Emeriti and Retired Faculty
Professor Emeritus, University of Vermont • Past-President, The World History Association
Medieval Europe, Premodern World History
aandrea@uvm.eduProfessor Emerita
19th & 20th Century African American & United States History, Racism
willi.coleman@uvm.eduProfessor Emeritus
European intellectual history, contemporary history, historiography
Patrick.Hutton@uvm.eduProfessor Emeritus
Historic Preservation, International Heritage Education, Cultural Landscape History (U.S. and Japan), Bicycle Use and Compact Cities, Industrial Archeology, Commercial Archeology, Landscape Photography, International Exchanges
cliebs@uvm.eduProfessor Emeritus
Global, Renaissance and Reformation, European Intellectual
James.Overfield@uvm.eduProfessor Emerita
Russian and Soviet history, the history of modern east-central and southeastern Europe, visual culture, film and history, and cultural globalization.