CALS DUR Award Program
The Distinguished Undergraduate Research (DUR) Award recognizes students who have demonstrated superior achievement in original research and as such, is one of the highest honors conveyed by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS). Students receiving DUR awards are recognized in the ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë Commencement program.
Students interested in conducting significant, independent and scholarly research under the supervision of a faculty mentor are encouraged to consider applying to the DUR program. To be eligible for the award, students must complete the process outlined below. Awards are granted to students who have had their project-related work, written submissions and oral presentations evaluated and endorsed by both departmental faculty and the CALS Academic Awards Committee
It is important that students and faculty project advisors contemplating submission of projects for the DUR award become familiar with the following procedures and requirements before subimtting an application. Careful planning and attention to deadlines are essential.