Farming and Climate Change

Wetter springs, longer summer dry spells and droughts, new invasive and pest species, warmer winters and a longer growing season – climate change in the Northeast means that agriculture has been, and will be, facing multiple changes and challenges. 

Resilient systems will be critical to maintaining economic and environmental sustainability in the face of increased precipitation, more extreme storms and warming temperatures. Successful agricultural adaptations will involve both straightforward and more creative solutions, including managing soil and water differently, diversification of enterprise, infrastructure investment and the adoption of new crop types and varieties.

The Role of Agriculture in Climate Mitigation:

In addition to adaptation, agriculture has the potential to help mitigate climate change through reduced greenhouse gas emissions and increased carbon storage. The Farming & Climate Change Program exists to investigate the practices that lead to these benefits and to better understand how they can be integrated into Northeastern agriculture.

Our Goals:

  1. Educate and provide technical assistance to farmers, agricultural service providers, and policymakers regarding sustainable strategies for adapting to, and mitigating the impact(s) of climate change, and
  2. To seek innovative and effective research-based solutions to climate-related challenges facing the region’s farms and farmers.

To meet these goals we provide educational opportunities and consultation to producers and other stakeholders, serve as a resource hub and knowledge outlet for research-based information, work closely with state and federal agencies and nonprofit organizations, and perform applied research that can be put to use on the region’s farms.