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The methods followed in the creation of the dataset, including description of field, laboratory and processing steps, and quality control procedures
Current Methods
Precipitation samples
Started: 1994-04-06Weekly collection of precipation for chemical analysis is performed at two different sites. Precipitation amount, pH and conductivity analysis is performed at the sites. The sample is shipped to the NADP Central Analytical Lab in Illinois for analysis of pH, conductivity, Ca, Mg, K, Na, NH4, NO3, Cl, SO4.
Ozone and deposition
Started: 1994-01-01Seasonal continuous ozone (May through September), averaged hourly. Deposition (kg/ha) was calculated for chemicals reporting concentration in mg/l for annual, seasonal and montly time steps.
Meteorological data
Started: 1994-01-01Continuous meteorology averaged hourly includes ambient temperature at 2 and 10 m height, relative humidity, surface wetness, precipitation, wind speed and direction, solar radiation.
Past Methods (No longer in use)
- Sample analysis
Started: 1995-07-04
Ended: 1999-02-02Accumulated weekly samples; analysis includes SO2, HNO3, pH, conductivity, acidity and major ions.
Dataset Fields
Detailed documentation of the fields comprising the dataset, including the type of measurement, units where applicable, and any controlled vocabularies or code lists present in the data
Field Name Caption Description Additional Information acidity_f acidity_f acidity flag
Measurement type: Nominal acidity_ueq/l acidity_ueq/l acidity_ueq/l
Measurement type: Ratio
Units: ueq/lbirddroppings birddroppings bird droppings
Measurement type: Nominal bucket_id bucket_id Measurement type: Nominal bucket_type bucket_type Measurement type: Nominal bucket_weight_grams bucket_weight_grams Measurement type: Ratio
Units:ca_f_mg/l ca_f_mg/l Measurement type: Ratio
Units:ca_mg/l ca_mg/l Measurement type: Ratio
Units:cloudy cloudy Measurement type: Nominal cl_f cl_f Measurement type: Ratio
Units:cl_mg/l cl_mg/l Measurement type: Ratio
Units:comment_codes comment_codes Measurement type: Nominal conductivity_f conductivity_f Measurement type: Ratio
Units:conductivity_micromhos conductivity_micromhos Measurement type: Ratio
Units:cond_unfilt_f cond_unfilt_f Measurement type: Ratio
Units:cond_unfilt_micromhos cond_unfilt_micromhos Measurement type: Ratio
Units:dateoff dateoff Measurement type: DateTime
Date/Time Format:dateon dateon Measurement type: DateTime
Date/Time Format:elapsed_time_hours elapsed_time_hours Measurement type: DateTime
Date/Time Format: hh:mm:ssh_ueq/l h_ueq/l Measurement type: h_unfilt_ueq/l h_unfilt_ueq/l Measurement type: Ratio
Units:initials initials Measurement type: Nominal insects_soot_dirt insects_soot_dirt Measurement type: Nominal k_f k_f Measurement type: Ratio
Units:k_mg/l k_mg/l Measurement type: Ratio
Units:lab_key lab_key Measurement type: Nominal lid_id lid_id Measurement type: Nominal lid_openings lid_openings Measurement type: Ordinal lid_weight_grams lid_weight_grams Measurement type: Ratio
Units:mg_f mg_f Measurement type: Ratio
Units:mg_mg/l mg_mg/l Measurement type: Ratio
Units:mod_wetdep mod_wetdep Measurement type: Ratio
Units:na_f na_f Measurement type: Ratio
Units:na_mg/l na_mg/l Measurement type: Ratio
Units:nh4_f nh4_f Measurement type: Ratio
Units:nh4_mg/l nh4_mg/l Measurement type: Ratio
Units:no2_f no2_f Measurement type: Ratio
Units:no2_mg/l no2_mg/l Measurement type: Ratio
Units:no3_f no3_f Measurement type: Ratio
Units:no3_mg/l no3_mg/l Measurement type: Ratio
Units:ph_f ph_f Measurement type: Ratio
Units:ph_unfilt_f ph_unfilt_f Measurement type: Ratio
Units:ph_unfilt_units ph_unfilt_units Measurement type: Ratio
Units:ph_units ph_units Measurement type: Ratio
Units:precip_inches precip_inches Measurement type: Ratio
Units:qa_code qa_code Measurement type: Nominal raingauge_ok raingauge_ok Measurement type: Nominal sample_weight_grams sample_weight_grams Measurement type: Ratio
Units:sensorheating_ok sensorheating_ok Measurement type: Nominal site_id site_id Measurement type: Nominal so4_f so4_f Measurement type: Ratio
Units:so4_mg/l so4_mg/l Measurement type: Ratio
Units:standard_weight_grams standard_weight_grams Measurement type: Ratio
Units:total_weight_grams total_weight_grams Measurement type: Ratio
Units:wetdry_ok wetdry_ok Measurement type: Ratio
Units:Sampling Equipment
Equipment and software used to collect data, including how that equipment was used.
No sampling equipment recorded for this dataset
Site Characteristics
The spatial extent of the dataset site coverage, and descriptions of the spatial extent and context for the data collection
- Site Description
Green Mountain National Forest, Stratton, just south of the Lye Brook Wilderness Area boundary. Summit of hill with southwest airflow.