Profile picture for John Lloyd

Organization: Vermont Center for Ecostudies, VCE

Contact Information


John Lloyd joined the Vermont Center for Ecostudies in November 2014. John began his career as an ornithologist at ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë, where he earned a bachelor’s of science in Wildlife Biology. After a brief stint studying Roseate Terns on Long Island Sound, he headed west. The first stop was the University of Arizona, where John received a master’s of science. He then went to the University of Montana to pursue a doctorate. John’s doctoral research focused on the ecology, evolutionary biology, and conservation of grassland birds in eastern Montana and western North Dakota, with a special focus on Chestnut-collared Longspurs. After completing his doctorate, John and his family returned to Vermont, and in recent years he has focused his research program on the ecology and conservation of birds of south Florida and the Caribbean.As the Director of Science, John will use his technical expertise and experience in program management to advance VCE’s science programs and to facilitate the cutting-edge work already being done by VCE scientists. Outside of work, John is a runner, fly-fisherman, and devotee of single-speed bikes. He also has a short and mostly undistinguished history as a participant in agricultural fairs.

List of Projects

Project Role Start End
Bicknell's Thrush Population Demographics and EcologyParticipant 1992-06-01 Ongoing
Mountain Birdwatch - VCEProject Lead/Principal Investigator 2000-01-01 Ongoing