Careers in Animal Science

The Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences' Career resources content contains a variety of web-based resources and links pertaining to animal-related careers and jobs in fields of agriculture, companion animals, zoos, equine, biological research and others.
Companion Animals, Animal Welfare, Animal Assisted Therapy
  • - all nonprofit organizations have a variety of positions and employment opportunities .... for example  Work for the American Humane Association!
  • , School of Veterinary Medicine - UC Davis' links to other Veterinary Web Sites
  • -- listings of animal protection jobs around the country
  • - SAWA is a nonprofit management organization comprised of professional administrators of organizations involved in the animal care and control field.
  • - excellent resource for locating organizations, associations, information about canine careers and more (click on 'miscellaneous info') .  Dr. P's Dog Training: Email Lists, etc.  -- another useful site.  Email and networking leads to all sorts of groups.
  • -- Careers With Dogs -- Professional Dog Trainer Schools, etc..
  • -- Your Dog Training and Behavior Resource Ctr   -- a valuable resource for learning about careers, career training, contacting organizations, and much more .  A veritable portal into the world of dogs and people.  Check out their "Great Links" at the bottom of the page.
  •   -- possible leads and contacts  -- a good place to locate contacts
  • -- a good place to locate contacts.
  • is the " voice of the pet food industry, representing 95 percent of the total dog and cat food tonnage produced  in the United States."  Here you will find links to all the major players, with employment opportunities in research and development, sales, marketing ... 
  • Career and Industry Information for Pet Dog and Cat Groomers
  •   - HSUS - About HSUS | Jobs
  • - Companion Animals - Shelter Employment Listings  -- listings from animal shelters around the country for animal care positions, executive and management positions, animal control, vet techs, and more.  Also HSUS current openings are listed -- often include such things as staff writer, art director, policy issues staff , and more.
  •   - ... a very good listing of available jobs with various animal activist and protection organizations
  • (formerly Delta Society)-- one of the major animal-assisted therapy organizations
  • - The smarter way to shop for your pet  -- PetsMart has a number of animal-related jobs and other positions.  Check the 'employment' link
  • : Jobs and Volunteering   World Animal Net is the world's largest network of animal protection societies with over 1,500 affiliates in more than 80 countries.  Use the WAN directory to identify organizations.
  • .  The ASPCA has links to national animal shelters, national and international animal protection organizations.
Biological Research - Industry
  • BioJobs - this site is operated by the .  A place to search for Biotech and other bio sci jobs.  Links to several science-employment search engines.  Search by discipline, company region.  When I punched in "Biogen" there were many research positions at all levels
  • - this site is useful for anyone interested in finding a career in the biotech/pharmaceutical area, especially a first-time job-seeker who has not established a professional network. This site consists of a database of about 1,000 biotech/pharmaceutical companies, including over 200 in New England, with published direct links to all their career pages as a way to simplify the online job search experience.
  • - this employment service company specializes in matching people and positions in various companies and fields, including scientific, pharmaceutical, biotech placements.  A quick 'job search' here will pull up a variety of currently open positions.
  • - one search. all jobs.  Enter job title, keywords or company name and select where you want to work, for a quick search of available jobs.
  • - Located in Bar Harbor, Maine, the Jackson Laboratory is an independent non-profit mammalian research laboratory.
  • - Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology -- (excerpt) "FASEB Career Resources is a year-around career opportunities and development    service that  matches applicants at all career levels with employers who hire biomedical scientists, physicians, and technicians. FASEB Career Resources embodies new concepts, technologies, and services combined with the best of our "FASEB Placement Service". Also check out FASEB's Life Sciences Job Center
  • - Career Perspectives - Science Magazine's careers page.  Some useful information here pertaining to careers in science
  • - Kelly Services officers a full spectrum of scientific workforce solutions.
  • - this site has the homepage links for all the big pharmaceutical companies.  Visit company pages for employment information and positions in research, sales, and more.  A number of these companies have animal health divisions -- Pfizer, Novartis, Ely Lilly, Abbott,  ... just to name a few.
  • There are a large number of manufacturers and distributors of animal-health, and animal care products around the country.  Positions in these companies involve sales to veterinarians and clinics, as well as some opportunities in laboratories and research as well.  A visit to any pet supply or farm supply store and a look at the products they carry will provide you with the names of companies you can contact (most will have web pages that can be found using an Internet search engine such as ).  Here are just a couple of examples:   - The Science of Caring for Companion Animals, , Ltd - Home Page
  • There are a large number of animal nutrition and pet food companies that offer positions in research, sales and other areas.  (Livestock feed company links and resources can be found under the 'Livestock and Agriculture' link above.)   Visit the homepage for links to all the major companies -- Purina, Hills, Iams, etc.
