Our faculty continue to unearth important insights into the world of business. Whether they are being recognized for their research, published in top-tier journals, quoted in the media or presenting across the world at conferences, their knowledge translates into accelerated learning in the classroom.

Explore our faculty's impact below with their research from this past Spring.

Refereed Journal Articles

Tolentino, L.R., Garcia, P.R.J.M., Restubog, S.L.D., Scott, K. & Aquino, K. (Accepted: January 2016). "Does domestic intimate partner aggression impact work life? Implications for women's career advancement." Human Resource Management.

Sibunruang, H., Tolentino, L.R., & Garcia, P.R.J.M. (2015). "Ingratiation as an adapting strategy: Its relationship with career adaptability, career sponsorship, and promotability." Journal of Vocational Behavior, 90, 135- 144.

Hodgdon, C., & Hughes, S.B., "The Effect of Corporate Governance, Auditor Choice and Global Activities on EU Company Disclosures of Estimates and Judgments" in the Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation Volume 26, pp. 28-46, 2016.

Jones, D.A. (2016). "Widely assumed but thinly tested: Do employee volunteers' self-reported skill improvements reflect the nature of their volunteering experience?" Accepted at Frontiers in Psychology, Organizational Psychology Specialty Section, 7, Article 495, pp. 1-14. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00495.

Jones, D.A., Willness, C.R., & Heller, K.W. (2016). "Illuminating the signals job seekers receive from an employer's community involvement and environmental sustainability practices: Insights into why most job seekers are attracted, others are indifferent, and a few are repelled." Frontiers in Psychology, Organizational Psychology Specialty Section, 7, Article 426, pp. 1-16. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00426.

Lucas, M.T., & Noordewier, T.G., (2016), "Environmental Management Practices and Firm Financial Performance: The Moderating Effect of Industry Pollution-Related Factors," International Journal of Production Economics, 175, 24-34

Puranam, K., Novak, D.C., Lucas, M.T. (2015). "Extending the Newsvendor Model to Account for Uncontrolled Inventory Transfers." Annals of Operations Research. Online 12/15/15. DOI: 10.1007/s10479-015-2080-5

Joglekar, N., Zhang, J., (2016) "Can Service Coproduction Factors Enhance Learning-by-Doing Simultaneously? Evidence from the U.S. Hotel Industry" has been accepted for publication in Service Science.

Lawrence, B., Heineke, J., Zhang, J. (2016) "A Lifecycle Perspective of Professional Services" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Operations Management.


Professor Pramodita Sharma co-authored "Oh, The Places We'll Go: Reviewing Past, Present, and Future Possibilities in Family Business Research" Family Business Review, 29(1): 11-16. Co-authors Short, J., Lumpkin, G.T., and Pearson, A.W. (2016).


Associate Professor Erik Monsen is a collaborator on a $2,000,000, 5- year grant awarded to Dr. Mercedes Rincon of the Department of Medicine in ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë's College of Medicine, titled ""Fostering Entrepreneurship in Biomedical Research." Sponsor: National Institutes of Health (NIH) through the Innovative Program to Enhance Research Training (IPERT) R25 initiative.

Conference Keynotes, Presentations, Proceedings

Associate Professor Susan B. Hughes presented "Students as Case Authors in an IFRS Graduate Accounting Course" at the American Accounting Association International Accounting Section meeting, New Orleans, L, February 2016. Coauthors are Master of Accountancy students Tefre, E and Zagarins, M.

Associate Professor David A. Jones presented "Employee volunteering as worksite wellness: Designing volunteerism programs to benefit employees, employers, and communities" at the 2016 Vermont Worksite Wellness Conference, Burlington, VT. March 2016.

Associate Professor David A. Jones delivered a keynote address, "Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), viewed from within: A review of micro-CSR research on job seeker attraction, employee responses, and leadership practices presented" at the National Science Foundation-funded Summit on Corporate Social Responsibility. April 2016.

Master of Accountancy Student Tyler Miles presented "Examining Instances of Embezzlement in Vermont" at the American Accounting Association Northeast Region Meeting, October 2015. Coauthor is Associate Professor Arel, B.

Associate Professor Erik Monsen co-authored a paper "Generative Capacity: A Key Catalyzing Resource for Entrepreneurial Activity and Breakthrough Innovation" presented at the 2016 United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference in San Diego CA on January 12, 2016. Co-Authors: De Massis, A., Heblich, S., Audretsch, D.B., & Kotlar, J.

Associate Professor Erik Monsen co-facilitated a professional development workshop "Experimental Methodologies: Applications and Agendas" at the 2016 United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference in San Diego CA on January 9th, 2016. Co-Facilitators: Simmons, S., Hsu, D., Wieland, A., & Begelfer, M.

Associate Professor David Novak co-presented "Can Server Behavior and Service System Design Outweigh the Benefits of Pooling?", at the 2015 national INFORMS (The Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences) conference in Philadelphia, PA, November, 2015. Co-presenters Lucas, M., Do, H., and Shunko, M.

Associate Professor David Novak co-presented "An Ordering Heuristic for RBCs Under Multiple Sources of Supply", at the 2015 national INFORMS conference in Philadelphia, PA, November, 2015. Co-presenters Puranam, K., and Lucas, M.

Master of Accountancy Student Benjamin Vaughan presented "Corporate Disclosure Response to U.S. SEC Revenue Recognition Litigation" at the American Accounting Association Northeast Region Meeting, October 2015. Co-authors Associate Professors Arel, B. and Hughes, S.B.


Professor Pramodita Sharma is to be awarded an honorary doctorate from Jönköping University, Sweden, May 2016.


Professor Pramodita Sharma co-authored "Entrepreneurs in every generation: How Successful Family Businesses Develop Their Next Leaders" Berrett-Koehler Publishers, San Francisco: CA. Co-author​ Cohen, A. R.

Media Articles/Quotes

Assistant Professor Patrick Raymund James M. Garcia was featured in an article "Faces of our Future" that was published in the Vermont Quarterly, November 2015.

Other Distinctions

Associate Professor Susan Hughes is now a member of the Vermont Board of Bar Examiners.

Associate Professor Erik Monsen was a recipient of the Journal of Small Business Management's Editor's Choice Award for his co-authored paper "Generative Capacity: A Key Catalyzing Resource for Entrepreneurial Activity and Breakthrough Innovation" at the 2016 United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) Conference in San Diego CA on January, 2016. Co-Authors: De Massis, A., Heblich, S., Audretsch, D.B., & Kotlar, J..

Associate Professor Erik Monsen was invited to represent ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë and co- represent Burlington at the Metro Summit for Entrepreneurship Leaders hosted by the Kauffman Foundation in Kansas City MO, February, 2016.