Leek Moth Information Center

Welcome to the Leek Moth Information Center for the United States

Leek moth is a pest of members of the Allium family including onions, garlic, leeks, chives and shallots. The larvae feed on crop foliage, stunting plant growth and compromising the storage life of the crop.

Leek Moth
Leek moth adult. Photo: Dan Olmstead, NYS IPM, Cornell AgriTech.

The first discovery of leek moth in the US was in 2009 in a home garden in Plattsburgh, NY (Clinton County). This insect is native to Europe and was first found in North America in 1993 in Ontario, Canada.

Leek Moth Map
Leek Moth Presence in North America as of April, 2021. The top five northeastern counties in New York, all but the bottom two southeast counties in Vermont, and two counties in northeastern Maine.
Northeast SARE Logo
Funding for the work reported here was provided by the USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program, Research and Education Grant LNE19-379.

Fact Sheets
