Whether our faculty are being recognized for their research, publishing in top-tier journals, quoted in the media, presenting at global conferences, or delivering keynotes, their knowledge adds unique value to our students in the classroom.

Explore our faculty's impact below with their research from this past fall.

Refereed Journal Articles

De Roeck, K., El Akremi, A., & Swaen, V. (2016). "Consistency matters! How and when does corporate social responsibility affect employees' organizational identification?" Journal of Management Studies, 53(7), 1141- 1168 .

Shunko, M., Do, H., and Tsay, A. (2016). "Tax Benefits of Decentralization for Multi-National Corporations." Production and Operations
Management (forthcoming).

Do, H., Tomas, M. (2016). "A Heuristic Algorithm for the Heath Jarrow Morton Model." Journal of Fixed Income/Institutional Investor, 26(1).

Amarnani, R., Garcia, P.R.J.M., Restubog, S.L.D., Bordia, P., & Bordia, S (Accepted: October 2016). "Do you think I'm worth it? The self-verifying role of parental engagement in career adaptability and career persistence among STEM students." Journal of Career Assessment.

Kingsley, A. & Graham, B. (2016). "The Effects of Information Voids on Capital Flows in Emerging Markets." Journal of International Business Studies. Special Volume on Institutional Voids.

Johnson, M., Monsen, E.W., & MacKenzie, N.G. (2016). "Follow the Leader or the Pack? Regulatory Focus and Academic Entrepreneurial Intentions." Journal of Product Innovation Management. Online 10/17/2016. DOI: 10.1111/jpim.12355

Prevost, A.K., Wongchoti, U. & Marshall, B. (2016). "Does Institutional Shareholder Activism Stimulate Corporate Information Flow?" Journal of Banking and Finance 70, pp. 105-117.

Vanden Bergh, R. (2016). "Introduction to Strategy Beyond Markets." Advances in Strategic Management.

Vanden Bergh, R. "Corporate political strategy in contested regulatory environments: Evidence from the electric utility sector." Strategy Science (forthcoming).

Venugopal, S. , Viswanathan, M. (Accepted for publication). "Poverty and the Subsistence Marketplaces Approach: Implications for Marketing Theory." Marketing Theory.


Sharma, P. (2016). The Job of a Journal Editor. Family Business Review, 29(3): 247-255.


Associate Professor David Novak is the primary investigator on a $25,000 grant from the State of Vermont Research and Development Section, Vermont Agency of Transportation (VAOT) titled "Development of Pay Factors for QAQC Concrete Compressive Strength", which was awarded in August, 2016.

Professor Sanjay Sharma is a collaborator on a $2.5m research grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada titled "Partnering to Innovate for Sustainable Development."

Conference Keynotes, Presentations, Proceedings

Assistant Professor Hung Do presented "On the pooling of queues: How server behavior affects performance" at Young Scholars Workshop, 11th Annual Behavioral Operations Conference in July 2016. Co-Authors: Shunko, M., Lucas, M.T., Novak, D.

Assistant Professor Hung Do presented "Tax Benefits of Decentralization for Multi-National Corporations " at POMS (Production and Operations Management Society) 27th Annual Conference in May 2016. Co-Authors: Shunko, M., Tsay, A.

Assistant Professor Patrick Raymund James M. Garcia presented "Ingratiation as an adapting strategy: Its relationship with career adaptability, career sponsorship, and promotability" at the International Congress of Psychology, Yokohama, Japan, August 2016. Co-authors are Sibunruang, H. and Tolentino, L.R.

Assistant Professor Patrick Raymund James M. Garcia presented "The moderating role of generativity in the relationship between psychological contract breach and insomnia" at the International Symposium on Social Identity and Employee Engagement, Sydney, Australia, November 2016. Co- authors are Bordia P., Restubog, S.L.D., & Caines, V.

Professor Stuart Hart delivered the keynote address "The Inclusive Economy: How to Make it Happen Through Inclusive and Sustainable Entrepreneurship" at BoP World Convention in Singapore, September 2016.

Professor David A. Jones delivered a keynote address, "Corporate social responsibility (CSR) in South Asia: Leveraging socioeconomic and cultural contexts to advance theory and research on employee responses to CSR" at the SAMR International Conference on Business and Management Perspectives in the Asian Context: Challenges and Prospects in Lahore, Pakistan on October 21, 2016.

Professor David A. Jones delivered a workshop, "An Editor's perspectives of publishing in business and management journals," and chaired two research symposia sessions, at the SAMR International Conference on Business and Management Perspectives in the Asian Context: Challenges and Prospects in Lahore, Pakistan on October 20-22, 20 16.

Professor David A. Jones co-delivered a Professional Development Workshop, "An invitation to break down silos: What macro and micro CSR scholars can learn from each other" at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Anaheim, CA on August 6, 2016. Co- presenters: Glavas, A., and Willness, C. R.

