Tutoring Tips and Policies

Explore tips for maximizing tutoring services and review the Student Use and Behavioral Policies students are expected to adhere to when utilizing academic support services offered through our office.

Tips for Utilizing Tutoring Services Effectively

Attend Early & Often

Make the most of our services by attending regularly throughout the semester.

Be Responsible & Respectful

Arrive on time for your sessions and be mindful of your tutor's time. Show respect, patience, and consideration, and always use courteous language during your interactions.

Come Prepared

Bring all relevant materials, including practice problems, and make sure to attempt the material before your tutoring session. This helps your tutor provide more effective support.

Actively Participate

Engage fully during sessions by preparing a list of questions or topics to discuss. Ask clarifying questions and take time to consider your tutor’s suggestions before moving forward.

Stay Open-Minded

Be receptive to learning new methods. While tutors will try to understand your approach, they may introduce strategies from their own learning experiences.

Be Mindful

Tutors are not subject experts. For in-depth instruction, it’s best to consult your professors or teaching assistants.

Tutoring Center Policies

Appointment Scheduling

The Tutoring Center uses the Navigate platform to schedule appointments. For the most efficient and seamless booking experience, we recommend using the app or web-based version of the platform. Students may also contact the Tutoring Center via email at tutoring@uvm.edu or by phone at (802) 656-4075 to schedule a tutoring appointment.

Students can schedule appointments as early as 18 hours in advance and up to 14 days ahead.

Students are eligible for one individual tutoring session per class each week. Booking more than one individual session for the same class within a seven-day period may lead to the cancellation of any additional appointments.

For those seeking extra academic support, group tutoring and supplemental instruction sessions are available with no limits on the number of visits, providing a flexible option for ongoing assistance.

Appropriate Use of Services

Tutoring Center academic support services are meant to complement classroom instruction, not replace it. Students should not expect peer educators to re-teach entire lessons but can seek clarification, guidance, and study strategies.

Compliance with University Policies

Students must adhere to ÈÕº«ÎÞÂë’s Code of Student Conduct and Academic Integrity policies during sessions. Requests for personal favors or asking peer educators to complete graded work in violation of academic integrity policies are prohibited. Any instances of dishonesty will be reported, including cheating, plagiarism, or misleading a peer educator into working on a graded assignment.

Respect for Peer Educators and Peers

Students are required to treat all peer educators, staff, and fellow students with respect and professionalism. Unprofessional behavior will not be tolerated. This includes using profanity, engaging in harassment, compromising the physical safety of peer educators and peers, or attending sessions while under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances.

Respect for Tutoring Spaces

The Tutoring Center is a shared learning environment. Students should maintain appropriate noise levels and avoid distractions, such as excessive cell phone use or side conversations. Respect for shared resources, including cleaning up after yourself, is expected.

Disruptive Conduct Policy

Disruptive behavior during sessions, including tutoring appointments and/or supplemental instruction sessions is defined as any action that substantially interferes with the peer educator’s ability to provide support during a session and/or interfering with other students’ ability to benefit from sessions.

Examples of disruptive behaviors include, but are not limited to:

  1. Talking out of turn – Frequently interrupting the peer educator or another student while they are talking, or engaging in side conversations.
  2. Using cell phones or electronic devices inappropriately – Texting, browsing social media, or answering phone calls during a session.
  3. Being confrontational or argumentative – Engaging in hostile or aggressive behavior towards peer educators or other students in the learning environment such that physical safety may be compromised or is threatened to be compromised.
  4. Making inappropriate remarks – Using profanity, making disrespectful or derogatory comments that constitute harassment towards the peer educator or other students.
  5. Being under the influence – Showing up for sessions while under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances.
  6. Refusing to engage – Consistently refusing to acknowledge staff and peer educators or engage meaningfully in the learning process, which can disrupt the collaborative learning environment.
  7. Monopolizing discussions – Dominating conversations or constantly speaking over others without giving peer educators or other learners the opportunity to participate.
  8. Defacing property – Writing on desks, walls, or classroom materials, or damaging equipment inside the Tutoring Center or anywhere else where academic support services by the Tutoring Center are offered.
  9. Refusing to follow established rules – Disregarding established guidelines, norms and policies set by staff and/or peer educators, such as sign in processes and tutoring protocols.

Cancellation Policy

Students must cancel appointments at least 24 hours in advance. Misuse of the scheduling system, including three (3) no-shows or cancellations (with less than 24 hours' notice) within a 45-day period will result in automatic scheduling restrictions on the Navigate platform. To release an appointment booking restriction, students are required to contact, schedule, and attend a meeting with the Tutoring Center Director.  To initiate this process students should send their communication via email at tutoring@uvm.edu

Consequences for Policy Violations

Students who are alleged to have engaged in conduct that violates any aspect of this policy will be referred to the Director of the Tutoring Center and may also be asked to leave a current session or the tutoring area by student and professional staff, or have staff end a session early. The Director will review the alleged behavior and provide an opportunity for the students to share their perspective. The student may not return to the Tutoring Center until this review has concluded. Ultimately, the Director may impose disciplinary actions, including creation of behavioral contracts, imposition of temporary or permanent access restrictions to academic services offered by the Tutoring Center, as well as referral to the Center for Student Conduct where a university policy is alleged to have been violated.