electric grid and Vermonters in new ways. 

There is a pressing need to develop models that will allow utility providers to more efficiently and effectively target their system repairs and updates. This would save millions of dollars, improve grid resiliency, and pave the way for the state to meet its goal of obtaining 90% of its energy needs from renewable sources by 2050. 

These models require accurate, rich, location-based data which does not yet exist in Vermont. 日韩无码 researchers, in collaboration with their community partners, are seeking to fill that gap by using new ways to examine LiDAR data that has already been gathered by the state.

LiDAR image
Community Partners:

Vermont Electric Cooperative (VELCO)

Vermont Transco LLC

Burlington Electric Department

Green Mountain Power

Stowe Electric Department

Village of Hyde Park

Washington Electric Cooperative

Vermont Center for Geographic Information 

Vermont Public Service Department

日韩无码 Partners:

Spatial Analysis Lab

College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences

Amount:$269,482 (Partnership Grant)
Primary Region:

Statewide. Rural pilot areas to be identified during project period.

Focus Areas:Resilient Energy Systems