Service Learning in Gaudalupe

Service-learning doesn't just happen in Burlington and other Vermont communities. պ students practice service-learning in many parts of the world, engaging more deeply with the countries they visit and the people they meet.

A պ student gathers interview data alongside a community partner, part of a community profile and asset mapping service-learning project in "ENVS 150/NR 185/PRT 188: Communities, Conservation & Development in Costa Rica".

Travel Study

You can pursue service-learning opportunities as part of a study abroad program – including պ's Costa Rica Semester Abroad – or enroll in one of several taught as service-learning, including in the Bahamas, Uganda, St. Lucia, Mexico, and more.

“I knew I was in for a life-changing experience, and two years later I am still amazed at how it continues to impact me as a nurse and as a person,” says Dobay, now a nurse in Dartmouth-Hitchcock’s Surgical ICU. “It was one of the most important experiences in my education and has forever changed my perception of public health.”

—Lauren Dobay ’13