Our faculty are at forefront of unearthing important insights into the world of business, disseminating knowledge via teaching excellence, advancing leadership behaviors and skills together with advanced business management practices.
In addition to their research being published in top journals and winning several awards, several of our faculty have been recognized for their teaching across campus. This is a testament to the dedication and quality of the faculty here at Grossman.
2017 Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Award: Rocki-Lee DeWitt
2017 Graduate Student Senate Excellence in Teaching Award: Glenn Walberg
2017 President's Distinguished Senior Lecturer and Lecturer Award: Thomas Chittenden
Whether our faculty are being recognized for their research, publishing in top-tier journals, quoted in the media, presenting at global conferences, or delivering keynotes, their knowledge adds unique value to our students in the classroom.
Explore our faculty's impact below with their research from this past fall.
Refereed Journal Articles
De Roeck, K., & Farooq, O. (2017). "Corporate social responsibility and ethical leadership: Investigating their interactive effect on employees' socially responsible behaviors." Forthcoming in Journal of Business Ethics.
Boyd, B.K., Gove, S. & Solarino, (2017). 'A methodological rigor of corporate governance studies: A review and recommendations for future studies." Forthcoming in Corporate Governance: An International Review.
Hughes, S. B. (2017) "Student-authored IFRS teaching cases based on European Securities and Markets Authority reports: Experiences from case writing and subsequent classroom use." Forthcoming in Journal of Accounting Education.
Hughes, S. B., R. K. Larson, J. Sander and G. Xiques. (2017). "Difficulties Converging US GAAP and IFRS through Joint Projects: The Case of Business Combinations." Forthcoming in Advances in Accounting.
Kidwell, L. & Lowensohn, S. "Stakeholder Participation in the Government Accounting Standard-setting Process." Forthcoming in Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management.
Fogarty, T. J. & Lowensohn, S. (2017). "Are We What We Test? A Critical Examination of the CPA Examination," Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations, Volume 21: 27-56.
Assistant Professor Ante Glavas and Professor David A. Jones (with C. Willness) published a co-edited e-book, titled "Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Psychology: Quid pro Quo," comprising 13 articles that comprised a special issue the co-edited in Frontiers in Psychology, Organizational Psychology.
Boyd, B.K., Adams, R. & Gove, S. (2017). Research methodology of governance studies: Challenges and opportunities. Editorial introduction to special issue of Corporate Governance: An International Review.
Associate Professor Steve Gove began a three year term as Associate Editor of the journal Organizational Research Methods.
Professor David A. Jones started a third term on the editorial board of the Journal of Management.
Professor David A. Jones accepted an invitation to join the editorial board of Journal of Managerial Psychology.
Cohen, A.R. & Sharma, P. (2017). "A Key Trend in India & Asia: Professionalization of the Family Business." Asian Institute of Family Managed Business. Global Family Business Bulletin 2: A Lifelong Learning Initiative.
Sharma, P., Debicki, B.J., Dawson, A., & Kellermanns, F.W. (2017). Behavioral Issues in Family Enterprises. International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development. 16(1/2): 1-12.
Sharma, P., Shepherd, D., & Bagby, R. (2017). Preconceptions, Lessons Learned, Other Changes: Three Editors' Journeys. Family Business Review. 30(4).
Chrisman, J.J., Sharma, P. & Chua, J.H. (2017). The Mindset of Editors and Reviewers. Family Business Review, 30(3): 211-218.
Daspit, J.J., Chrisman, J.J., Sharma, P., Pearson, A.W., & Long, R.G. (2017). A Strategic Management Perspective of the Family Firm: Past Trends, New Insights, and Future Directions. Journal of Managerial Issues. 29(1): 6-29. Special Issue: Strategic Issues in the Family Firm.
Book Chapters
Odom, D., Chang, E.C., Chrisman, J.C., Sharma, P. & Steier, L. (2017). Family Business Research (2006-2013): Most Influential Theories & Articles. In Family Firm Heterogeneity. Eds. Esra Memili and Clay Dibrell. Palgrave Macmillan publishers.
Sharma, P. and Sharma, S. Forthcoming (2017). "The Role of Family Firms in Corporate Sustainability." In Sturdy. A, Heusinkveld, S., Reay, T. and Strang, D. (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Management Ideas. Oxford (UK): Oxford University Press.
Conference Keynotes, Presentations, Proceedings
Assistant Professor Kenneth De Roeck was invited to participate in a workshop on "CSR and social media" and to make a presentation in a plenary session entitled "Working abroad and understanding different academic environments" at the 2017 Business and Society Research Seminar in Lille, France (June 7 and 8, 2017).
Assistant Professor Kenneth De Roeck (with Prof. Francois Maon and Vale虂rie Swaen) presented a paper entitled "Making sense of CSR: Towards a multipartite interactional conceptualization" at the 2017 Society for Business Ethics Annual Conference in Atlanta, GA, USA (August 4, 2017).
