Purpose of Chapters
While some Master Gardener programs across the U.S. operate on a county-wide basis, the ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë Extension Master Gardener (EMG) program is a state-wide program, serving all 14 counties of the state.
To provide a local presence, our EMG program has established volunteer-run Chapters. The purpose of the Chapters are to:
- Welcome new volunteers,
- Provide opportunities for volunteers to network and learn from one another,
- Offer locally based continuing education to volunteers (some events are also open to the public),
- Support approved EMG projects,
- Coordinate Chapter-based EMG info tables,
- Be a conduit between local volunteers and the state office, and
- Support statewide EMG programming (eg., providing scholarship for EMG course students, underwriting annual conferences and other statewide events, etc.).
Currently, there are five volunteer Extension Master Gardener Chapters in Vermont, listed below. These are volunteer-run entities, led by Extension Master Gardener and Composter volunteers. Chapters organize activities and fundraise independently from the EMG state office to support the program's mission.
- Northwest Chapter: Chittenden, Franklin, Grand Isle and Addison Counties
- Central/NEK Chapter: Lamoille, Washington, Orange, Caledonia, Essex, and Orleans Counties
- Rutland Chapter: Rutland County
- Bennington Chapter: Bennington County
- Southeast Chapter: Windham and Windsor Counties
Volunteer Chapters guide local level educational program offerings and support local projects. Chapters are vital team-players, providing much needed educational support at the local level. Each local volunteer project is managed by (certified and active) Volunteer Project Leaders.
Chapter meetings are held as needed, typically 4-5 per winter and a varying number of summer events, such as garden tours, project work-days, and educational workshops (some of which are also open to the public). The purpose of these meetings is for volunteers to come together to network, share ideas, feedback, and resources. All volunteers are asked to attend at least 2 chapter meetings per year at any location. Meetings usually include some type of educational program. Other chapter functions include fundraising for local chapter projects and continuing education programs. Chapter funds are managed at the local level by the appointed chapter treasurer, and financial reports are made once a year to the state coordinator.
Chapter Leadership Resources
Chapter Steering Teams
Chapters are organized at the local level by volunteers who serve on a Steering Team. This volunteer team maintains the focus of their specific chapter and provides guidance and support to new students and Extension Master Gardener/Composter Interns. The structure of the committees varies slightly among chapters. Both Active Certified Master Gardeners/Composters and Interns can participate on the Chapter Steering team and all related time invested does count toward volunteer hours, although we ask that you are mindful about spending at least 5 of your volunteer hours each year educating the public directly.
Responsibilities of Volunteer Chapter Steering Teams:
- Conduct regular meetings to which all program volunteers are welcome.
- Sponsor fundraising events, as needed, to support local chapter activities.
- Partner with the EMG staff to post events on the EMG website, and submit marketing materials for review in order to meet ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë's style guidelines and logo requirements.
- Plan, coordinate and carry out educational programs in their chapter areas and conduct outreach about the program.
- Seek hard goods donations for local projects in the name of the program.
- Arrange local field trips, tours, and guest speakers for volunteers.
- Participate in state, regional, and international EMG events.
- Maintain display boards and information table supplies for use by the chapter and projects.
- Purchase supplies and equipment for chapter and project activities.
- Plan and conducts annual awards events to honor outstanding EMG volunteers.
Chapter Steering Team Roles & Responsibilities
While each Chapter operates a bit differently based on the unique needs of volunteers within the Chapter, they all follow the same objectives outlined in the purpose statement above. The overarching goal of Chapters to support the EMG program at the local level.
Each Chapter has a Steering Committee, a group of EMG volunteers that helps organize activities to meet Chapter objectives.
Essential Roles
To function effectively, each Chapter must have the following roles in place, each held by a separate individual(s). The responsibilities of each role is outlined below.
Chair/Co-Chair. The chair/s lead the Chapter. They review the Chapter's annual goals and ensure Chapter activities are getting done in a timely manner. They ensure that the Chapter is meeting the needs of volunteers and are aligned with the mission, policies and procedures, and goals of the ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë Extension Master Gardener/Composter Programs. The chair/s sets agendas for, arranges (sends agendas out, etc.), and facilitate steering team meetings and oversees follow-through on action items. They are the primary liaison with the state coordinator and serve on the state program's advisory committee.
