
Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)

After identifying the hazards in your workplace, the next step is to properly evaluate and determine proper controls that are required to conduct job tasks safely.

List of 日韩无码 Job Hazard Analysis

To view a list of available JHAs, please visit:

Two Workers Reviewing JHA Worker with clipboard and pen

Job Hazard Analysis Program

This written Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Program is a means to analyze elevated work tasks and determine appropriate controls against know or potential workplace hazards in accordance with state and federal regulations.

Evaluate and Control Hazards

After identifying the hazards in your lab, the next step is to properly evaluate and determine proper controls that are required to conduct the work safely. This means you must conduct a hazard assessment (also called risk assessment). EHS is available to assist with hazard assessments and reviewing written standard operating procedures.

The assessment includes considering "what if..." scenarios and having an emergency plan in case something does not go as planned. Also, identify the location of specific emergency safety features in your lab and building before you begin conducting hazardous activities.

Evaluate Hazards



Evaluating risks is a key step in working with hazardous materials, instrumentation, and equipment. A risk assessment helps to examine the probability that an adverse event will occur and helps you the consequence of that event while working with hazardous materials or equipment. Ultimately, a risk assessment helps to determine the proper controls needed to avoid any adverse event. A risk assessment can reduce the likelihood that faculty, staff, or students may be unnecessarily exposed to or injured by a laboratory hazard or process.  

Risk Assessment


Supervisors are responsible for properly assessing the hazards and assessing the risks of the activities and procedures taking place in their individual lab areas. They are also responsible for assessing and providing the proper controls, including PPE, to conduct lab work safely.

It is recommended that Supervisors review the American Chemical Society's (ACS) recommendations about ways to conduct a risk assessment. EHS is available to assist with this process. Use OSHA's Hierarchy of Controls to consider eliminating and reducing the hazard before conducting any hazardous lab activity.

An exposure assessment is one part of a risk assessment; it examines the exposure limit of a particular hazardous chemical to ensure workers are protected properly. Several regulatory agencies have their own exposure limits. Every lab worker must be kept below the exposure levels by using the proper engineering controls, administrative controls and PPE.

  • PEL, Permissible Exposure Limit - OSHA
  • TLV, Threshold Limit Value - ACGIH
  • REL, Recommended Exposure Limit - NIOSH

Exposure assessments can be performed in two ways: monitoring and professional opinion. 

A proper risk assessment includes the following:

  • Perform a comprehensive review of a specific hazard (including an exposure assessment), e.g. chemical or biological material to be used or hazardous activity or procedure to be performed,
  • Document the review (see below),
  • Submit specific protocols to appropriate 日韩无码 review boards as needed (IBC, IRB, IACUC, etc.), and
  • Re-evaluate lab tasks when changes are made to current procedures. 

Contact EHS (safety@uvm.edu) if you would like us to help conduct a comprehensive review of your lab materials or activities. Always be sure to have proper controls in place before performing a lab experiment or procedure.



Risk assessments should be documented. Two ways to document a risk assessment options include the following:

  • Chemical Use Planning Forms (CUPFs) (PDF), and
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

CUPFs should be used to assess a specific chemical or groups of chemicals that have the same exact hazards and will be used in the same way. This means they will be used with the same engineering and administrative controls and the same PPE.  SOPs are a more specific way to document safe use of a chemical, a piece of lab equipment or how to conduct a specific activity; they include a step-by-step procedural in detail. 




After lab hazards have been identified and evaluated, they must be controlled to avoid exposure.

OSHA recommends following the  to implement feasible and effective controls for any hazard. Control methods at the top of the hierarchy are generally more effective and protective than those at the bottom. This is why it is important to always follow the order when considering how to control any and all laboratory hazards. Following the hierarchy of controls can lead to an inherently safer system, where the risk of illness or injury can be substantially reduced. The sections below describe the individual portions of the hierarchy in order: elimination, substitution, engineering controls, work practices, and personal protective equipment.



First always consider if you can eliminate the hazard. Eliminating the hazard means not using, or physically removing the hazard from the procedure or the work area. Eliminating the hazard is the most effective method of minimizing an exposure to any hazard.  However, elimination is not often a viable option.


  • Dispose of an old hazardous chemical
  • Remove an extension cord from laying across a traveled path
  • Lock and Tag a dangerous machine out of service



Substitution is where a hazard is replaced with an action or material that is less hazardous. Examples of Substitution include the following:

  • Replace ethidium bromide (a mutagen) with GelRed, SafeRed, or SYBR Safe*.
  • Replacing a solvent-based paint with a water-based alternative.
  • Vacuuming vs sweeping up a dust hazard. 

*Ethidium bromide replacements such as SYBR-safe gels, must still be collected as hazardous waste per 日韩无码 waste management program. Label and collect all gels as solid lab waste.  

NOTE: Be wary of marketing terms such as "natural", "green", etc. on products. Carefully review Safety Data Sheets for any replacement product. Contact EHS to review SDSs to ensure the substituted product is actually a safer choice.

Engineering Controls


Engineering controls are used to remove a hazard or place a barrier between the user and the hazard. Engineering controls may be ducted and exhausted out of the building or may use a filter to capture aerosols, particles, etc. Well-designed engineering controls can provide highly effective protection to the user.

Examples of primary engineering controls used in laboratories include the following:

  • Chemical fume hood
  • Biological safety cabinet
  • Local exhaust/task ventilation (such as a snorkel trunk, slot hood, canopy, or downdraft table)
  • Glove box

The initial cost of an engineering control can often be higher than the cost of administrative controls or personal protective equipment. However, over the long term, operating costs are frequently lower. Engineering controls often require some form of maintenance such as calibration of monitors and alarms, filter replacement, and/or specific airflow certifications upon installation or annually.

