public read Tree species growing at their elevational limits: 1993Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative
705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America
Measurements of tree age, DBH, growth, basal area, and circumference on several VT mountainsForest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeTree species growing at their elevational limits: bioindicator of climate or atmospheric changeJeffreyHughesprincipalInvestigatorWalterPolemanprincipalInvestigatorTree cores were collected along with an inventory of regeneration for tree species at and near their elevational limits on five mountains in Vermont.Tree species growing at their elevational limits: 1993Measurements of tree age, DBH, growth, basal area, and circumference on several VT mountainsVMC.7.272mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/tree-species-growing-their-elevational-limits/dataset/tree-species-growing-their-elevational-limits-11993-06-281993-07-22Date_analyzedDate AnalyzedDay of year on which data was analyzeddatetimeotherSiteSiteLocation of data collectiontextSample_numberSample NumberSample NumberintDate_collectedDate CollectedDay of year on which data was collecteddatetimeotherElevationElevationElevation at which sample was collectedintmeterreal0_5_years_ago0-5 Year Age Class0-5ya age classdecimalmeterreal6_10_years_ago6-10 Year Age Class6-10ya age classdecimalmeterreal11_15_years_ago11-15 Year Age Class11-15ya age classdecimalmeterreal16_20_years_ago16-20 Year Age Class16-20 ya age classdecimalmeterreal21_25_years_ago21-25 Year Age Class21-25 ya age classdecimalmeterreal26_30_years_ago26-30 Year Age Class26-30 ya age classdecimalmeterrealCore elevationElevationElevation at which sample was collectedintmeterrealCirumferenceCircumferenceCircumference of the sampled tree (the length of the outer perimeter of the tree)intmeterintegerdbhDBHDiamter at breast height (standard forestry measurement of tree girth)decimalmeterrealdbh-bdbh-bdbh-bdecimalmeterrealradiusRadiusDistance from the center of the tree to any point on its perimeterdecimalmeterreal0_5_ra_RG0-5 Year RG0-5 yr Radial Growthdecimalmeterreal0_5_Bala0-5 Year BAI0-5 yr Basal Area Incrementdecimalmeterreal6_10_ya_RG 6-10 Year RG6-10 yr Radial GrowthdecimalmeterrealÌý6³å10³å²â²¹³åµþ´¡±õ²ú 6-10 Year BAI6-10 yr Basal Area IncrementdecimalmeterrealÌý11³å15³å²â²¹³å¸é³Ò11-15 Year RG11-15 yr Radial Growthdecimalmeterreal11_15_ya_BAIc 11-15 Year BAI11-15 yr Basal Area Incrementdecimalmeterreal16_20_ya_RG16-20 Year RG16-20 yr Radial Growthdecimalmeterreal16_20_ya_BAId 16-20 Year BAI16-20 yr Basal Area Incrementdecimalmeterreal21_25_ya_RG21-25 Year RG21-25 yr Radial Growthdecimalmeterreal21_25_ya_BAIe21-25 Year BAI21-25 yr Basal Area Incrementdecimalmeterreal26_30_ya_RG26-30 Year RG26-30 yr Radial Growthdecimalmeterreal26_30_ya_BAIf 26-30 Year BAI26-30 yr Basal Area Incrementdecimalmeterreal