  • Intramural Research Program has a as well as a link to Job Opportunities  -- a great variety of links to various organizations and their job openings in the biological sciences .
Zoos, Wildlife, Environment
  • - (Association of Zoos and Aquariums) the place to go to get links for zoos and aquariums around the USA.  Visit the members sites for job opening.  Or .. go to the AZA website to see current openings in member institutions. ...here is the link:  AZA Jobs Listing
  •   - job listing and some great links to zoo-related organizations.
  • AZVT Worldzoo Webpage - Main
  •   -  Click on the Career Advice tab.The field of marine mammal science has a growing appeal.  Yet, many students do not clearly understand what the field involves.  This link addresses questions commonly asked by people seeking a career in marine mammal science in the United States and provides suggestions on how to plan education and work experience.
  •   - Click on Jobs tab for a listing of available jobs.
  • -a good source of information and contacts
  • , University of Maine  -- good wildlife and conservation career links and other useful stuff
  • PRIMATE-JOBS--  an international listing service coordinated by the Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center at the University of Wisconsin--Madison. Organizations with positions available or  individuals seeking positions may use this service.
  • Career Center -- at the
  • on the Internet -- great variety of environmental careers, teaching and education opportunities -- public agencies and private foundations/organizations.
  •    --E Jobs links to environmental opportunities in the USA and Canada. Some animal-related, e.g., nature and wetlands scientists, wildlife conservation, education.
  • in Environmental Career Opportunities: "the only comprehensive resource of environmental job vacancies and internships available".
  • is dedicated to improving and promoting the profession of wildlife rehabilitation and its contributions to preserving natural ecosystems.
  • is a science center of the Biological Resources Division of the United States Geological Survey located in Madison, Wisconsin. The NWHC was established in 1975 as a biomedical laboratory dedicated to assessing the impact of disease on wildlife and to identifying the role of various pathogens in contributing to wildlife losses. NWHC Employment Opportunities
  • - Jobnet:  a good site for searching for outdoor jobs of all sorts -- conservation, parks, environmental education ... public and private organizations
  • has a variety of job positions related to animal care and zoology. 
  • Career Opportunities in Wildlife Rehabilitation - from the National Wildlife Rehabilitation Association
  • webpage .. excellent links for wildlife and conservation .  Links to state wildlife dept's webpages which makes possible state by state searches for open positions. Online Job Resources
  • - Have you ever thought about working at a zoo? There are lots of different jobs at zoos.
  • : The Riley Guide
  • - FREE for employers and job seekers and encompasses all aspects of agriculture from Animal Science to Environmental and Soil Sciences. They have served the community for over 14 years and have up to 250k members.
  • : Agriculture Starts Here.  -- short videos with helpful hints on how to search for online agriculture jobs. (Click on "Find a New Career Online")
  • .  APL serves agribusiness and related industries involved in but not limited to equipment, chemical, feed, fertilizer,  food and grain processing, horticulture, livestock, seed, financial and service activities
  • - billed as "The Web's Premier Agricultural Career Site", but not many animal related opportunities listed.  Worth a visit.
  • and - agricultural land protection.  Contact for employment opportunities, leads and contacts in this field.
  •  - for job seekers, The National Job Bank provides a listing of jobs in Extension, Outreach, Research and Higher Education. Browse Jobs
  •  -  positions and career info at the United States Department of Agriculture in DC and elsewhere
  • : The Toughest Job You'll Ever Love!  The Peace Corps ... is always looking for people who can help and teach others around the world in the areas of agribusiness, animal husbandry, farm management, extension work .... a great opportunity for service, travel, adventure.   Contact ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë's PeaceCorps rep if you desire more information about animal science related opportunities.
  • - The largest collection of agricultural jobs on earth.
  • : Employment  -- worldwide opportunities with one of the largest agricultural feed companies in the world.  Click on Careers tab.
  •  - a good organization to contact if you are interested in opportunities in the realm of sustainable agriculture and organic production.  NOFA can provide information about careers and provide advice about how to research job openings in the field.
  • - career information and graduate school links.
  • Bovine Genetics (AI companies) ... , 
  • is the leading supplier of Human Resource Services to the Agriculture, Food, Natural Resources, and Biotechnology industry.
  • an online job center

You may be surprised at the number of careers available in the horse industry.  The possibilities are endless!  All jobs don't necessarily involve physical contact with a horse.  There are professional opportunities such as legal, media, creative, medical, teaching, etc. to name a few which can be tailored toward your goals.  And, of course, there are those that do come in contact with a horse such as trainer, exercise rider, groom, jockey, farrier or veterinarian.

