ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë has several mechanisms for the recognition and derecognition of student organizations. More specifically, organizations can have their recognition removed for various reasons, including hazing, alcohol and drug use, risk management violations, sexual misconduct and/or assault, and the failure to comply with University policies and expectations.
Related specifically to fraternity and sorority organizations, organizations can also have their recognition removed by the national or international organization (if applicable) because of their failure to uphold their stated values and clear policies. It is important to know that, at times, some student organizations continue to operate as if they have University recognition and/or national organization recognition when that is not the case.
Students for Justice in Palestine
Sanction: Probation
Violation: Solicitation and Posting policy, Facilities and Grounds Use for Events policy, Temporary Structures university operating procedure, Free Expression: Campus Speakers: Response to Disruption policy; The Code of Student Conduct
Term: Through May 2025
Women's Rugby Football Club
Sanction: Probation
Violation: Hazing and Alcohol Violations
Term: Through May 2025
The following group(s) are known, but currently not recognized by the University. Students are strongly discouraged from participating in unrecognized student organizations, fraternities, and sororities.
Status: A group of students operating without University recognition.
Status: De-Recognized since 2014; Future recognition will require new application
Violation: Hazing & Alcohol Violations; Violation of Sanctions
*AEPi is no longer recognized by the University, however they are recognized by their National Organization. Such chapters are not extended University privileges and may not program or recruit on campus or participate in Fraternity & Sorority Life activities.
Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) are student groups formally recognized by the Student Government Association (SGA) in accordance with the criteria outlined in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws, or the Graduate Student Senate (GSS) in accordance with its Constitution and Bylaws. For a more in-depth definition, please see the ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë Group and Organization Recognition Policy.
Organizations subject to sanction will be placed in one of three University statuses, with appropriate sanctions that include, but are not limited to, the following. Sanctions may be assessed singly or follow consecutively.
- In Good Standing, Subject to Conditions:
- Group has received a Formal Written Reprimand: A formal notice that the Code has been violated and a warning that future violations will be dealt with more severely.
- Recognized, Not in Good Standing:
- Groups will have Restricted Activities: Restricting the Student Organization’s ability to access University
controlled benefits and resources, or engage in certain activities.- Inability to Access University Funds: Rendering an Organization’s University account inactive so as to prevent access to funds or services being granted or disbursed. This includes generated revenue as well as student fees allocated to the Organization.
- Removal from Leadership: Restricting the Student Organization's ability to place members in leadership roles within their respective governing organizations (i.e. Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council, Student Government Association, etc.).
- Group may be placed under probation or suspension (see definitions below).
- Groups will have Restricted Activities: Restricting the Student Organization’s ability to access University
- Not Recognized:
- ​Student Organization is fully seperated from the University. The length of de-registration/recognition is at the discretion of the Student Organization Accountability Panel. Re-registration/recognition is contingent on successful application to the Vice Provost for Student Affairs. Permanent de-registration/recognition requires the advance approval of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs.
A formal written notice that the Organization is not in good standing with the University and its actions will be monitored for a period no less than one semester. Further violations of University policies by the Organization during the probationary period will result in harsher sanctions, and may include suspension.
A formal written notice that the Organization is not in good standing with the University and has lost all privileges for a period no less than one semester. Further violations of University policy during the suspension period will result in harsher sanctions, and may include De-Registration/Recognition.
Local chapters of fraternities and sororities are recognized by the Vice Provost for Student Affairs, or designee, in cooperation with the Interfraternity Council (IFC) and Panhellenic Council (Panhel) as outlined in ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë Fraternity and Sorority Recognition Standards and the Group and Organization Recognition policy. Recognized chapters receive guidance and support from the Department of Student Life and are eligible to exercise privileges associated with recognition. Each inter/national organization must be in good standing with an FSL umbrella group (e.g. National Panhellenic Conference, North American Interfraternity Conference). Exceptions may be granted for a multicultural or special interest fraternity/sorority not affiliated with an umbrella organization, provided the group is part of a national or international organization with appropriate insurance coverage and support.
Temporary separation of a Student Organization from the University. Organizations that are de-recognized are not eligible to apply for recognition for a period up to five years.
Permanent separation of a Student Organization from the University. Organizations that are permanently de-recognized are not eligible to apply for recognition.
A formal written notice that the Organization is not in good standing with the University and its actions will be monitored for a period no less than one semester. During this period, any further violations of the Code will result in harsher sanctions. 
A formal written notice that the Organization is not in good standing with the University and has now lost certain privileges for a period no less than one semester. During this period, any further violations of the Code will result in Disciplinary Suspension. During this period members of the Organization may also be restricted  from holding leadership roles within their respective governing organizations, if applicable. i.e. social probation, where an organization is not permitted to host events with alcohol.
Separation of the Organization from the University for a period no less than one semester.  
Where preliminary evidence of an alleged incident in violation of law, policy, or these standards demonstrates that a fraternity or sorority’s presence or activities has or could pose a threat to the health, safety or well-being of any individual or property, all Organization activities must cease.