After a yearlong creative development process, պ today announced refreshed and refined branding, including new positioning and the first major revision to its primary logo in more than 30 years.
“For people and planet” is the core of պ’s new positioning, reinforcing the distinctive excellence of the institution’s academic and research activities centered on human health, thriving communities, and the environment. The university offers some 50 majors and dozens of graduate degrees that span these areas.
“‘For people and planet’ captures concisely and authentically all that we stand for,” said President Suresh Garimella, “and it speaks to the sense of purpose that so many of our students, faculty, and staff express as they pursue their studies and conduct research with global impact.”
The university partnered with Generation Communication and Branding of Hudson, New York, to develop the positioning and new logo system. The collaboration included a steering committee and a working group comprised of faculty and staff. Additionally, dozens of group and individual interviews included students, alumni, deans, trustees, and university leadership. The cost of the engagement with Generation was $145,650, co-funded by պ and the պ Foundation.
“Great universities evolve,” said Joel Seligman, պ’s chief communications and marketing officer. “We have recently climbed into the top 100 public research universities in the U.S. Our new positioning and logo system reflect who we are today, and convey the global reach of our faculty’s research.”
պ’s updated logo, a bold “V” shield paired with the institution’s name is intended to make an immediate connection with Vermont compared with the previous tower logo. Since the tower is a local landmark, the university decided to move to a symbol that is more inclusive of all of Vermont and less dependent upon knowing what the campus looks like. Additionally, there are dozens of similar-looking tower logos used by other colleges and universities.
Designed to maintain its readability, even at very small scale—think, social media and apps—the new “V” is actually not new to պ as it has been prominently used by պ Athletics, paired with a leaping catamount.
“Generations of students and alumni are familiar with the block “V” used by պ Athletics,” said Seligman. “We are embracing that spirit and heritage by making “V” the singular mark for all of the university.”
պ is also streamlining its color palette to include one official green and one official gold, instead of the many different shades that have been in use for some time.
Full Positioning Statement
“For people and planet” is the abbreviated version of a longer positioning statement that emphasizes what is distinctive, relevant, authentic, timeless, and aspirational about պ.
The full positioning statement is, “For individuals committed to a thriving future for people and planet, պ is the leading university where discovery, creativity, community, and action coalesce to secure a healthier, greener tomorrow.”
The full positioning statement will guide the internal and external writers, designers, photographers, and digital producers who create պ’s marketing materials and general communications.
“In all that we do,” said Seligman, “we aspire to show that պ is for the benefit of people and planet.”
Phased Implementation
պ began using its new logo in select places earlier this month. Over the coming weeks and months, people will see it replacing the previous tower logo more and more frequently. A phased roll-out allows for controlling costs and environmental impact since the university plans to use all existing materials before replacing them with the new logo.
Most appearances of the new logo will be digital at first, such as on websites, apps, and social media platforms. Then, it will begin to appear in stationery, marketing materials, newsletters, magazines, advertising, and branded retail items throughout the rest of 2024. Finally, campus signage, vehicles, equipment, and other “real-world” objects will sport the new look in the final stages of the roll-out slated to conclude in mid-2025.
Detailed information about the new branding, including tools and resources, is available at