Burlington, Vt.--Registration is now open through January 17 for the 2025 University of Vermont Extension Master Gardener course.
This comprehensive gardening course is offered completely online and runs for 16 weeks from January 23 to May 15 with course materials available until May 29. Each week, students will learn about a different topic such as garden insects and diseases, vegetable gardening, tree care, small fruits, annuals and perennials, soil management and composting, among other topics.
The registration fee is $400 per person for Vermont residents and $550 for out-of-state residents. For details about the course and to register, please visit .
Students will need to purchase the Penn State Extension Master Gardener Manual, which can be ordered directly from Penn State (). Copies also are available in public libraries across Vermont.
Two course tracks are offered. Track 1 is for individuals who would like to become a certified Extension Master Gardener volunteer and give back to local communities through volunteerism, including organizing gardening workshops, staffing 鈥淎sk a Master Gardener鈥 booths at local events, writing articles and working on other projects. Track 2 is for individuals who would prefer to take the course at their own pace, without a volunteer commitment, as well as for anyone who lives outside of Vermont.
Anyone contemplating whether Track 1 (volunteer certification) is the right option can learn more from an Extension Master Gardener volunteer at .
Thanks to volunteer-run regional chapters, limited course scholarships are available in some counties for those students interested in Track 1. AmeriCorps and VSAC grants also are accepted. For instructions on how to apply, go to .
To request a disability-related accommodation to participate in this course, please contact Deb Heleba at debra.heleba@uvm.edu or (802) 656-1777 by December 13.