Treasurer. The treasurer is responsible for the timely disbursement of payments for program activities and for the timely submission of financial reports to ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë Community Partners. They prepare an annual budget that is approved by Chapter volunteers. They are responsible for understanding the ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë Community Partners' Treasurer's Handbook and must ensure that Chapter income and expenditures follow Handbook procedures and policies. They work closely with approved EMG/VMC project leaders and the steering team on fundraising efforts, including grants. The treasurer provides financial reports at Chapter steering team meetings and advises the team on financial decisions, following up with research as necessary. They receive and reconcile monthly bank statements.
Secretary. The secretary is responsible for helping to draft steering team meeting agendas, taking notes at meetings and making sure all the appropriate parties have access to them. The secretary is the keeper of files for the Chapter. The secretary liaises with the state office to post approved minutes to the program website and helps the Chapter with miscellaneous correspondence.
Additional Chapter Steering Committee Roles
Chapter may create additional steering committee roles as needed. Several Chapters maintain the following roles; responsibilities are outlined below.
Education Coordinator. The education coordinator is responsible for arranging continuing education for Chapter volunteers. Often these events are open to the general public as well. They contact potential speakers, secure agreements and dates, and create a speaker schedule for the year that is posted on the EMG website. The education coordinator follows up on speakers' requests/needs before and after the event and works with the host site to ensure a smooth presentation or workshop. They often serve as the emcee or moderator for the event.
Fundraising or Plant Sale Coordinator(s). Fundraising for the Chapter often takes place as an annual plant sale. The coordinator/s work closely with the treasurer to ensure fundraising efforts are Often the fundraising tasks are held by a team of two The fundraising coordinator would develop a team to strategize, write letters, develop relationships, and follow up with potential donors. The fundraising coordinator would ensure that donors are acknowledged during our events and activities and promoted in other, appropriate ways. The fundraising coordinator would submit reports to the Chapter leadership and to donors upon request. The fundraising coordinator would oversee plant sales and other money raising activities by the Chapter, but this can be done by securing volunteer leaders within Chapter membership.
Social Media Manager. Each Chapter generally has a Facebook page as a local social media presence. The social media manager regularly posts science-based gardening information of interest to the general public within the Chapter's area. They help promote program events like the EMG and VMC courses and annual conferences as well as Chapter events. They provide educational content on gardening and backyard composting to the public through Facebook and other social media outlets.
Scholarship Coordinator. Most Chapters raise funds for partial scholarships for the Extension Master Gardener course. These funds defray the registration fee for students interested in taking the course to become an EMG volunteer within the Chapter. The scholarship coordinator works with the treasurer and steering committee to determine the number of scholarships to offer. They work with the EMG program coordinator to review and refine the scholarship application and are the point person for applicants of the scholarships. They communicate final decisions the steering committee makes about awarded scholarships and makes necessary financial arrangements with the students and state office.
Zoom Coordinator. If the Chapter has their own Zoom account, the Zoom coordinator sets up Zoom meetings, ensures that the secretary and chair has the necessary join information, records the meeting if necessary, and provides the Zoom recordings to the volunteers. Some Chapters conduct hybrid meetings where there are in-person and virtual participants. The Zoom coordinators ensures that the technology is operational to ensure successful hybrid meetings.
Publicist. The publicist crafts messages regarding Chapter activities aimed at the general public (eg., events, course scholarships, plant sales, etc.) and makes sure they are promoted widely. The publicist works with the social media manager to tailor messages for Facebook as well as volunteers for Front Porch Forum and other media outlets. The publicist enlists the help of volunteers to photograph live events, solicits photos from project leaders, and keeps a portfolio of photos, videos, stories, etc., shared with the state office for promotional purposes.
At-Large Steering Committee Members. Some Chapters include at-large steering committee members to provide extra capacity where needed. While all volunteers may generate ideas and give advice and suggestions to the Chapter, at-large steering committee members provide additional support to the Chapter.
Earning Volunteer Hours through Chapter Efforts
Educational events organized by the Chapters count for volunteer continuing education hours.
Volunteering on the local Chapter steering team and/or at Chapter-sponsored events can be counted towards your certification or annual volunteer hours, athough we do ask that you are mindful of spending at least 5 hours of your annual volunteer hours each year educating the public directly.
