
Policy Statement


The possession of weapons, as defined herein, as well as replicas or facsimiles thereof, is prohibited on ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë property and facilities-- including residence halls, grounds, leased spaces, and personal vehicles in ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë parking lots. The use of implements or substances not commonly used as a weapon may be a violation of this policy if used as a weapon. The use of a spray irritant, commonly referred to as pepper spray, will not be a violation of this policy if used solely for self-defense. Exceptions may be made with permission from the Chief of Police or designee for academic or other legitimate purposes. Certified Law Enforcement Officers may wear a firearm or other weapon while on campus in accordance with appropriate federal, state, local law and their department policy, rules and regulations.

Why do we have this policy?


Policies and procedures exist to promote campus safety, security and health; to ensure compliance with Federal, state, and local laws and regulations; and to promote the fair, equitable, and efficient operations of the University.

This policy advances campus safety and ensures compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Who needs to read this policy?


Policies and procedures apply to all University of Vermont faculty, staff, students, visitors, and guests. Any exceptions will be noted in the applicable policy or procedure document.

What else do I need to know?


Weapons: any object or substance designed or used to inflict a wound, cause injury, or incapacitate, including but not limited to all weapons, pellet guns, air pistols, air rifles, any dirk, bowie knife, switchblade knife, ballistic knife, or any other knife having a blade of three or more inches, black jacks, metal knuckles, nunchaku, fireworks, explosives and biological agents. 

Requests for Exceptions

Requests for exception must be made in writing to the Chief of Police and contain:

  1. Name and contact information of person(s) requesting exception.
  2. Detailed reason for request.
  3. Exact description of weapon(s) under consideration.
  4. Location where such items will be present, for how long, and what security measures will be taken to ensure safety.

All decisions are final.

Is there education available?

Training will be provided on an as-needed basis as determined by the Approval Authority or the Responsible Official.

What if I still have questions?


Questions concerning the daily operational interpretation of this policy should be directed to the following (in accordance with the policy elaboration and procedures):

Title(s)/Department(s):Contact Information:

Chief of Police

(for permission to have a weapon on campus)

(802) 656-3473 or (802) 656-2027

Version History

Responsible Official:Chief Safety and Compliance Officer
Policy Number:V.  3.19.5
Approval Authority:President
Effective Date:January 28, 2020 
Revision History:
  • V. Approved September 6, 2006
  • V. Approved May 19, 2010
  • V. 5.27.3/V. 3.19.3 effective May 20, 2016 
  • Responsible official officially changed from the Vice President for University Relations and Administration to the Vice President for Operations and Public Safety (VPOPS) on October 1, 2019. Title of VPOPS changed to Chief Safety and Compliance Officer July 2022.
  • April 1, 2024

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