The educational requirements vary for the different careers which may appeal to you.  There are positions for those with all different educational backgrounds.  Select a few jobs that may interest you and channel your energies and/or studies toward them.  There are many opportunities that await you with the horse industry!

  • Careers Requiring Direct Contact with Horses:
  1. Animal Nutritionist Horse Feed Development Specialist Rehabilitation Therapist
  2. Bloodstock Agent Horse Identifier Sales Company Employee
  3. Breeder Hotwalker Stable Manager/Foreman
  4. Broodmare Manager Humane Society Official Stable Superintendent
  5. Clinician Jockey Stallion Manager
  6. Exercise Rider Jockey's Agent Starter
  7. Extension Horse Specialist Jockey Valet Technical School Teacher
  8. Farm/Ranch Manager Judge Track Veterinarian
  9. Farrier Outrider Trainer
  10. Foaling Crewman Paddock Judge Van Driver
  11. Geneticist Pedigree Analyst Veterinarian
  12. Groom Physical Therapist Veterinarian's Assistant
  13. Horse Buyer Racing Secretary Veterinary Technician
  • HorseJobs.ca and Equimax --  (excerpt) "This website is the amalgamation of over 30 years of our experiences in equine industry employment. In 2011, , the best Equine Employment service in the US, and HorseJobs.ca, the best in Canada, joined forces to offer the greatest coverage of job and career opportunities throughout the North American equine industry."
  • - provides information to horse owners and riders with listings of over 2,000+ New England horse businesses.
  • - SmartPak Equine markets leading name brand supplements custom-packed for horses in a patent-pending unit dose package, the SmartPakâ„¢.
  • - The Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.) changes and enriches lives by promoting excellence in equine-assisted activities and therapies.
Education - teaching and graduate study
  • U.V.M. College of Education and Social Services: - if you are interested in teaching and wish to explore the possibility of becoming certified for either elementary or secondary teaching in biological sciences (animal  sciences concentration) check out the general information on this page.  Specific course requirements for ASCI majors wishing to become certified to teach either elementary or secondary school biology can be found at  College of Education and Social Services Student Services webpage under Student Services and Support/Program Overviews, Plans, Checksheets >>>   See Fran Kinghorn for more information.
  • - A cultural diversity program for US and Canadian students to study veterinary medicine in the UK and Ireland.
  •  - a private nonprofit organization serving underprivileged communities
  • Graduate study in Equine Business at the UofL's Equine Industry Program
  • Tufts Veterinary: Policy Index -- if you are interested in graduate work in the areas of animals, public policy, animal welfare, animals in society .. check this out.
  • - Gradschools.com
  • Animal Behavior Society and Education -- the Animal Behavior Society's Education Committee was formed to promote quality instruction and training in the area of animal behavior. Of particular interests are the Guide to Programs in Animal Behavior links.
  • , Furman University - an excellent source of information about biology-related careers of all sorts and graduate programs.
  • Becoming a biologist: The Role of Graduate Education -
Animal Related Careers
  • - Hosted by Cornell University, this site lists jobs involving animals that you may have never even heard of!
  • - Working with Furry and Non-Furry Friends - A love for animals may be what sparks one's interest in pursuing an animal career, but it won't be enough to enter the profession. Find out what's required to enter this industry, what types of careers are available, and how and where animal lovers can successfully land a job working with the animal kingdom.
  • -- career-focused webinars including archived webinars in case you missed it live.
  •   -- from the AVMA
  • --an excellent resource for pre-vet students.  Vet School guides, associations, career information, and more.
  • -- a national organization of veterinarians interested in all aspects of wildlife health.  - Has a great LINKs page of Selected Wildlife Health Organizations.
  • - Interested in becoming a Veterinarian Technician?  Search 100+ top veterinary technician schools.
  • - a wealth of information for students considering careers as veterinary assistants or veterinary technicians
  • - a great website with all sorts of information about becoming a veterinary technician.
  • -- this site (from Iowa State) has some good links to career info, including veterinary careers, wildlife and wildlife rehabilitation, and more.
  • -- excellent information and advice about how to identify and prepare for animal-related careers
  • --From the Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior.  An very good site.  Links to associations, graduate programs and more.