Participating in the business meetings of Chapters also counts toward volunteer hours.
If you are interested in becoming involved in specific chapter activities and projects, please contact any of the Chapter Chairs/Co-Chairs. Volunteers are welcome to engage with any and all chapters throughout the state.
Chapter Financial Management
Chapter Finances
The finances for all EMG Chapters are managed under the not-for-profit corporation, University of Vermont and State Agricultural College 4-H Program, Inc., also know as the ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë Extension Community Partners. All Chapter treasurers must follow the protocols and policies outlined in the ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë Extension Community Partners' Treasurers Book.
Treasurers Handbook (PDF) (revised January 2025)
Financial Reporting:
All Chapters maintain their own bank accounts and are expected to submit routine financial reports to the ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë Extension Community Partners. You may use the Account Reporting Form in the Treasurers Book or complete the .
**Please note the reporting forms are meant for use by 4-H Clubs and EMG Chapters. The info you will be submitting into this form as a Chapter is the same info as 4-H clubs also submit.
If you have questions about financial reporting, please reach out to Deb Heleba (debra.heleba@uvm.edu).
Due Dates for Financial Reports:
If the starting annual balance of your Chapter is equal to or LESS than $10,000, you must submit ONE semi-annual account statements and an annual report, due as follows:
- First half report (October 1 through March 31) – Due on the third Friday of April
- Annual (October 1 to September 30) – Due by Nov 15
If the starting annual balance of your Chapter is MORE than $10,000, you must submit THREE quarterly reports and an annual report, due as follows:
- First Quarter (October 1 to December 31) – Due on the third Friday of January
- Second Quarter (January 1 to March 31) – Due on the third Friday of April
- Third Quarter (April 1 to June 30) – Due on the third Friday of July
- Annual (October 1 to September 30) – Due by Nov 15
Chapter Treasurers (a/o of December 2022)
- Becky Manning: (Bennington)
- Sue Lucas: (NEK-Central)
- Cindy Gilhooly: (Northwest)
- Sarah Edelman: (Southeast)
- Deb Bieg: (Rutland)
Current Chapters
Bennington Chapter
Counties: Bennington
Steering Team: (Updated 2/27/2023)
- Heather Hamilton, Chair
- Becky Manning, Treasurer
- Joni Charbonneau and Irene Goyette, Social Media Administrators
- Melissa Meola, Education Coordinator
- Becky Manning, Newsletter
- Dottie Sundquist, Membership Coordinator
- Megan Herrington, Hospitality
2025 Chapter Meeting Minutes:
- Coming soon...
Central/NEK Chapter
Counties: Lamoille, Orange, Washington, Essex, Caledonia, Orleans
Steering Team:
- Gerald Leonard, Treasurer
2025 Chapter Meeting Minutes:
- Coming soon...
Northwest Chapter
Counties: Addison, Chittenden, Franklin, Grand Isle
Steering Team: (updated 4/11/24)
- Nancy Knox, Chair
- Cindy Gilhooly, Treasurer
- Kelly Wakefield
- Karen Patno
- Cheryl McCaffrey
- Victoria Gauvin, Co-Treasuer
- Cheryl Willoughby
- Emily Cook
2025 Chapter Meeting Minutes:
- Coming soon...
Rutland Chapter
Counties: Rutland
Steering Team: (Updated 3/10/24)
- Jan Sherman, Chairperson/Advisory Board Member
- Deb Bieg, Treasurer/Advisory Board Member
- Patti Westburg, Secretary
- Jerri Hoffman, Technical Advisor
- Kathy Romans Hall, Education Program Coordinator
- Carol Kluchinski, Advertising
- Al Jackson, Scholarship Coordinator
- Sarah Gallagher, Advisory/Rutland Facebook Page Administrator
- Judy Nevin, Advisory
- Rich Carlson, Advisory
- Margery Salmon, Advisory
- Rita Gylys, Advisory
- Lynn Traina-Gould, Advisory
2024-2025 Chapter Meeting Minutes:
Southeast Chapter
Counties: Windham & Windsor
Steering Committee (updated 4/2024)
- Sarah Edelman, Treasurer
- Danielle Treadwell, Facebook Manager
2024-2025 Chapter Meeting Minutes