Schedule of Courses by Semester
Course Details
Expanded Section Descriptions
As students review the Schedule of Courses for determining the best courses for their schedules, expanded section descriptions can provide additional information about these courses. Learn .
Section Codes
A, B, C, D, etc. = Course reserved for degree students until level restrictions are removed (mid-Dec for Spring registration and first Monday in August for Fall registration). Some sections open to Continuing and Distance Education students early: please check the section comment.
ZR (e.g., ZR1) = Continuing and Distance Education course reserved for CDE students even after level restrictions are removed (degree students may not enroll).
A01, A02, A03, etc. = Lab or recitation.
L01, L02, L03, etc. = Lab or recitation.
WW, WQ, or WC (e.g., WW1) = Winter Session.
Instructional Method Codes
- ACT = Activity
- CLN = Clinical
- DIS = Discussion
- FWRK = Field Work
- H = Honors
- HYBD = Hybrid: a course in which 25-75% of the class time is conducted online, with the remainder taking place face-to-face in class or in the field
- INTN = Internship
- IS = Independent Study
- LAB = Lab
- LCDS = Lecture and Discussion
- LCLB = Lecture and Lab
- LEC = Lecture
- LSN = Lesson
- ONL = Online
- PERF = Performance
- PRAC = Practicum
- REC = Recitation
- RSCH = Research
- SEM = Seminar
- STD = Studio
- TA = Teaching Assistantship
- TD = Thesis/Dissertation
Building Codes
- 31 SPR = Benedict House
- 479 MN = 479 Main Street
- 481 MN = 481 Main Street
- 617 MN = Johnson House
- 70S WL = 70 South Williams Street
- AIKEN = Aiken Center
- ALLEN = Allen House
- BLLNGS = Billings Hall
- COHEN = Cohen Hall
- DELEHA = Delehanty Hall
- DEWEY = Dewey Hall
- DISCOV = Discovery Hall
- FLEMIN = Fleming Museum
- GIVN = Given Medical Complex
- GIVN B = Given Medical Complex B
- GIVN C = Given Medical Complex C
- GIVN E = Given Medical Complex E
- GUTRSN = Gutterson Field House
- HARRIS = Harris Hall
- HSRF = Health Science Research Facility
- INNOV = Innovation Hall
- JEFFRD = James M. Jeffords Hall
- JERCHO = Jericho Research Forest
- KALKIN = Kalkin Building
- L/L CM = Living/Learning Commons
- L/L-A = Living/Learning A
- L/L-B = Living/Learning B
- L/L-D = Living/Learning D
- LAFAYE = Lafayette Hall
- MANN = Mann Hall
- MARSH = Marsh Hall
- MEDED = Larner Medical Education Center
- ML SCI = Marsh Life Science
- MORRIL = Morrill Hall
- MRC = Miller Animal Research Complex
- MRC-CO = Miller Animal Research Complex - Classrooms and Offices
- MUSIC = Music Building
- OLDMIL = Old Mill
- OMANEX = Old Mill Annex
- PATGYM = Patrick Gymnasium
- PLB = Patrick Leahy Building
- PERKIN = Perkins Building
- POMERO = Pomeroy Hall
- ROWELL = Rowell Hall
- RT THR = Royall Tyler Theatre
- SOUTHW = Southwick Hall
- STAFFO = Stafford Hall
- TERRIL = Terrill Building
- UHTN = University Heights North 1
- UHTN23 = University Heights North 2 & 3
- UHTS = University Heights South 1
- UHTS23 = University Heights South 2 & 3
- 日韩无码MC = 日韩无码 Medical Center
- VOTEY = Votey Hall
- WATERM = Waterman Building
- WHEELR = Wheeler House
- WILLMS = Williams Hall