Assistant Professor Kenneth De Roeck and Professor David A. Jones served as panelists at a Professional Development Workshop titled, "Playing in the major leagues: Strategies for non-US scholars to succeed in the US jobs market" presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Atlanta, GA (August 5, 2017).
Professor Rocki-Lee DeWitt presented a paper entitled "Land-Based Industries and Clusters: Capital Optionality and Diversification" at the 2017 Industry Studies Association Conference, May 26, 2017 in Washington, DC.
Associate Professor Susan B. Hughes presented "Student-authored IFRS teaching cases based on European Securities and Markets Authority reports: Experiences from case writing and subsequent classroom use" at the 2017 European Accounting Association annual congress in Valencia Spain, (May 10 - 12, 2017).
Associate Professor Susan B. Hughes presented "Student-authored IFRS teaching cases based on European Securities and Markets Authority reports: Experiences from case writing and subsequent classroom use" at the American Accounting Association Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA (August 7 - 9, 2017).
Professor David A. Jones and Assistant Professor Ante Glavas (with C. Willness) presented "How micro-level insights can explain variability in meso- and macro-level CSR effects" at the Corporate Responsibility Research Conference in Seville, Spain (September 14, 2017).
Assistant Professor Suzanne Lowensohn (with Linda Kidwell) presented "GPFS User Participation in the Process of Setting Public Sector Standards: An International Comparison," at the Comparative International Governmental Accounting Research Conference in Porto, Portugal on June 8, 2017.
Assistant Professor Suzanne Lowensohn (with Laurence Johnson and Ellen Landgraf) presented "Factors Associated with Local Governments' Annual OPEB Contributions," at the American Accounting Association Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA. on August 9, 2017.
Assistant Professor Akshay Mutha presented joint work with V. D. R. Guide S. Bansal "Buying and selling of semi-finished inventories" in the Retail Management track, at the 2017 national INFORMS (The Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences) conference in Houston, TX. October 24, 2017.
Professor Pramodita Sharma was keynote speaker presenting "Creating an Engaging Career in Family Business Research: Creativity and Family Business," EIASM 13th Workshop of Family Firm Management Research, Bilbao, Spain. May 25-27, 2017.
Professor Pramodita Sharma was keynote speaker at 3rd International Summit of Family Enterprises, Organized by the Ecuadorian-German Chamber of Commerce, Quito and Guayaquil, Ecuador. May 9, Swissotel, Quito. May 11, Bankers Club, Guayaquil
Professor Pramodita Sharma along with Blomen-Bekx, W.M.J.M., van Gils, A., & Lambrechts, F., presented "Nurturing offspring's affective commitment through informal governance," at the 3rd International Family Business Research Forum held at WU - Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria, 20-23rd September 2017.
Professor Pramodita Sharma along with Garcia, P.R.J.M., De Massis, A., Scholes, L. presented "Behavioral Issues in Family Firm Continuity and Success: Examining the Family-Business Interface," at the Symposium sponsored by ENT and OB Divisions of the 77th Annual Academy of Management, Atlanta. August 4-8, 2017.
Professor Pramodita Sharma presented "Longevity and Resilience at the Interface of Family, Business and the Environment" at the Symposium sponsored by ENT, MC and ODC Divisions of the 77th Annual Academy of Management, Atlanta. August 4-8, 2017.
Professor Sanjay Sharma was a Panelist, at the Plenary on "A Discussion about Social Entrepreneurship with Distinguished Scholars in the Field," PNP Division Plenary, Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, August 2017
Professor Sanjay Sharma was a Panelist and Mentor, Joint ONE-SIM Junior Faculty Consortium, Annual Meetings of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, August 2017
Professor Sanjay Sharma was a Panelist and Mentor, Doctoral and Junior Faculty Consortium, Annual Meetings of the International Association of Business and Society, Amsterdam, June-July 2017.
Professor Sanjay Sharma delivered the keynote address "Building a Radical Model for Sustainable Business Education," at the International Academy of Management Annual Conference, Santiago, Chile, March 28, 2017.
Media Coverage
Professor Allison Kingsley had her research discussed in a Washington Post Op-Ed entitled "How does jailing the statisticians fix Greece's financial crisis? It doesn't." March 13, 2017.
Professor Allison Kingsley co-authored and discussed her research in a Washington Post Op-Ed entitled "Governments aren't seizing businesses these days. They're just siphoning off funds through transfer restrictions." October 18, 2017.
Professor Rocki-Lee DeWitt was awarded the 2017 Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Award in the Professor category.
Assistant Professor Suzanne Lowensohn was appointed to the Vermont State Ethics Commission. She is the Vermont Society of Certified Public Accountants' representative on the Commission, which was established by Vermont State Act 79 in June 2017.
Professor Pramodita Sharma along with Blomen-Bekx, W.M.J.M., van Gils, A., & Lambrechts, F., were awarded Most Inspirational Paper Award, 2nd Place for "Nurturing offspring's affective commitment through informal governance," at the 3rd International Family Business Research Forum held at WU - Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria, 20-23rd September 2017.