
Grazing Planning: Financial and Technical Assistance for Developing & Implementing Grazing Plans

These resources can help support your financial and technical assistance needs during the development and implementation of a grazing plan.

Technical Assistance


Our staff can assist you in your planning process free of charge. Fill out the contact form and we鈥檒l put you in touch with the right staff member. 

If you would like to work on a plan on your own, consider the following resources:

Financial Assistance


There are several state and federal programs you may be eligible to enroll in related to developing and/or implementing a grazing plan. Review the resources below or get in touch with our staff to see if any of them are right for you. If you need help applying to these programs, we鈥檇 be happy to assist you.

  • : 90% cost-share program that can pay for fencing, pipelines, water source development, laneways, stream crossings, and more.
  • : Rate-per-acre based payment program for farms implementing rotational grazing systems.
  • : Federal program providing technical and financial assistance to address natural resource concerns.
  • : Federal program providing compensation for a range of existing activities including rotational grazing.
  • NRCS has lots of other programs and practices that may be beneficial to your farm to enroll in. for more information on programs and enrolling.
  • There are also lots of other financial assistance programs not specific to grazing that you can .