
Data Availability Name Objective Description Dates
Description only1991 Forest Bird Survey CountsThe primary goal is to conduct habitat-specific monitoring of forest interior breeding birds and to determine trends over time.Raw data upload of 1991 Forest Bird Monitoring Program Data1991-06-07 to 1991-06-26
Description only1992 Forest Bird Survey Raw CountsThe primary goal is to conduct habitat-specific monitoring of forest interior breeding birds and to determine trends over time.Raw data upload of 1992 Forest Bird Monitoring Program data1991-06-10 to 1992-06-29
Description only1993 Forest Bird Survey Raw CountsThe primary goal is to conduct habitat-specific monitoring of forest interior breeding birds and to determine trends over time.Raw data upload of 1993 Forest Bird Monitoring Program data1993-06-10 to 1993-06-28
Description only1994 Forest Bird Survey Raw CountsThe primary goal is to conduct habitat-specific monitoring of forest interior breeding birds and to determine trends over time.Raw data upload of 1994 Forest Bird Monitoring Program data1994-06-10 to 1994-06-23
Description only1995 Forest Bird Survey Raw CountsThe primary goal is to conduct habitat-specific monitoring of forest interior breeding birds and to determine trends over time.Raw data upload of 1995 Forest Bird Monitoring Program data1995-06-09 to 1995-06-23
Description onlyForest Bird Monitoring DataThe primary goal is to conduct habitat-specific monitoring of forest interior breeding birds and to determine trends over time.Breeding bird survey using point counts with birds seen or heard recorded1991-06-07 to 1995-06-23
Description onlyForest Bird Monitoring Data (raw)The primary goal is to conduct habitat-specific monitoring of forest interior breeding birds.Breeding bird survey using point counts with birds seen or heard recorded; raw data1991-06-07 to 2006-07-06
DownloadableForest Bird Monitoring Program Annual Surveys, 1991 - CurrentThe primary goal is to conduct habitat-specific monitoring of forest interior breeding birds and to determine trends over time.Point counts of breeding birds seen or heard conducted twice during breeding season.1991-06-07 (ongoing)
DownloadableForest Bird Monitoring Project (12 selected sites) bird monitoring point counts from 1989-present collected by Vermont Center for Ecosystem Studies. Selected sites consisted of the most complete survey data over the years. Sites are Bearswamp,
Concordwoods, Dorsetbatcav, Galickpreser, Maypond, Moosebog, Peasemt, Roymtwma, Sandbarwma, Sugarhollow, Thecape, and Underhillsta.

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1989-06-07 (ongoing)
By requestForest Bird Monitoring Project FEMC Data 2021-2024The primary goal is to conduct habitat-specific monitoring of forest interior breeding birds and to determine trends over time.Long-term Avian Research and Monitoring on Mt. Mansfield, Vermont: 2021-2024 Report to the Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative2021-01-01 (ongoing)
DownloadableForest Bird Species CodesThe primary goal is to conduct habitat-specific monitoring of forest interior breeding birds and to determine trends over time.Species codes used for taxonomic identification of birds1991-01-01 (ongoing)
Description onlyForest Bird Surveys 2007The primary goal is to conduct habitat-specific monitoring of forest interior breeding birds and to determine trends over time.Point counts of birds seen and heard 2007-06-07 to 2007-06-23