Professor David A. Jones co-delivered a Professional Development Workshop, "OB Research Incubator" at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management in Anaheim, CA on August 6, 2016.

Professor David A. Jones presented a co-authored paper, "Environmental sustainability practices and human resource management: A theoretical model of pre- and post-hire mechanisms" at the annual meeting of the European Group for Organizational Studies in Naples, Italy on July 8, 2016. Co-author: Willness, C. R.

Assistant Professor Suzanne Lowensohn co-authored a paper "Rethinking Our CPA Exam" presented at the 2016 American Accounting Association (AAA) Annual Meeting in New York City on August 8, 2016. Co- Author: T. Fogarty.

Assistant Professor Suzanne Lowensohn co-authored a paper "Observable Correlates of Local Government OPEB Actuarial Liabilities and Plan Contributions" presented at the 2016 American Accounting Association (AAA) Midwest Regional Meeting in Chicago on October 21, 2016. Co- Authors: E. Landgraf and L. Johnson.

Associate Professor Marilyn Lucas co-presented a paper "On the Pooling of Queues: How Server Behavior Affects Performance" at the POMS Annual Meeting in Orlando FL on May 8, 2016. Co-authors: H. Do, M. Shunko and D. Novak.

Associate Professor Erik Monsen co-authored a paper "The Combination Effects of Professionalization and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Employee Engagement in Family and Non-family Firm" presented at the 2016 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference in Bod酶 Norway, June 2016. Co-Authors: Suhartanto, E.

Associate Professor Erik Monsen co-authored a paper "An International Validation of the Corporate Entrepreneurial Assessment Instrument (CEAI)" presented at the 2016 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference in Bod酶 Norway, June 2016. Co-Authors: Biniari, M., and Levie, J.

Associate Professor Erik Monsen co-authored a paper "Comparing the Entrepreneurial Management and Corporate Entrepreneurship Assessment Instruments" presented at the 2016 Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Anaheim CA in August 2016. Co-Authors: Levie, J., and Biniari, M.

Associate Professor Erik Monsen was invited to serve as a panelist and to discuss "How to Find the Right Fit: Career Differences across the Globe" at the Entrepreneurship Division Doctoral Consortium at the 2016 Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Anaheim CA, August 2016. Co-Panelist: Justo, R.. Organizers: Detienne, D., and McKelvie, A.

Associate Professor Erik Monsen co-facilitated a professional development workshop on "New Construction and Revival: The Basics of Building an Entrepreneurship Center and Curriculum" at the 2016 Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers (GCEC) Conference in Rochester NY, September 2016. Co-Facilitators: Bowers, M., Neeley, K., Pyle, E., Teague, B., and Zorychta, A.

Professor Richard G. Vanden Bergh presented a paper "Firm Political Strategy" at the Institutional and Organizational Economics Academy, May 2016, Corsica, France.

Professor Richard G. Vanden Bergh presented a paper "Firm Political Strategy" May 2016 at Dauphine University, Paris, France.

Professor Richard G. Vanden Bergh presented a paper "Regulatory risk: the role of heterogeneous stakeholder competition" at the Society for Institutional and Organizational Economics, June 2016, Paris, France.

Assistant Professor Srinivas Venugopal presented "Breaking Through Institutional Barriers: Consumption Crisis as a Driver of Negotiated Agency among Female Subsistence Entrepreneurs." at the 6th Subsistence Marketplaces Conference, Champaign, IL, June 2016.


Professor Sanjay Sharma received the Distinguished Scholar Lifetime Achievement Award from the Organizations and the Natural Environment Division of the Academy of Management at their Annual Meetings in San Diego on August 8th 2016.

Assistant Professor Srinivas Venugopal was awarded the AMA Entrepreneurial Marketing SIG/Kauffman Doctoral Dissertation Award ($3000) for outstanding dissertation research at the marketing- entrepreneurship interface, August 2016.

Media Articles/Quotes

Professor David A. Jones published a study that was featured in an article, "New Research Shows There is a Right and Wrong Way for Companies to Manage Corporate Volunteering Programs" published by huffingtonpost.com on July 7, 2016.

Associate Professor Erik Monsen was featured in an article "Study Shows Importance of Universities in Producing New Businesses" that was published in 日韩无码 Inquiry 2016 - Research, Scholarship and the Arts at 日韩无码.

Other Distinctions

Associate Professor Erik Monsen was a recipient of a "Best Reviewer Award" from Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management (AOM) at the 2016 Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Anaheim CA, August 2016.

Professor Richard G. Vanden Bergh was the co-editor of a special issue of Advances in Strategic Management entitled Strategy Beyond Markets
(20 16).

Associate Professor Chun Zhang co-authored a paper "Contract learning to recover supplier performance after disruptions" that won the "Overall Conference Best Paper Award" in the 25th Annual Conference of Consortium for International Marketing Research, June 17th, 2016. Co-author: Angela Xuan Bai.