I originally took Japanese to fulfill my language requirement from CAS, but ended up loving the language and the department so much that I minored in it! I also had the amazing opportunity to lead the Japanese House living and learning community, where I was able to work on creating fun events and fostering relationships and learning among my peers. Throughout these experiences, the Japanese department was consistently a place where I felt welcomed and comfortable, and where I made many valuable connections with faculty, peers, and the community.

One of the classes that had a huge impact on me was a Japanese Teaching Practicum course. In this class, a handful of us spent a week in a local preschool creating activities to teach children about Japanese language and culture. I loved this class so much that once the course ended, Suzuki-sensei helped me get a job at that preschool. Upon graduation, I became a full time Early Childhood Educator, where I gained recognition for regularly creating curriculum involving diverse cultures and languages. While I unfortunately don't use Japanese in my daily life these days, the Japanese department became my home while I was in school and the skills I learned allowed me to find my next path!"