
Solo Recitals

Senior Recital

Senior Recital

Music Education students and Bachelor of Arts students with Performance or Jazz Studies concentrations perform a Senior Recital (MUL 4550) as the capstone experience in the performance area. Students should work closely with their applied lesson teachers to make sure that the repertoire they select meets the guidelines of their degree or concentration. Jazz Studies concentrators and B.S. students studying jazz repertoire have special requirements (PDF).

Senior Recitals are scheduled through the Department Office. A recital audition must be passed four to six weeks prior to the recital date and is also scheduled through the music department office.

If you have questions about any of these requirements, please speak to your advisor, your private teacher, or contact the music office: music@uvm.edu.


Who is required to perform a Senior Recital?

All students in the B.S. Music Education program, as well as students in the Performance and Jazz Studies concentrations of the B.A.


What is required or expected in a recital?

Students in the B.A. Performance and Jazz Studies concentrations are required to perform a solo recital in their last year of study. These recitals should follow the guidelines published by each area of study. Instrumentalists are expected to present a minimum of 50 minutes of music; vocalists are expected to present a minimum of 25 minutes of music.

Students in the B.S. in Music Education program are also required to perform a solo recital in the last year of study. Due to the rigorous course demands of music education degree, these solo recitals should consist of a minimum of 25 minutes of music.

When should I schedule my recital?

Students should begin thinking about their recital date in the semester before they will give the recital. The Department Office creates 4 recital dates for each semester, and the dates and times are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Students should complete the Recital Request Form (available from the Department Office) after consulting with their applied teacher, family, and the department concert schedule.


How is my recital graded?

Your applied teacher grades the recital, in addition to two full-time faculty members who are required to be in attendance to serve as a Faculty Jury. You must obtain signatures from these faculty members on the Recital Application Form (PDF). The purpose of the faculty jury is to resolve grade disputes as well as monitor the overall quality of recitals in the Department.


Will my recital be recorded?

Required recitals are recorded (audio only) for the departmental archives, and the recordings become the property of the Department. Contact the Department Office for information about obtaining a copy of your recital recording. If you wish to have a video recording of your recital, you should make your own arrangements.


How do I get an accompanist?

Most students must perform with accompaniment. You may ask a full-time faculty member to accompany you, or you may hire a part-time faculty member or professional outside the department. The department will pay the cost of an accompanist for required recitals only, up to a limited number of hours; and the student is responsible for any fees incurred above this limit. Please contact the office for details.

Jazz performers usually create ensembles comprised of fellow students. Ask your teacher or Area Head if you have questions.

May I hold a reception at the music department?

You are welcome to have a reception following your recital. However, receptions are not allowed in either the Music Building or Southwick.


May I give a non-required recital?

Yes. Many students -- including music minors, or students in the Music Composition area -- present non-required recitals. Non-required recitals must be sponsored by the student's lesson teacher, who takes responsibility for scheduling rehearsals in the Recital Hall. Please note that required recitals receive scheduling priority. Students giving non-required recitals are responsible for providing their own programs, posters, recordings, etc.  Contact the Department Office (music@uvm.edu) for more information.

For non-required recitals, the student must pay fees including accompanist fees.