  • is a non-profit scientific society, founded to encourage and promote the study of animal behavior.  Animal Behavior Society Web Site
  • .... a good source of information about vet tech careers and job postings.
  •     ...very good information about the field Where Techs Connect;  includes some very good links to allied vet tech specialty associations  eg.,    AZVT Worldzoo Webpage - Main   (Assoc of Zoo Vet Tech's)
  • --  strategies for pursuing a career in marine mammal science
  •   -- National Primate Research Center, University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • :  IVIS is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing up-to-date, clinically relevant information to practicing veterinarians, veterinary students and scientists active in animal health and research. IVIS makes this information available world-wide using the Internet.
  • Center for Animals and Public Policy Career Opportunities. An excellent set of job and career links pertaining to all kinds of animal-related jobs -- welfare work, wildlife, service animals, zoos, birds, conservation, and more. opportunities.
  • , Marine Science and Marine Biology
  •   -- National Wildlife Rehabilitation Association.
  •   -- and excellent source of information about biology-related careers of all sorts and graduate programs.
  • (Veterinaries sans Frontiers) -- the veterinary equivalent of the Nobel Prize-winning Doctors without Borders.  Veterinarians from around the world working in developing countries to improve the lives of animals and people.
US Government Careers and Jobs
  • - United States Office Of Personnel Management  --  The US gov has tons of excellent positions related to life sciences and animals.  When I went to USAJOBS and, as a test, punched up jobs available in APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) in the Department of Agriculture (USDA) I found current openings as Animal Care Inspectors, Animal Health technicians, Biological research assistants ... among others.  In the Fish and Wildlife Dept (Department of the Interior) many biological aids, wildlife management and field research technicians.  Department of the Interior has similar field positions and biologist positions. US Department of Homeland Security has a canine training and canine branch for Border Patrol work.   And .... The US Government is an excellent site for student summer employment and internships.
  • - Current Job Openings -- this lists jobs by various categories.  An "agency search" is a good way to find animal-related opportunities,  USDA, Fish and Wildlife, Dept of the Interior.
  • allows you to look for jobs in the federal government or jobs in your state and is an excellent resource for students and recent graduates.
  • was started in 1994 by the Cooperative State Research Education, and Extension Service (CSREES), USDA to alert professionals in research, education, and extension of employment opportunities nationwide. At this site you will find careers in Extension, outreach, research or higher education.
  • | How Far Will You Go To Make A Difference --  Animal-related opportunities in animal husbandry, farm management, extension work.  A vast array of other opportunities as well.   has a permanent representative on campus.  The office is located in suite 207 on the 3rd floor of Morrill Hall.  Telephone 802-656-8269 or email: peace.corps@uvm.edu.  Two unforgettable short years.  One of the very best resume builders.
  • --  Interested in a career in science and agriculture? Want to make a difference in today's society?  This site lists many links where you can learn about the many challenging opportunities that employment with the Agricultural Research Service has to offer.
  • Animal Training for Films: Possibly useful links for career and job info
  •   - (excerpt) "The Department of Human Resources goal is to support State Government as it attracts, retains, and rewards a talented and diverse workforce with the skills necessary for Agencies and Departments to meet their organizations' objectives in an efficient and cost effective manner."  Check other states' homepages for similar opportunities.
  • (U.S. PIRG).  (excerpt) "Our team of researchers uncovers the facts; our staff bring our findings to the public, through the media as well as one-on-one interactions; and our advocates bring the voice of the public to the halls of power on behalf f consumers "  Activities of PIRG's include a variety of environmental and  agriculture-related issues.  There is a PIRG in every state.  Search for jobs and internships here: U.S. PIRG jobs & opportunities
girl bottle feeding a giraffe

About job listings on this page

Job opportunities and announcements that have been received directly to the ASCI Department are not included on this page. We are encouraging all prospective employers to post openings through Hand Shake and then they are regularly distributed via email to all ASCI students.

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