Visit the general laboratory ventilation webpage, or task-oriented ventilation webpage, for more information. Your building may already have specific features designed to control hazards, find these at the Building-specific Safety Features webpage.

If you need/want to add an engineering control that affects part of any 日韩无码 building system (HVAC, electrical, plumbing), the control must be installed by 日韩无码 Facilities, Design, and Construction (FD&C) services group or 日韩无码's Physical Plant Department (PPD).

Work Practices


Work practices, or "administrative controls," include altering the way in which a procedure is done, monitored, and/or restricted.


  • Using proper labeling and signage to communicate the hazard to others
  • Conducting monthly lab self-inspections to regularly eliminate any noticeable hazards
  • Instituting a "buddy system" when hazardous work is being performed
  • Having an emergency plan: considering the "What if...." then train lab users before an emergency happens
  • Relocating a piece of equipment so the flow of work can be done safely and more efficiently
  • Restricting the length of time that a person is exposed to noise, a particular substance, or a specific activity
  • Enforcing rules about daily housekeeping
  • Performing regular equipment maintenance
  • Following the Working Alone Procedures (PDF)
  • Following Unattended Operations Procedures (PDF)
  • Creating a written Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

For more information on writing an SOP for your lab and to view some guidelines for specific chemical hazards, visit the Specific Hazard webpage.

As you can see, administrative controls are a crucial part of controlling any hazard. 

Personal Protective Equipment


Personal protective equipment (PPE) is often referred to as the last line of defense.  As a control method, PPE has  proven to be less effective than other control measures, which is why it is generally used with some form of engineering and/or administrative control.

Proper PPE must be made available for an emergency response or cleanup procedure as well. Proper PPE increases the level of safety protection from a chemical, biological, or physical hazard during an unexpected event.

More information about personal protective equipment is available.

First identify the hazards in their laboratory, then determine and document the proper methods of control in order to reduce the risk of exposure or injury.


Each supervisor shall assess the task and/or workplace to determine if hazards are present or are likely to be present. This job hazards analysis or assessment (JHA) must evaluate both the hazards to the individuals performing the work and the hazards to individuals who occupy the room or space where the work is being performed. 

After identifying the hazards in your lab, the next step is to properly evaluate and determine proper controls that are required to conduct the work safely. This means you must conduct a hazard assessment (also called risk assessment). EHS is available to assist with hazard assessments and reviewing written standard operating procedures.

The assessment includes considering "what if..." scenarios and having an emergency plan in case something does not go as planned. Also, identify the location of specific emergency safety features in your lab and building before you begin conducting hazardous activities.

The Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) are available to review hazard assessments and may identify other control measures to be implemented.  The JHA must be approved and signed by the supervisor or person conducting the assessment.

What you need to know

Tasks which require a JHA

  • That have caused injuries or illness or have been identified as nearly causing injury or illness;
  •  Have the potential to cause severe or disabling injury with minimal human error, especially those involving moving or rotating equipment, electrical energy, hazardous materials, or repetitive motions;
  • Are complex enough to require written instruction; and/or
  • Require the use of PPE.

Elements of a JHA

  • Identify Hazards: Observe the task being performed, list the individual steps and hazards associated with each step.
  • Specify Control Strategies: Hazard assessments must consider the use of engineering controls, such as ventilation or sound proofing, and the use of work practices, such as de-energizing power sources or containerizing chemicals, to reduce the hazards before assigning PPE.
  • Assign PPE: Each supervisor, based upon the hazard assessment, shall ensure that the appropriate PPE has been identified and is provided for and used by each user. The PPE must be the proper fit and design for the user and not interfere with the ability of the worker to work safely.
  • Document the assessment: Each supervisor shall verify that the required workplace hazard assessment has been performed through a written certification that identifies the workplace evaluated; the person certifying that the evaluation has been performed; the date(s) of the hazard assessment; and identifies the document as being a certification of hazard assessment.
  • A standard operating procedure, job hazard analysis, Chemical Use Planning Form, written procedure or protocol, or similar document each satisfies this requirement.

Available 日韩无码 JHAs


Please Visit to access JHAs

Additional Information

  • OSHA 3071 2002 (Revised) Job Hazard Analysis (PDF)

Quick Links

  • Return to Safety in Laboratories
  • Report Incidents and Concerns



To request a training on Job Hazard Analysis or other specific training or assessments, please contact your supervisor and the Occupational Health and Safety Office at ohso@uvm.edu or call 802.656 SAFE (7233).

Laboratory Hazards


Before you begin working in the lab, determine general and specific laboratory hazards. The American Chemical Society has a  and evaluate for necessary controls.

There are a number of different sources that you can use to find hazard information. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and chemical labels can be useful for initially determining the hazards. The GHS* symbols on the SDS or label can give an overview of the hazards to anyone in the lab. Completed forms, such Chemical Use Planning Forms and Standard Operating Procedures, can be used by new lab members to identify the hazards they will be using. Make sure to identify both physical and health hazards.

View information on your laboratory building to learn about specific building features. These safety features should be acknowledged before work with hazardous materials begins.


Chemical Safety

Biological Safety

Radiation Safety

Fire Safety

Anesthetic Gases

Ergonomics and Back Safety

High Powered Magnets

Nano Materials

Compressed Gases

Electrical Safety

Laboratory Equipment Safety


Cryogenic Materials

Safe Handling of Glassware


Working at Heights

Dry Ice Safety

Hand and Power Tools


Ultraviolet (UV) Light

3D Printers

Lead/Lithium Batteries

Sharps Safety

Slips, Trips, and Falls



Additional Resources
