Forest clearing detected via remote sensing in New HampshireForest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative705 Spear StreetSouth BurlingtonVermont05403United States of America(802) Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative (FEMC) leadNew Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands partnerWe used the Global Forest Change dataset (Hansen et al. 2003) to group loss pixels by year of loss, and restricted possible timber clearings to those ≥3.0 ac in size. Resulting polygons are assigned a year of harvest between 2001 and 2018. Forest Ecosystem Monitoring CooperativeForest clearing detected in New Hampshire using remote sensing (2000-2018)AlexandraKosibaprincipalInvestigatorJamesDuncanprincipalInvestigatorKyleLombardcontentProviderTimber clearing is used for both forest management and to convert forestland to another use (e.g., agriculture or development). Examining the rate, extent, and timing of timber clearing in the state of New Hampshire (NH) is integral to understanding patterns of silviculture and forest conversion.
In 1995, a group from the University of New Hampshire analyzed the amount of intensive timber clearing (e.g., clearcutting) in NH, but did not evaluate the timing or post-harvest outcome, and a follow-up analysis has not been completed since. Here, we provide a follow up to those initial assessments and specifically evaluate (1) the number, timing, and size of moderate (>20ft2/ac residual basal area) and intensive (<20ft2/ac residual basal area) timber clearings (>3 ac in size) in NH between 2000 and 2018 detected via remote sensing, (2) the proportion of those clearings determined to be intensive (i.e., clearcuts), and (3) the likely post-harvest outcome (i.e., silviculture or land use conversion).Forest clearing detected via remote sensing in New HampshireWe used the Global Forest Change dataset (Hansen et al. 2003) to group loss pixels by year of loss, and restricted possible timber clearings to those ≥3.0 ac in size. Resulting polygons are assigned a year of harvest between 2001 and 2018. VMC.1550.3118mySQL/femc/data/archive/project/NHForestClearing/dataset/locations-forest-loss2000-01-012018-12-31No AttributesNo Definitionno data